Catching Feelings (Mark Cuban hatin' on Dwight Howard)

"Man he went out with me and everything and then he never called!"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the late 18th century German writer, once said, “Hatred is active, and envy passive dislike; there is but one step from envy to hate.” Winston Churchill jumped out of the whip and broke it down like this, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” Then my homie, Buddha, told a boy to hold his cigar so he could spit this, “Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.”

Well ole dull Mark Cuban is out here equally sharing his misery and showing boyz that he has absolutely no peace of mind about not signing Dwight “Buster Brown” Howard. Less than 24 hours before his Mavs take on the Rockets this dun is hatin’!

He goes on record to say, “Obviously, he made a mistake in judgment. Do I blame him? No, that’s what young kids do. They make mistakes in judgment.” What? You can smell the hate in his breath bruh!

Now y’all know how I feel about the way Buster Brown handled the situation in Orlando being wishy washy and then ultimately signing with LA last year which made no sense because he and Kobe’s personalities were oil and water. However, it made all of the sense in the world to sign with Houston but even if it didn’t the owner of the team that missed out can’t criticize him for not signing with him.

Well… he can, but he only sounds like a jealous broad doing it! Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Cuban was chasing that dun like the other 4 teams that were in love with him. He went out on a date with them, listened to their spiel, ate their food and even kissed them good night.

Now Cuban is like the chick at work the several months later mad because a boy didn’t call her back and all they did was have dinner with her. He didn’t promise her a thing. It was a cool dinner and drinks but he eventually hooked up with another chick that can win with. That’s his prerogative. Houston made sense to everybody watching but the dun down in Dallas that caught feelings!
He goes on to say, "You choose teams. You don't choose players. If he made a choice off of an individual player, yeah, he made a mistake. You choose teams. You choose organizations. You choose coaches. And it's just not relative to Houston. That's just the way I look at it, because if he's that good, then the right organization…”

The key phrase in all of that foolishness was “That’s just the way I look at it.” The word “I” shows ownership of the said opinion. It is a freakin’ pronoun bruh! More specifically, it is the first-person singular subject pronoun. That means that when you use it you’re talking about YOU only! And when you use it you’re letting the world know that you’re a hater that caught feelings that a boy didn’t sign with you.

He's sounds like the stalker chick the morning after, "You said we was gone be together! I told all my friends that we were a couple now you got me out here lookin' crazy! And she ain't cute!"

Mark you're absolutely right about the organization is what the players should look at etc. However, players should look at the team etc. but you gotta have something in place for a boy to look at besides a 35 year old Dirk.

If only looking at the franchise were the case every free agent in the league would be running to LA right now to play for the Lakers. Great history, great place to play but boyz aren’t going anywhere near LA because the of the 35 year old monster known as the “Black Mamba” that still thinks that he’s the man and ain’t surrendering his power in the locker room.

Granted Jim Buss is killing the Lakers franchise because he doesn’t understand that dynamic either. A young superstar wants to be the man playing with other stars. As long as Kobe thinks he’s 25 and rising boyz ain’t going to Hollywood.

On some real talk, Dirk is 35 and there were no other pieces for Buster Brown to play with in Dallas bruh! Why would he go there? Because Mark Cuban says that he should? Wheredeydodatat?

I hope James Harden and ole Buster light the Mavs up for that foolishness that came out of Cuban’s mouth. Catching feelings is never good and definitely not for a grown man bruh! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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