How Tony Parker doesn't get his props and LeBron and Kyrie drive me crazy! "Rack"

"Oh, I'm gettin' to the rack! Believe that!!!"
William Shakepeare once said, "My crown is called content, a crown that seldom kings enjoy." Helen Keller gave it to us like this, "Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." Then Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese poet, broke it down like a G at a pimp convention when he spit, "When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you." 

Well playas...not if you're shootin' hoop in San Antonio against a Greg Popovich lead team!!! All you'll get is beat! On Thursday night LeBron and Co. ran down to Texas and for whatever reason got content with shootin' jumpers and took the "L" 99-95. They jumped all over the Spurs in the first half but the aggressiveness of Tony Parker proved to be too much for a boy in the end. Why? Because he wasn't settlin' for jumpers. That dun went to the rack whenever he wanted to scorin' a game high 24 points to lead the Spurs to their 32nd straight home win datin' back to last March bruh. 

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Duns like Kyrie and LeBron drive me NUTS settlin' for jumpers! Tony Parker knows exactly what to do with the rock to get buckets. He's not tryin' to prove a darn thing to a boy but how to put the joint in the basket. It's like LeBron always has to try to prove to cats that he can shoot! Who cares bruh! Just score! This dun can get to the rim ANY TIME he wants and will pull up in a minute!! Yeah, he finished with 22 points but he could have finished with 40! That's my problem with this dun right now. 

He’s the most talented basketball player that I’ve ever seen. He’s 6’8” 250lbs. and at his heaviest he’s been 270lbs. Let me put it in perspective for you playa. He's 2 inches taller than Jordan and 50lbs to 60lbs. bigger and just as athletic. He can play all five positions if need be and has the basketball IQ of a genius. Jordan could only play the 1 and the 2! HOWEVER, LeBron has one flaw! He’s too much of a team guy and he’s too freakin’ nice. He grew up in the hood playa, but he AIN'T hood. He's missin' that fire that boyz from the ghetto have. It's just not there bruh!

What does all of that mean? It means that when it’s time to be selfish and take over a freakin’ game he won’t. Sure, is LeBron always lookin’ to make the right basketball play? Yes! Does it drive a boy crazy when you just wanna see him take over? You darn right it does!! And that’s the edited version.

I get it bruh, he’s lookin’ to always do what the team needs for him to do and we’re so used to duns like Jordan or Kobe just takin’ over at the drop of a hat that when LeBron doesn’t we start pullin’ our teeth out and puttin’ them back in upside down.

Listen playa, the right basketball play is to take a boy to the rack when he's vulnerable and dunk on him. PERIOD!! I could care less who wins an NBA game bruh. I just wanna see boyz leave it all on the floor when it's over. If San Antonio had simply won the game because they completely out played the Cavs. I would be cool with that and on to something else.  But when I see boyz leavin' points on the floor because they weren't aggressive enough it drives me nuts! 

Kyrie should be at the free throw line all night long bruh, EVERY NIGHT! He shot 2 freakin' free throws against the Spurs! TWO!!! Why? Because he's settlin' for stupid jumpers!! He finished with 16 points because he shot 6-17 from the field. If the joint isn't fallin' go to the rack!! No way should he have less than 10 free throw attempts EVERY night! NO WAY!!

Yeah and I get that LeBron isn't a 2 guard or even a point bruh! But he's got the talent to take over a game and go to the rack whenever he wants to. In his case, his position is irrelevant because he can do it all. But the problem is, he won't!! 

Tony Parker is doin' work and boyz wanna act like they can't see it. Blows my mind!! They've got ole boy listed as the 9th best point guard in the league! Yeah, I know that he's always banged up but give me Tony Parker ahead of No.3 Chris Paul any day! And for that matter, all of the rest of the duns listed ahead of him because he know how to win!! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!  

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