Shenanigans (Why Ray Rice must have Roger Rabbit and the Funkedelics representin' him)

"Oh yeah playa! I'm appealin', but to what?  I have no idea!"
Neslon A. Miles, a U.S. General that served in the Civil War, once said, “It is unfair to suppose that one party has invariably acted rightly, and that the other is responsible for every wrong that has been committed.” Stephen Dunn, the famous American poet, broke it down like this, “Although I know it’s unfair I reveal myself one mask at a time.” Then Oscar Wilde brought the noise with, “I can stand brute force, but brute reasoning is quite unbearable. There is something unfair about its use. It is hitting below the intellect.”

Ole dull Ray Rice is standin’ out in the weeds usin' brute reasonin' hollerin’ that the NFL was unfair in its treatment of his situation because they punished him based on an edited tape. So now this cat is about to base his entire appeal of the suspension on the fact that the tape was much longer than what TMZ released. Whatttt?

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I’m all for a boy appealin’ the suspension, because I do believe that the NFL was foul in the way that they handled it but not because the freakin’ tape was edited.

He sounds like a complete fool hollerin’, “Hey dawg! Man that ain’t even the whole fight! It was more to it than that bruh!” Whattt? More to it? So did you give her an extra-large value meal of the two piece that we saw on the tape or did you put her in a full nelson, body slam her and then make her say uncle before you got on the elevator? This dude is nuts!

Who’s representin’ this cat, Roger Rabbit and the Funkedelics? O.J. had the dream team with ole Johnny Cohran, Robert Shapiro, F. Lee Bailey, Alan Dershowitz and Robert Kardashian. So we can understand how he walked bruh. But this dun is about to walk in with Roger Rabbit, Mickey Mouse, George Clinton and Bootsy Collins! The tape was edited bruh? C’mon dude! Even if it was he still knocked her out and he threw the punches in the elevator.

Now the NFL was foul because they mishandled the joint from the beginnin’ and now they’re showin’ out. Whether you agree or disagree with what Ray Rice did he’s still entitled to a fair and reasonable process.

When boyz saw the tape in February of him draggin’ his girl now wife out of the elevator nobody did a thing, not the NFL, the fans, the women’s groups or George Clinton and Star Child. Everybody sat in the cut. Ray told boyz what he had done when he sat down with the league and the Ravens before they handed down the lousy two game suspension. Now I completely agree that the two games weren’t enough but that’s what he was given. You can't go back and give him more time once you've handed down the punishment. 

Again' it's like a boy confessin' to the murder and then bein' sentenced to 25 years. Then the tape surfaces but it shows exactly what he said he did in the first place. Then they haul a boy back into court and give him life. That's foul and is called double jeopardy!!! 

After knowin’ that they screwed up the league implemented a domestic violence policy that stated that the first offense would be a minimum of six games and the second would be a lifetime ban. Then the second tape comes out and the Ravens cut this dun and the league suspends him indefinitely. 

Hold on a second dawg! You just punished him with a two game suspension that accordin’ to the most recent Outside the Lines piece says that the Ravens begged Goodell not to give Rice more than two games on the suspension.

Now the Ravens’ owner, Steve Bisciotti, has the right to fire a boy at will because it’s his team. But if he was gonna fire him then why did he and his camp beg the league to only give Rice a two game suspension in the first place? Because they rolled the dice hopin' that it would go away and it bit them in the butt. And that's the edited version. 

The release of the second tape shouldn’t have changed a thing because there wasn’t anything new on the tape that they didn't already know. Ray Rice didn’t lie to them and tell them that he didn’t hit her. He was straight up with the Ravens and Goodell about the incident. So what all of this amounts to is grand standin’.

Now for Ray Ray the Puncher to jump out of the weeds and say that he’s appealin’ on the grounds of the tape bein’ edited is ridiculous. Just sue on the grounds of boyz givin’ him double jeopardy on the punishment and try to recoup some of his bread list as a result of bein' cut. Let’s face it pimpin’ he’s not gettin’ back on the field anytime soon playa. Not in a Ravens uniform anyway. Now do I believe he’ll play again? Well that depends on the need for a darn near 30 year old running back! It won't be because he hit his girl let's say two years from now. Because somebody else is gonna do something even more crazy and all of the cats that are grand standin’ right now will find something else to grand stand about.

If Ray Lewis, who was involved in a double murder, found his way back onto the field. Surely, Ray Ray the Puncher will play "if" there is a need for that dun's services. But I doubt very seriously anybody is gonna NEED a 30 year old running back in a few years. I doubt if anybody will need any running backs in a few years bruh. I’m just sayin’! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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