Heavy Chevy (How Florida State just empowered Jameis Winston to keep actin' a fool )

"Don't worry about it dawg! We got you."

Zig Ziglar once said, “It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” Calvin Coolidge got boyz attention with, “Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of facts within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience and maturity.” Then Jim Rohn, the famous author and motivational speaker, ended the conversation by sayin’, “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.”

Well playboy…Jameis Winston neither suffered the pain of discipline nor the pain of regret or disappointment over the weekend as he sat out of Florida State’s overtime win over then No.22 Clemson in Tallahassee. Sure, ole boy was suspended from playin’ in the game but he was right in the mix the whole time.

On Monday, Jimbo Fisher gets up and tells the media that his suspension “hit home” for his star quarterback. So he’s now reinstated. They even went as far as to tell boyz that it was the equipment manager's faullt that ole boy put his uniform on. Really bruh?

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Florida State made a joke out of this whole situation! They may as well have allowed that dun to play on Saturday night because they taught him in my Bernie Mac voice, “Notin’, Notin’!” They made a mockery out of the university for even pullin’ that stunt.

They originally told him that he was suspended for the first half of the game and then late Friday night they changed it to a full game. However, this cat shows up on Saturday evenin’ with his full uniform on, jock and all, and they don’t even wear jocks anymore! He was on the field with his chin strap buttoned up as tight as Big Momma’s bloomers! And what did Jimbo do? Not a darn thing! And that’s the edited version. All he did was tell that dun to take off his uniform and stand on the sideline with the fellas.

If they really wanted to teach him a lesson and make him regret all of his foolishness, then they would have made him change his clothes and go home. If I were Jimbo I would have sent one of the graduate assistants to the crib with him and he would have watched that joint on TV pimpin’!

Keepin’ him on the sideline didn’t teach him anything bruh. Then Jimbo let him give the half-time speech to top it off. Who’s in charge? Jimbo or Jameis? He may as well have been in the press box callin’ plays and eatin’ dadgumit’s with ole Bobby Bowden. This cat’s runnin’ up and down the sideline the entire game and is the first one on the field when FSU scores the winning touchdown in overtime. If Florida State was tryin’ to make a statement with him they failed miserably because he got a chance to participate in every aspect of the game but playin’ in it.

Bein’ at the crib would have made an impact on him because he wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the comradery of his teammate’s durin’ a come from behind win. However, he did! So what was the freakin’ point of suspendin’ him in the first place playa?

"Let me talk to that dun bruh."
You wanna make an impact on him playboy? I mean really open his eyes? Don’t waste your time goin’ to get Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees or Russell Wilson! Naw playa, none of those cats have screwed up and ruined their opportunities. Go pull duns like Maurice Clarett and Marcus Dupree out of the gutter for him. Let him watch Clarett pull up in a heavy Chevy with the ceiling carpet hangin’ over his head. Let him see Marcus Dupree pull up pushin’ an eighteen wheeler smellin’ like cornbread and Cheetos.

See in order to holler at a boy you gotta go where he is. If he wants to be a fool and thinks that he’s above bein’ mushed in the face by reality then let him see it! Let him smell it! Both Maurice and Marcus were two of the best that ever did it at the collegiate level but they were hard headed and nobody could tell them any different. They had all of the freakin’ answers and now they’ve been humbled by the world that’s ran off and left them and their talents holdin’ the trick bag.

They call it wisdom for a reason playa! Because you don’t get it until you get older. That’s why the duns that have come before you have it all. So it’s to your advantage to listen to cats that have been in this world longer than you have because they can keep you from steppin’ in piles of manure that’s waitin’ around the corner for your ignorant tail. And that’s the edited version!

Florida State taught Jameis that the world will continue to make excuses for his behavior and he’ll end up ridin’ shotgun with ole dull Maurice in that heavy Chevy! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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