Self-Evaluation (Colts 9 Chargers 19)

"C'mon playboy! We gotta sit you on down so my boyz can slow walk this joint!"
Niccolo Machiavelli once said, “No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the German writer and politician, kept it 100 when he said, “A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.” Then Naveen Jain, the famous entrepreneur, shut the building down with, “Success doesn’t necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won’t win a game or battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling.”

Ole boy, Naveen, was spot on with everything he said but he forgot one important thing, catching the freakin’ ball! Especially when you have limited possessions playboy! The Colts dropped 4 balls that would come back to haunt them on Monday Night.

The San Diego Chargers put together an excellent game plan, went out on Monday Night Football and rocked it like the Jackson 5 on American Bandstand with new bell bottoms, a pair of stacks and perfectly cut afros to beat the Colts 19-9. I’m talking about the Jackson 5 that still had the black Michael with a brother's nose and a Gary, Indiana accent! That Mike playa!

The game plan was simple; don’t turn the ball over, hold on to that joint for as long as possible, get points and go to the crib! This young boy with the Lucky name can’t beat us if he doesn’t have the ball. As long as he’s watching the game his talent is ineffective.

The Bolts held on to the rock for 38 minutes of a 60 minute game bruh! They ran 72 plays to the Colts' 48! Who does that? I’ll tell you who, some duns that spent time figuring out exactly who they were. It’s called self-evaluation pimpin'! They knew that they couldn’t trade points or get into to a track meet with this young gun and his ridiculously talented band of wide receivers. So they didn’t! One touchdown and 4 field goals were good enough to get out of the joint with a “W.”

Sometimes cats in real life need to pull a “Chargers” and look in the mirror too! Like the big girl at the club trying to rock the same joint that all of her girlfriends are rockin’! They’re all a size 3 wearing the spandex one piece looking like Halle Barry in Cat Woman and she’s an 18 looking like a Yellow Cab bottled up in New York traffic. Self-evaluation keeps boyz from making fools of themselves and San Diego did a lot of it last week after losing to Oakland and turning the ball over 3 times. That’s why they spent time in the lab figuring out who they were before going out and beating these boyz on Monday Night.

Ima keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Chuck Pagano and staff need to implement a rule starting today that there will be no more popcorn allowed in the Colts locker room. Well... how about they keep the popcorn but keep the receivers away from the bucket because those duns dropped 4 critical balls on Monday that really hurts on Tuesday morning. With limited possessions that killed the boyz in blue.

Whenever you have an opponent sustaining multiple drives of at least 74 yards apiece, using a balanced attack and getting points you can’t afford to drop balls playa! It’s just that simple! Only having the ball for 21 minutes and some change puts a lot of pressure on your offense but more importantly on your defense. Boyz were exhausted bruh and then with limited opportunities to get points you’ve got duns out there eating popcorn? You butter fingers havin’ so and so's!!!!! And that's the edited version!

Tall props to San Diego for being smart enough to know who they were, just simply executing the game plan and winning a joint that nobody gave them a snowballs chance of winning. Now all they’ve got to do now is start teaching a self-evaluation class to duns before they go to the club and the world would be a better place!

Don’t think for one minute that I’m just going to blast the big girls in spandex and not dive all over the clown at the club that doesn’t understand when a woman is way out of his league? This fool is standing out here trying to holla at the baddest chick in the building and he’s got on a whole out-fit from Wal-Mart, some Jordan’s and some cloudy cubic zirconia’s! You ain’t got a chance in the world of even slowing her down to wave playboy not to mention walking out of the place with her! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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