Shambles (Why the NFL's hypocrisy keeps Charlie Strong from doin' his job at Texas!)

"These mothers favorites!" And that's the edited version bruh!
William Hazlitt, the 18th century English writer, once said, “The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.” Charles Spurgeon, the 19th century British Baptist preacher, gave it to us like this, “Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite.” Then Tennessee Williams, the famous playwright, shut the buildin’ down with, “The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite!”

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It blows my mind the amount of duns out here that will holler and scream about how they want these pro athletes to be good examples for our youth etc. All of the women’s groups, the NFL, Nike and the fans jumped off of the deep end about the Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and Greg Hardy foolishness and rightfully so but they don’t really want change. Folks want players to be accountable for their actions and they want the freakin’ NFL to be the police. At least that’s what they say right?

However, there is a cat down at the University of Texas named Charlie Strong that is doin’ exactly what all of these duns are sayin’ that they want done but suddenly he’s on the hot seat one month into his tenure on the job because he is holdin’ boyz accountable for guess what? Their actions! He’s kicked nine players off of the team since the spring.

There were two cats kicked off immediately for sexual assault and ole boy didn’t have to see the tape to show boat like most of these women’s groups, the NFL and the fans did with Ray Ray the Puncher. Nobody got upset until the actual tape of him hittin’ ole girl came out. Not one person tripped when he drug her off of the freakin’ elevator unconscious in February. Hypocrsiy at its best bruh.

Accordin’ to Horns Digest the other players were kicked off because of failed drug tests. So guess what playa, now Charlie is testin’ these duns like the Iowa Basic Skills! For all of you cats that I just lost, the Iowa Basic Skills was the standardized test given in school back in the day instead of the I-Step etc. Stay with me playa every now and then my ability to give a boy 16-bars will come out.

In the first eight months in Austin, Strong has tested players 188 times. However, while the program was under Mack Brown they only averaged 108 tests per year! Accountability is what creates a winnin’ culture playa. This is what the fans say they want right or are boyz just talkin’ a good game?

Charlie Strong is a proven winner and he’s taken over a program that was in shambles when he got there. So it’s not surprisin’ that he’s 1-2 includin’ a 41-7 home beat down at the crib at the hands of BYU. However, in order to improve the culture at UT he’s gotta clean out the gutters and get rid of the reasons why Mack Brown’s teams started to fall apart. There are even rumblings that ole boy is losin’ the locker room and therefore he’s on the hot seat. Whattt?

Last I checked pimpin’, there wasn’t any real football players in that locker room if they’re 1-2 and gettin’ the breaks beat off of them by ole dull BYU! This is Texas football for cryin’ out loud! You aren’t EVER supposed to be in the tussle with the likes of BYU. In the words of Bill Parcells, “You are what your record says you are!”

The crazy thing is, the rich billionaire oil men like Red McComb wants ole boy out because they didn’t want the brother down there in the first place. After all, Charlie was the first brother ever hired by UT to coach any sport bruh! I’m just sayin. Several rich boosters have gone on record as sayin’ such so it’s no surprise that he’s feelin’ the heat already.

How in the world are we goin’ to hold our pro athletes accountable if you don’t want the duns coachin’ them in college to regardless of their race? Charlie preaches what he calls his five core values and has put them up all over the football building. They are: Honesty, Treat Women with Respect, No Drugs, No Stealing and No Guns. Pretty simple uh? Hey aren’t those the problems that the NFL is tryin’ to keep in check at this point? Ole Roger Goodell could take the honesty joint and put it in his pocket right now.

So it’s complete hypocrisy that everybody is screamin’ at the NFL for the players to act like they’ve got some sense when the dun that’s actually sendin’ boyz to the league is under fire for tryin’ to correct the problems before they get there. Hypocrisy at its finest bruh. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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1 comment:

  1. yes sir regarding charlie strong u r right "complete hypocrisy" and since mccomb didn't want him there in the first place any excuse will do to put him on the hot seat


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