The Great Gazoo (Why neither Jim Irsay nor the cop that arrested him were thinking)

"Dang bruh, I wish that cop would have been smarter than I was."
As I was walking into Bankers Life Fieldhouse the ticket scalpers got into a fight right in the middle of Pennsylvania Street over the concept of Stupidity. Robert A. Heinlein, the famous science fiction writer, said, “Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.” Martin Luther king Jr. threw his tickets at a boy and said, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Then Albert Einstein picked those joints up and started selling them with, “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.”

I’d be stupid to try to waste your time explaining in detail how the Pacers beat some duns that have lost 21 straight. So I won’t playboy. I’ll just tell you that they beat the 76ers like everybody else has by a final of 99-90. Lance the Don Dada led all scorers with 25 and ole dull Roy Hibbert barely got out of the ride again last night. This cat had 8 points, 5 freakin’ rebounds and 1 measly block at 7’2” 290 lbs. and got his joint batted on several occasions during the game. I’m just sayin’!

Let’s talk about what boyz really want me to break down playa. That dun Jim Irsay, the owner of the Indianapolis Colts! Now everybody and their momma is talking about him gettin’ arrested up in Carmel on Sunday night for DUI, having controlled substances and facing four felony charges etc. However, nobody is talking about the stupidity sittin’ on his shoulder like The Great Gazoo.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I’ve listened to every talking head give their opinion on this story and not one cat has kept it real and asked the obvious question. I’m not trippin’ on the fact that he was drunk or on drugs bruh because everybody and Big Momma’s house cat knows that he’s got a problem. That’s not the problem here playa.

The problem is, why is a cat with a “B” in front of his name for Billionaire driving his own vehicle playboy? That’s the real crime here. How stupid can you be? If he’s gonna destroy his life that’s on him. If he’s cool with being 54 and looking like he went to school with JoePa that’s on him bruh. Just don’t put other folks in danger!

What’s really blowin’ my mind is all of the people around this piece talking about how sorry they feel for this dun. If that were one of his players they’d be killin’ ‘em right now. “These freakin’ pro athletes are so ignorant! They make all of this money and don’t know how to act.” And God forbid that it was young black player they’d be calling him a thug and everything else under the sun this morning and saying that he should be kicked off of the team etc.

But since it’s the freakin’ guy that actually owns the team, they’ve got empathy for him. Now don’t get it twisted playboy, we should have empathy for anybody that has a problem with addiction. Why? Because addiction isn’t a respecter of persons. That animal will jump on anybody’s back and ride until the wheels come off regardless of race, color, creed or financial situation. I’m just sayin’ don’t act like ole Jim is beyond being held to a much higher standard than his players.

If Edgerrin James had enough bread and enough sense to own a limousine while he was a player with the Colts to keep from driving drunk or getting into trouble. Then the freakin’ owner of the team should be able to have a fleet of those joints and drivers for life.

Edge would always pull up with the fellas, get it in and roll out like Ludacris on these boyz. His brother would drive that joint and it was all good. That’s called being smart and Edge wasn’t even a drinker bruh! He just didn’t want to drive. So again, why is Irsay gettin’ pulled over? He should have been charged with DWB, “Driving While a Billionaire.” That’s an automatic beat down for the first offense.

Look here bruh; I don’t even have time to talk about how stupid the police officer was that took him to jail. I’ve got a BILLIONAIRE in the back seat of my car drunk with a pocket full of pills? I just hit the lottery playa! “Aye Jim call ya boy, your assistant or somebody at the house and tell ‘em I need 500 stacks right now and season tickets "fo life" like Mac 10 on the "Fitty" not the fifty but the fitty. I need it all in a brown paper bag and placed in my trunk. Tell him to bring somebody else to drive your joint home and we good. Why? Because I don’t even know you playboy. As a matter of fact, Jim who?”

Sending that dun to jail didn’t benefit anybody because he’s probably drunk right now inhaling pills at the crib in the Jacuzzi. Why? Because he’s not gonna stop until he decides that he wants to. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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