Why Steve Sarkisian and his attorneys must be full of that snake oil bruh! "Accommodatin'"

"I'm gettin' this money playa! Believe that!" 
Robert Quillen, the well-known journalist and humorist, once said, "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance." George Bernard Shaw, the Irish playwright, gave it to us like this, "Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance." Then the Big Homie James Madison hit boyz in the dome when spit, "Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." 

Well playas...knowledge will govern ignorance if a boy is sober while tryin' to use it! Otherwise, it's a freakin' train wreck! Ole dull Steve Sarkisian has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against USC for lettin' him go back in October. He's tryin' to peel these boyz off for $12.6 million in damages and his dull attorneys told 'my mans and nem' that he will seek more than $30 million! Check this out bruh, Sarkisian alleges that the university fired him without accommodatin' his efforts to seek treatment for his "disability." What!!??

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This dun not only has a drinkin' problem but he's lost his freakin' mind too! Ole boy says that the university didn't accommodate his efforts to seek treatment for drinkin' while he was the head football coach at one the biggest programs in the HISTORY of college football! That dun must have been unconscious when ole dull Pat Haden hired him in 2014 when he already had a drinkin' problem! Boyz all over Seattle were tellin' folks that he was drinkin' like a fish when he was at the University of Washington! But Pat Haden did him a solid and hired that dun anyway!! That was called accommodation' his drinkin' problem bruh! 

Then he shows up at the Annual Football Kick Off Event in August with all of the big time boosters and alumni stumblin' around like Fred G. Sanford and cursin' boyz out on the mic! He should have been fired on the spot for that foolishness alone! But naaawww playa, they didn't him another solid and let that fool keep his job. Now how many of us can walk into a company event popped and cursin' investors out and still be workin' the next day? So they were VERY accomodatin'!!! 

Then stuck the last straw in the elephant's anus when he showed up to practice for like the old timers used to say, "the umpteenth" time lit in October! How do I know he'd been to practice bent more than that one time? Because when they finally made it public that he was drunk at practice one of his players was quoted sayin', "Coach is at practice popped again." 

The word again is an adverb that suggests another time or once more. It states the obvious in returnin' to a previous position or condition. For all of you simple minded individuals it means in addition to what was already mentioned. So therefore, it was public freakin' knowledge that he was ALWAYS drunk around his players but he was able to keep his job! Wheredeydodatat? Accommodatin' bruh!! 

So USC had no choice but to fire him because he couldn't drive the Bentley and be incoherent at the same time. He's coachin' young men at the university level not at the the California State Penitentiary!  It is what it is! He's recruited young men from all over the country to come to USC to play for him. He can't be drunk coachin' them. Would he want his kid bein' coached by some dun that was drunk on the sideline and talkin' crazy? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

He and his attorneys must have been drunk when they filed that lawsuit! Bruh! Some jobs you can't do drunk and coachin' a football team sure isn't one of them. Now he can be a wine taster or drunk driver simulator tester but he can't coach young men. 

Think about it, if all the duns that have been fired for bein' bent on the job filed lawsuits they wouldn't be firin' boyz for bein' bent on the job. Stop  it! You sound crazy and stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) My mans and nem: noun - credible sources in the street. In this case it was TMZ but it could be anybody close to the situation playa. 
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
4) Popped/Bent/Lit: adjective - drunk
5) Wheredeydodatat: Hood for, "Who does that?" 

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