The Tornado (Spurs 84 Heat 103)

"Let me take that off of ya hands there bruh! Cuz you might hurt yourself!"
The famous author and psychotherapist, Virginia Satir, once said, “Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, communication is open, and rules are flexible – the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.” Then Albert Einstein leaned over and said, “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”  That was LeBron James in Game 2 playboy!
I tried to tell you boyz in yesterday’s Hot Joint entitled "Perception" that if LeBron had come along before Jordan we would have a completely different view of him because he always makes the right basketball plays but you wouldn't listen. It was no different in last night when the Miami Heat blew the doors off of the San Antonio Spurs 103-84.
Ole boy had only 4 points at the half and cats started freakin' out. Even Magic Johnson had to tell boyz on the ESPN set to calm down because LeBron was OK! Why, because like I said in the Perception joint, Magic was the other very unselfish player that understood how to play the game. He understood that the game has a rhythm and a flow to it and you can’t disturb it.
They were up by 5 at the break and other players like Mario Chalmers, who finished with 19 points, were in a groove so LeBron understood not to disturb that joint. Keep feeding duns and playing defense and the game will come to you.
The next thing you know the Heat goes on a 33-5 run and this dun finishes with 17 points, 8 rebounds, 7 dimes and 3 blocks. Put it like this playboy, if they were still selling posters Tiago Splitter’s dunk attempt would be running out of the store this morning and hanging themselves. LeBron put boyz on notice that he doesn’t have to score crazy points to take over a game.

Like I explained to you yesterday John Naismith, when he invented the game, intended that it be played by all 5 players the entire game and not just by 1!
Making the right basketball plays created an atmosphere that allowed his teammates to be able to be successful. It’s like the formation of a tornado bruh! LeBron was the supercell that created the twister that swallowed the Spurs up and spit them out.
The Heat made 10-of-19 3-pointers and got Ray Allen going with 13 points. Even ole diarrhea soft Chris Bosh contributed 12 points and 10 rebounds to the storm and that dun is usually running from the lightning and the sound of thunder.
The Heat’s suffocating defense forced the Spurs into 16 turnovers that they quickly turned into 17 points. In Game 1 San Antonio played nearly the perfect game with only 2 turnovers and a lucky shot by Tony Parker to win by 4 and boyz started digging the grave for Miami. Hold up playa, sit tight and just watch the games!
 It’s the NBA! You can’t show up and play the perfect game once and win the title. You gotta win 4 of those joints. This ain’t the 1985 National Championship game where Villanova shoots 90% in the second half and 78% overall to beat Patrick Ewing’s Georgetown Hoyas by 2! It was Game 1 of the NBA Finals and the Spurs gotta be able to play at that same level 4 times! Keep your shirt on pimpin’! It ain’t over!!!
Now somebody tell me if I need to show up in San Antonio on Tuesday morning and cut that dun Kawhi Leonard’s hair? Now I know some stone killas that are doing LIFE in the penitentiary that have their butta whipped every time you go to see them! You're like, "Hey bruh, who's legs are you sitting between gettin' your hair done like that?" Crickets!!

Then you've got this dun out here in the FINALS with bangs growing out of some dusty corn rows bruh! When your joint starts growing on your forehead, it’s time to sit down with your girl to re-up on them joints or find the cat that's doing my boyz hair in the pen. While we’re at it call ole pubic beard Udonis to come on through too. I need to touch up that beard that refuses to connect and play by the rules. If that joint won’t be obedient then you gotta cut it off son.
Now the series switches to San Antonio for 3 games. The Heat have to win at least one maybe two there to take the pressure off. Let’s see if they're NBA Championship ready because the Spurs have already proven that they’re capable of winning on the road under the big lights playboy! Can Miami’s role players step up again? Well they’ve got 3 chances to get it done in Texas so we’ll see!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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