How Donald Trump's recklessness is puttin' us ALL in danger bruh! "Sets & Factions"

"I don't care bruh! Ima be me!"
Tia Carrere, the model and actress, once said, “I had been gullible, naïve, soft, pliable. That’s why I got taken advantage of. To survive, you have to have a tough skin.” Roy Keane, the Irish football manager, gave it to us like this, “I am not naïve enough to settle for anything less than a reasonable valuation of my worth.” Then Steve Brown, the well-known radio talk show host, shut the buildin’ down when he spit, “Too many people get lost in the game of having a good time and being naïve about things.”

Well playas…now Donald Trump has completely lost his freakin' mind! On Monday night this dun called for ALL Muslims to be barred from enterin' the United State until boyz figure out what's goin' on! This cat just completely suggested that we discriminate against an entire group of people because some cats actin' a fool in the "name" of the Muslim religion are terrorizin' the world.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Does he feel the same way about the duns in America that enslaved and tortured Africans and African-Americans for more than 350 years in this country in the name of Christianity? Did he feel that way about boyz tarrin' and featherin' black folks in the south in the name of Christianity? Did he feel that way about boyz bombin' churches and runnin' around with white sheets on their heads for darn near 80 years terrorizin' black folks in America? Or how about the duns that have discriminated against folks in the name of religion. Nowhere in the Bible or the Koran states that these are acts of people that represent these religions. So to make that type of statement is asinine!!!! And this dun is runnin' for PRESIDENT of the United States and boyz are actually supportin' it! 

 Now “if” Donald Trump happens to win the Presidency he has the propensity to get us all killed. Why? Because he doesn’t know how to talk to folks playa. I’ve said for years that the best place in the WORLD to be from is the ghetto. Why? Because you learn what the word “Diplomacy” means by the time your 8 years old. You don’t learn what that word really means at all growin’ up in rural or suburban America. Why? Because it’s never been important to exercise it in order to survive.

See…the hood has always been broken down into sections and factions controlled by gangs and sets just like the world is. So in order to move throughout the hood on a daily basis you’ve got to understand who the players are playa. By knowin’ who runs what section and faction, what block or neighborhood, what gang or affiliation you quickly learn how to survive. That’s just gettin’ to and from school every day without gettin’ the brakes beat off of you or killed.

You learn what to and not to say in the presence of boyz you don’t really know. You learn that it’s not wise to allow people to hear you say something about someone because you don’t know who’s affiliated with who. Therefore, by the age of 8 you’ve become an expert at keepin’ your real opinions and feelings to yourself. You’ve learned how to be tactful in dealin’ with very dangerous cats even if you’re related to them.

Donald Trump has boyz all over this country excited about his ability to piss folks off by sayin’ whatever is on his mind regardless of how ignorant is sounds when it comes out. Well here’s the problem playboy, the world ain’t nothin’ but a big ole ghetto that is divided into sections and factions, hoods and territories, gangs and affiliations. You can’t just say what you wanna say to any and everybody playa and think that it's gonna fly. Unfortunately, there are cats out here that don’t like the United States on GP. There are boyz runnin’ around here right now that operate with the “Wish Factor” and are just waitin’ for a boy to get out of pocket.

We’ve already got cats that are tryin’ us now for giggles and kicks. We’ve already got boyz orchestratin’ foolishness and the powers that be are bein’ diplomatic. Just think of how foolish it would get if "The Donald" ran out into the middle of the street and start callin’ some of these fools by name and talkin’ about their momma’s or how bad they look etc.?

Gangstas are gangstas bruh and they don’t care that they may not be more powerful than the cat or his military that’s out here talkin’ crazy. They’ll do some damage just to make a statement and they don’t care about dyin’ in the process. They're already strappin' bombs to themselves and killin' folks and we're playin' nice and not talkin' about their mommas.

Unfortunately, the duns that are rallyin’ behind Trump didn’t grow up in the ghetto so they don’t understand nor can they fathom the danger that this fool puts us all in just by havin’ a slither of a chance of winnin’ the Presidency of the United States.

See…when you’ve never seen how things can go from 0 to 100mph in a heartbeat right outside of your front door just because somebody said the wrong thing to the wrong person, you think that Donald Trump bein’ ahead in the polls is cool. But when you understand that one fool can get everybody in the freakin’ car killed because he said something crazy to the wrong person. I'm not tellin' you what I've heard! I'm tellin' you what I know! 

I was 6 years old the first time a boy pulled a gun on me and the fellas because my boy said something crazy to a old cat sittin' on his porch as we walked by headin' to the Little League baseball field.  So it’s not funny nor entertainin’ to see cats with the influence of Tom Brady etc. endorsin' Donald Trump for a bid to become the President of the United States. And I could care less whether he's a Democrat or a Republican playa. He’s out of control and that isn’t good for ANY of us. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 

1) Spit: verb – to say
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.
3) Sets: noun - divisions of different or the same gang4) Afiliations: noun - it's what a boy represents when he's out on the block.5) Wish Factor: to wish that someone would do something to give them a reason for actin' a fool or kill someone.6) GP: just because7) Get out of pocket: verb phrase – to do something that causes others to react.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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