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"I don't know what to tell you bruh!" That was his standard answer! |
When the trustees at Penn State University finally got up the nerve to fire Joe Paterno amid the Sandusky child sex abuse scandal folks lost their minds. After all, he had essentially pulled a Kobe before there was ever a Kobe and had put Penn State on his back for more than six decades. He was the head coach there for 46 of those years so I could understand the attachment. However, when the scandal broke I told you boyz that JoePa knew everything! After all, he was the O.G. of Happy Valley, right? If it went down he would know about it because he ran the joint. This cat had more power than the governor of Pennsylvania bruh!
Last week CNN reported that the network had received four secret emails that showed an exchange between Penn State President Graham Spanier, V.P. Gary Schultz and A.D. Tim Curly. At least one of those emails indicates that Curly spoke with JoePa, the person who was really in charge, about his boy Sandusky. Check this joint out:
After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps. I am having trouble with going to everyone, but the person involved. I would be more comfortable meeting with the person…tell him about the information we received…tell him we are aware of the first situation.
Now my problem with Joe is that he knew that his boy was a freak but set in the cut and let it continue to happen. Sandusky still hung out at the facility and brought youngsters with him. Last season they carried Joe off of the field after breaking the all-time NCAA wins record held by legendary Grambling State coach Eddie Robinson with 409 wins. In my opinion, he should have been carried off in handcuffs along with the President, the A.D., the VP and the GA that ran up on Sandusky abusing the kid in the shower. That's real talk bruh! I didn't need to see some janky emails to know that everybody knew what was going on.
JoePa coached with this cat for more than 30 years bruh! Do you realize how much time coaches spend together? They show up at the facility at 5 or 6am and are there until about midnight at the minimum of 6 days a week during the season! Not to mention the time spent recruiting and fooling around with spring ball etc. Joe knew this cat better than his wife bruh!
You don't think Sandusky said or did anything at some point over the years that would indicate that he was a freak? C'mon man! You've got co-workers that you've known less than a year that you wouldn't go to lunch with because they've got some crazy habits. Everybody on that staff knew he was a freak and knew what he'd been doing. Only a sucker needed emails to confirm that! Selfish Ambition on everyone's part endangered those kids! Therefore, they all should have been fired and arrested for being an accomplice to a crime like I said when the joint first hit the news last year.
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"JoePa was my guy!" |
The Word of God says money is the root of all evil! Well, selfishness isn't too far behind! The fact that JoePa, the grad assistant at the time now wide receiver coach Mike McQueary and others knew about the actions of the now convicted Sandusky and did absolutely nothing is sickening.
Let's keep it real or all the way 100, which ever comes first! Selfish ambition was at the root for everyone involved. The grad assistant who the witnessed Sandusky in the shower with the 10 year old child was concerned more about his job and his ability to move up than he was the youngster being violated. It obviously has worked to his advantage because 9 years later he's the wide receiver coach at Penn State.
JoePa was more concerned about his legacy and his ability break the all-time wins mark than he was about saving someone's kid from his homeboy. Paul says in Philippians 2:3, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” In my standard hood vernacular, "You gotta be concerned about other folks bruh and not just about winning football games!"
An individual with morals would never have swept a situation like this under the rug and kept in moving but the legendary Joe Paterno did. Say all you want about the hood but it even operates with a code. Kids are off limits to whatever crime you decide to commit. If or when a kid is involved there is swift street justice because the code has been violated. Either the streets will handle it and more often than not they will or the perpetrator will be turned in. That is the only time snitching is permissible in the ghetto! If thugs in the street can live by that code why couldn't a so-called civilized legend of college football do the same? Maybe because he wasn't so civilized huh?
I've got more respect for the gangsta's that I grew up with than I do for JoePa's legacy at this point. Remember when he was outside of his house being cheered on and loving it like he'd just won the national title when they were about to fired him? Any decent human being would have come out and told the crowd to leave because this is completely inappropriate behavior at a time like this. Not JoePa though bruh! He was enjoying every minute of the attention.
Everything that he accomplished, in my opinion, can be thrown in the garbage! Who cares that he won a lot of games. At the end of the day he showed us what he was really made of. In my opinion, he was no better than a drug dealer in the ghetto because he still helped a cat destroy the lives of children. Instead of them being born drug addicted and having to suffer their entire lives as a result of it. He allowed them to be sexually abused to suffer their entire lives as result of it. JoePa was no better than Nino Brown! Why, because he had the power to stop it at any time and chose not to!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter:@jaygravesreport
The email excerpt was from the CNN Report on Anderson Cooper.
Nice peice Brotha, if Barry Bons they say should get a esteric on his history so should Lou. Eddie Robinson in My Eyes still Holds the record.. Bexause iGNORED iNTEGRETY AND WAS ALL ABOUT THE RECORD..
ReplyDeleteSad times. The symbolic gesture of rooting out the evil must happen soon, take the statue down. I can't believe it is still standing. I feel uncomfortable when my fellas google at a borderline under-aged girl, I can't imagine knowingly hanging with a pedophile. JoePa was sick too. crazy sad. great take, an awesome read.