Slep Rock (Why the dull media is already makin' excuses for the SEC possibly not makin' the playoff)

"What y'all want me to do playboy? It is what it is!"
As I’m standin’ in line at the world famous Dreamland BBQ joint before a football Saturday these three old timers start talkin’ about boyz makin’ excuses. George Washington Carver says, “Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” Benjamin Franklin gave it to us like this, “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” Then Mason Cooley, the famous aphorist, ordered the full rack on a boy when he spit, “Excuses change nothing, but make everyone feel better.”

Well playas…the good ole boyz down in the SEC and the even some of these fake media-types coverin’ it are already gearin’ up to make excuses as to why the SEC may not get a seat at this year’s college football playoff table. This dun, Chris Low who is a Senior Staff Writer for, is already on the excuse box and ridin’ it hard “if or when” the SEC is left out of this year's playoff. His excuse is that boyz in the SEC might cannibalize themselves and end up with multiple losses where nobody gets into the playoff.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This cats sounds like he’s outta his freakin’ mind even sittin’ down and writin’ that foolishness. The SEC has always cannibalized itself to a large degree. That’s always the case in that conference but it hasn’t kept the dull writers from puttin’ them in the title game.

We saw a freakin’ re-match of a 2011 regular season match-up between LSU and Alabama in the title game that season! So in other words, wins and losses didn’t actually count when the dull media was pickin’ boyz to play for all of the marbles. The SEC was GUARANTEED to win the title that year if nothin' else!

What happens in the SEC this year will be no different than in previous years playboy! The difference is that college football is cyclical and it’s not ALL up to the media to pick who plays!!! Teams and freakin’ conferences as a whole come and go over a period of time. From about 2005 to 2013 the top end of the SEC (Bama, LSU, Florida and the Auburn Cam Newton's) was better than everybody else! Period! Now it’s not that simple!

College football is cyclical bruh! It’s been that way since the beginnin’ of time! Boyz, programs, teams and coaches cycle in and out because it doesn’t last forever. Now Ohio State looks to be the best program in America, the Pac 12 is loaded and duns like Oklahoma and USC look to be gettin' back on their feet. Did you really think that cats like Baylor and TCU were gonna run the Big 12 for any length of time? It’s cyclical bruh and teams like that are only good when the traditional powers are off for a couple of years!

What the top end of the SEC went through last season is the fact that they’ve had their time on the Merry-Go-Around and now it’s time to get off of the horse for a few years until duns like Ohio State, USC, eventually Michigan under Harbaugh’s watch etc. and several other programs finish ridin’. It’s always been that way bruh! You don't dominate forever. 

You didn’t hear about the SEC runnin’ everybody in the ‘90’s or cats like USC killin’ the game in the mid to late ‘80’s. It was cats like Nebraska, Oklahoma, UCLA, the U, Florida State, etc. killin’ the game. It comes and goes. Then the SEC got hot over the past few years with the help of the BCS and they owned the joint.

And now that there is actually a 4-team playoff the SEC doesn’t get the automatic shoe in selection to the championship game like they did in the BCS era. On some real talk, if it would have been the BCS last year Ohio State never would have gotten in and Alabama would have automatically gotten the bid and beaten the brakes off of Oregon. The playoff took the power to some degree out of the hands of these biased sports writers that had the nerve to have dull Ole Miss and Mississippi State ranked in the Top 5 last year at one point.

I told you boyz that both of those teams were frauds when they ranked them that high. As the season progressed we all saw the wheels fall off of them both and they got blasted in the bowl games too. Why? Because Mississippi and Mississippi State are Mississippi and Mississippi State bruh! If you don’t believe me just Google them! They’ve been horrible for decades and winnin’ a couple of games here and there won’t change who they are.

Ole Miss is puttin’ up 74 points per game comin’ into Tuscaloosa today and will leave with their tails between their legs because they’re Ole Miss! Stop it! You sound crazy!

So please SEC writers and fans don’t start makin’ excuses in week 3 that the system doesn’t work because the game is cyclical and you thought that it wasn’t because the top end of your conference spoiled you for a few years. And don't believe the hype playboy! The rest of the conference has been actin' like some ghetto duns from the projects at Shoney's eatin' off of the other 4 cat's plates because they haven't won squat!!!. 

Now the SEC has to wait their turn again bruh! Why? Because Ohio State is gonna be ridin’ the horse or at least fightin’ a boy for the saddle for the next few years. The PAC-12 and Big-12 are pushin’ and tryin’ to cut the line and duns like Notre Dame will at least be swingin’ at boyz in the line. So I don’t know what to tell you SEC fans and writers but boyz aren’t just gonna step out of the way and just give you an automatic seat at the 4-team table just because you got dressed and decided to show up.

Naw pimpin’, the committee says that you’ve got to earn a spot at the table. The ole biased sports writers that put 10 of your boyz in the AP Top 25 in Week 2 this season knowin’ that half of those duns includin’ Auburn, Mizzou,Tennessee, and Arkansas especially shouldn’t have been anywhere near the joint.  With the playoff committee in place now they can't just squeeze a boy in anymore. So sit down, shut up and stop makin’ excuses!

We don’t have time for that ole Slep Rock “Wowsy, Wowsy, Woo-Woo! Why does everything have to happen to me” foolishness after the media has helped you get into position year in and year out to win a title because of the dull pre-season rankings that always put 5 or 6 of your homies in the Top 10 before we’d even seen them play. The more teams in the Top 10 week 1, the higher the probability of gettin' a dun into the championship game in the final week! C'mon bruh! I was born at night not last night! It's simple math!!! 

Why is Auburn still ranked in the Top 25 after Jacksonville State essentially dog-walked them last week? You can't hustle a hustla bruh! Yeah, I know that they won but to go into overtime with a cat from the Pop Warner League is an "L" anyway you slice it playa. 

We just saw these duns try to put Auburn in the Top 6 this year when they were 8-5 last year and they were breakin' in a BRAND NEW freakin’ quarterback that isn’t worth two dead flies smashed after the first two weeks! He’s thrown 5 INT’s already and they barely beat JACKSONVILLE STATE! So if makin’ excuses makes you feel better playboy go right ahead but we ain’t tryin’ to hear all of that right now homeboy. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Spit: noun – to say
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!       

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