Inside Job (How the Patriots & NFL PROVED it was a hustle by reinstatin' the deflaters)

"Look at 'um bruh! All of these suckas!"
The barber shop was packed yesterday and as usual boyz started arguin’ about any and everything. Then all of a sudden these three old timers exposed the art of fraud to all the young G’s sittin’ around. Thomas Hobbes, the 17th century English philosopher, said, “Force and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues.” Sophocles, the ancient Greek tragedian, stood up and broke it down like this, “Things gained through unjust fraud are never secure.” Then Phaedrus, the character in play by the same name written by Plato in 370BC, put his square out under his shoe and spit, “Whoever is detected in a shameful fraud is ever after not believed even if they speak the truth.”

Well playas…that should exclude both the New England Patriots and the NFL league office up to and includin’ Roger Goodell. Why? Because both of these duns were detected in shameful frauds and some kind of way boyz are still believin’ that they're tellin' the truth. Earlier in the week the dull league office reinstated the two clowns that the Patriots ultimately threw under the bus for Deflategate. Both John Jastremski and Jim McNally are back with the team like nothin’ ever happened!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Boyz have been pointin’ fingers at Tom Brady and the two Stooges since this foolishness started in January right? Now we know for a fact that 11 out of the 12 balls inspected were deflated. That is a FACT!! There has NEVER been a question as to whether the balls were tampered with. The question was “Did Tom Brady order the Code Red?”

We already know that the two duns that were suspended by the Patriots were involved because the Wells Report and the freakin’ text messages included in it implicated them. The Patriots told boyz that they suspended the two because they acted alone and Tom Brady had nothin’ to do with it. Right?

So boyz were clearly sayin’ that these cats went rogue and acted on their own. Therefore, we can justify Tom Brady’s innocence. Okay playa, if that’s your story and you’re stickin’ with it, I’m cool with that. Then explain to all the people in the world with just half of a brain how you can reinstate the two cats that you say went rogue, acted alone and cost the team $1 million in fines, a loss of a first-round draft pick in 2016 and fourth rounder in 2017? Somebody’s gotta pay for that right playa? I mean somebody’s gotta be held accountable for those losses.

If boyz are actin’ on their own and breakin’ rules that put the franchise in jeopardy of losin’ their prized pupil, bread and draft picks then why would you want them back in the buildin'? I’m just sayin’! That’s like the bank reinstatin’ two tellers that were implicated in the theft of $500K but they both said that the bank manager told them to do it. By all indications the manager was involved but boyz can’t prove it. So the manager gets off. Well…since the manager is back at work the home office reinstates the tellers because they couldn’t prove that the manager was shady. However, the bread is still missin’.

Now when boyz with an ENTIRE brain watch this foolishness take place they come to one freakin’ conclusion! That EVERYBODY was involved in the fraud and theft; the tellers, the bank manager and the home office.

If the NFL spends $5 million to fight this case in federal court to prove that Brady is guilty of orderin’ the Code Red, then loses and reinstates the duns that were at the center of this foolishness in the first place then EVERYBODY’S INVOLVED! And will somebody please tell me why EVERY news outlet on the planet reported this story but I’m just sayin’ and stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) G’s: noun – gangstas, young hustlas that think they know everything.
2) Tragedian: noun – an actor that specializes on tragic roles or a writer of tragedies.
3) Spit: noun – to say
4) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!       

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