Tips (Why I know the pizza man ain't tellin' the whole story on D'Qwell Jacskon)

"If you gone tell it, tell the whole story dawg!"
Winston Churchill once said, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” Arthur Conan Doyle, the Scottish writer, lit his square, looked a boy straight in the eye and said, “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” Then the big homie Elvis Presley broke it down so that it would forever be broken, “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.”

Well playboy…on Tuesday night in D.C. Indianapolis Colts linebacker D’Qwell Jackson was arrested and charged with assault after gettin’ into it with a dun over a parkin’ space. Accordin’ to the police report ole boy was charged with a misdemeanor of simple assault of, get this playa, a pizza delivery guy!

Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Before every jumps all over D’Qwell for bein’ a stark ravin’ maniac let’s wait until all of the facts come out. Because I’ve been around gangstas, thugs, con-artists, athletes, nuns and priests in my life and nobody goes from 0 to 60mph because the pizza delivery guy says I’ll be just a minute. Naw playa, you’re not gettin’ me to believe that.

Now was D’Qwell wrong for firin’ on ole boy? Sure he was because he’s a high profile cat with a lot of bread and should know better. However, that doesn’t excuse the pizza man from the reality of knowin’ that you can’t talk crazy to a boy just because. . See that’s what blows my mind about people in this world. They jump bad with a boy, end up gettin’ the breaks beat off of them and then wanna act like the victim.

It’s like a boy throwin’ rocks at the neighbor’s dog named King. Then after he breaks the chain and mauls the dun you want the animal put to sleep because he’s too violent. How bout you leave the freakin’ dog alone in the first place then we won't have a problem.

See where I’m from if you jump bad with a boy then you’ve got to take whatever comes after that playboy. I know that there’s more to the story because the pizza guy is doin’ radio now. He was on my homeboy Kent Sterling’s Show on 1430AM the CBS affiliate here in Indy yesterday talkin’ about how this crazy guy just jumped on him for no reason. For that reason alone you know there was more to the story than what’s bein’ told. How do I know that? Because I’ve witnessed fights my whole life and it never goes from 0 to 60 just like that.

And who gets beat up and goes on sports radio the next day to tell his side of the story bruh? Wheredeydodatat? What did Big Momma always tell you? “It’s three sides to the story, His side, the other side and somewhere in the middle we’ll find the truth.” The pizza man's holdin' out for a tip!

So just sit in the cut and do like my man Huggy Lowdown always says, “Waaait for it!” because the truth will fall out of the closet at some point. Now D’Qwell will be disciplined by the league because he did in fact fire on ole boy. However, don’t tell me the story with half of the information. And please stop tellin’ me about wantin’ to sign high character guys so that you can win football games. Just say that you wanna win football games, you gotta do what you gotta do and sometimes it blows up in your face.

This is the fifth Colts arrested since March of 2014 includin’ the freakin’ owner, Jim Irsay. That dun got arrested for drivin’ 15mph and havin’ 30 stacks in a bag in his ride. Some people call it impaired drivin’. I call it bein’ pulled over by an idiot that could have retired from the police force that night. Then backup linebacker Josh McNary was charged with rape last month. Linebacker Andrew Jackson got popped for DUI for the second time. Hold on a second dawg, what’s up with the linebacker corps? What are they drinkin’ at the facility? Oh and I forgot all about ole dull D’Rick Rogers, a dun that wasn’t even playin’ or dressin’ got popped for DUI and cut before he even made bail in September.

So stop tellin’ me that certain cats aren’t Colts’ type of guys. Stop it playa because you’ve got the freakin’ Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s out there. Now I’m not mad at you because everybody’s got their share of idiots on the team and that’s the risk you take to win football games.

It’s a violent sport for cryin’ out loud! You’re gonna have to some degree some idiots that can’t turn it off when they leave the field. Just stop lyin’ to folks about havin’ such high character players. Look around and pay attention to the best teams in the league and they’ve got a bunch of idiots too. LaGarrette Blount showed up to the Patriots Super Bowl parade and celebration with a T-shirt that says B#$@! Mode! How much class and character does that show? But they won the championship with him! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:  
1) Square: noun – cigarette
2) Dun: noun – a person, a guy, dude, etc.
3) Fire: verb – to hit, punch without warnin’
4) Bread: noun – money
5) Jump Bad: verb – to antagonize
6) Stacks: noun – a thousand dollars, a grand
7) Ride: noun - car
8) Popped: verb: past tense – arrested
9) Dull: adjective – stupid, ignorant, the freakin’ guy you just wanna slap for not thinkin’, when you say his name you shake your head in disgust.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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