Guns & Bullets (How LeGarrette Blount & his boy came to their senses REAL quick)

"It was funny at the time playboy!"

David Hilbert, the famous German mathematician, once said, “No other question has ever moved so profoundly the spirit of man; no other idea has so fruitfully stimulated his intellect; yet no other concept stand in greater need of clarification than that of the infinite.” Arthur Bloch, writer and author of Murphy’s Law, gave it to us like this, “Every clarification breeds new questions.” Then Ann Beattie, the short story writer and novelist, hit boyz in the dome when she said, “I’ve been in this business for a long time, and I no longer think that anything that I do by way of clarification is ever going to eradicate the mistakes.”

Well playas…less than twenty-four hours after tryin’ to be some gangstas and tryin’ to diss Marshawn Lynch publically, LaGarrette Blount and Brandon Bolden are now back trackin’. Both of those duns held up T-shirts that read “B#$@! Mode” at the Patriots parade and championship celebration on Wednesday as they got caught up in the hype. On Thursday they were tryin’ to clarify what they meant and Bolden went as far as to publically apologize. Why? Because the reality of the situation kicked in on a boy!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Both Blount and Bolden realized that they’ve got to see that dun in the streets or deal with his boyz some point and it won't end well. See it’s all good when you’re in Boston and the fans are hypin’ you up for some foolishness because you’re on your own turf. The off-season is an entirely different beast playboy, literally.

Most of these cats don’t live where they play. They go back to the crib and post up for the off-season. They jet-set around the country etc. so at some point they’re gonna run into that dun and it’s gonna be a problem. Even if they don’t run into him per se they’ll run into some cats that feel like they’ve got to protect his name. They don’t even have to know Marshawn personally bruh. That’s how the streets work out here playa. So don’t start somethin’ that you aren’t willin’ to finish.

It’s real out here bruh and when you start tossin’ insults at a boy from the streets you suddenly find more enemies in the streets. Marshawn is from Oakland playboy! Don't think for one minute that the home of the original pimps, playas and hustlas is gonna sit back and let a boy call their favorite son a B#@*!!  It ain't gone happen! So they could be chillin' somewhere like Miami and get ran up on by some cats from Oakland they don't even know just because. Again...I didn't make the rules, I just live by them.

Oh I’m talkin’ crazy? Ask Tupac and Biggie if I’m talkin’ crazy! Let me put it where the goats can get it pimpin’! Once Tupac started hurlin’ insults at Biggie and then back and forth every dun that loved Pac jumped in the whip with him and every cat that loved Biggie go on board with him. The next thing you know we’ve got the entire East coast hatin’ the entire West coast because two cats couldn’t figure it out. And on some real talk, Pac was the culprit. He got with some real gangstas when he signed with Death Row and thought that he was one too and it blew up in his face before he realized what was goin’ on.

LaGarrette Blount and Brandon Bolden aren’t fools! They know how the streets ride and it never makes sense. So let’s clean this up before I show up in Miami somewhere tryin’ to kick it and get bum rushed by some duns tryin’ to protect Marshawn’s name. Yeah I know it doesn’t make since to the outside world but the streets operate by a different set of rules. I didn’t make them I just live by them.

So now both of these cats have ran out and hired Olivia Pope on a boy to take the edge off of this foolishness by sendin’ out these tweets:


If you respected him you never would have held up the shirt playa!

Brandon Bolden:

Olivia Pope just took over for a boy!

Why because it just got real! Let me share something with all of my young thunder cats out here that an old hustler told me in the barber shop when I was a shorty. “Don’t ever shoot the gun unless you mean to because you can’t ever get the bullets back.” Remember this bruh, it can go from 0 to 60 real quick out here in these streets. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) Dome: noun – head
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, guy, dude, etc.
3) Crib: noun – house, one’s home, residence
4) Post-up: verb – to relax, chill, take it easy
5) Per se: adverb – by, of , for, or in itself (This was for all of you simple minded individuals that can’t expand because it’s not a hood term but some cats just got lost)
6) Let me put it where the goats can get it: In other words let me break it all the way down for playa. Let me put it on the ground for you. Goats eat off of the ground.
7) Pimpin’: noun – my guy, my dude, the person that I’m passionately tryin’ to get my point across to.
8) Whip: noun – car or in this case on his bandwagon
9) Thunder Cats: noun – young boyz out here in these streets
Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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