Can't Win Without Good Coaching

"Listen to what I'm saying son and you'll be just fine!"
 A coaches goal is to train players to one day become champions and  productive citizens. If the goal is always to win why so often do we see coaches calling terrible plays during  practice. In fact, they not only call bad the plays, but they many times go out on the field and try to run them as well. How can a player learn the how to play if the coach never let's them run the plays for themselves?

 When it's finally game time it's no surprise that the team keeps losing, right? It works no differently when you're a parent. So many parents raise children by trying to run all of the plays instead of standing on the sidelines and letting the kids figure out how to best run them. Someone told me years ago that you aren't raising children you're raising adults. So therefore, you have to allow them to make some mistakes along the way so that they will learn how to survive. It's Ok to give them some room to learn where you're close enough to correct them in the process.

So many people that I know that grew up in the ghetto or in lower income situations that have now become middle to upper class never teach their children survival skills. They spend the kids entire childhood doing everything for them or trying to protect them from the world.When all they're really doing is crippling the youngster. I hear many parents say on a regular basis that they don't require anything from their children but good grades and many don't even require that.

Grades only means that the child knew the answer! It doesn't mean that the kid put forth an effort or hustled to figure out the answer etc. It just means that when the assignment was turned in it had the right answers on it. I went to college with people that never went to class but made straight A's. They developed no work ethic and therefore have failed trying to compete in the real world. We all know someone like that. You may even be that person. Either way we can't continue that cycle with our own kids.

"Let's win together"
Stop acting like you can do everything for your children and they'll all of a sudden understand how to do it and survive at eighteen. If you don't require excellence from them while they're under your care. They won't require it when it's their turn to call the plays. We're raising a generation of under achievers because we don't want them to ever be uncomfortable.

A pearl is one of the most precious jewels known to man and people pay a lot of money for them. It comes from the oyster being uncomfortable.  The pearl is only formed when bacteria gets inside of it's shell. The oyster becomes irritated by the foreign object and releases a hormone to fight it off. Over a period of time a pearl is formed. So the precious jewel that we find is only a result of the oyster being uncomfortable. So let me ask again Coach, "Are you training your players to win championships or are you just looking to show up for the game"?

If you like it, share it! Holla At Ya Boy!!

Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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