Why there has to Be a Sense of URGENCY by ALL people to NOT elect Trump! "America"

"Everybody has to be all in!"
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. , the best-selling author, once said, "You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life." John P. Kotter, the Harvard professor, gave it to us like this, "A higher rate of urgency does not imply ever-present panic, anxiety, or fear. It means a state in which complacency is virtually absent." Then Leonardo de Vinci got everybody's attention when he so eloquently said, "I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do." 

Well my fellow Americans....today I won't speak to you from a barbershop perspective because I refuse to allow this message to go unheard by the people that need to hear it the most. Normally I give it to you in my urban dialect to make it funny and interesting. I usually take off the G's at the end of every word and take those of you that have never been to the hood into the world that I grew up in. However, today I'm going give you the same wisdom and knowledge in your dialect so you can't say that you couldn't understand me. The Playas Thesaurus will be flipped today. 

So let me be as honest as I can! At this point in the game we as Americans can't sit back and watch the foolishness that is Donald Trump become the next President of the United States. When he says that he wants to "Make America Great Again" that's code for making America the divisive cesspool that it once was when ONLY people that looked and acted like him were in control. 

Throughout his campaign he's done nothing but increase the divide in this country. When a man stands up in front of millions of people and says that he doesn't want Muslims to no longer be allowed in this country "until we figure things out" and that he's going to build a wall that Mexico will pay for. When the Ku Klux Klan endorses him and he says nothing to disavow them for more than 24 hours. He's then given the most ignorant and racist among us a platform that they thought they had lost forever. 

When people sit at forums and say out of their OWN mouths that they are tired of having to be politically correct because if they say what they really thought they would be called a racist. Well my friend, if you say something that is offensive to or about people based on their race, religion, gender or gender orientation then it is racist. So people would be calling you what you actually are if you're guilty. 

So to endorse a candidate that tells you that it's okay to speak your mind even if what's on YOUR mind is racist then you're racist. You're only getting push back now because those classes of people didn't have the law on their side or a voice when you were having your way with them so many years ago. 

You could say or do whatever you wanted to native Americans, push them off of their land and force them to live on reservations because the law protected you. Why? Because only you made the law. It was permissible to buy and sell black folks for more than 249 years and refer to them as three fifths of a man when the U.S. Constitution was written. So all of those rights and privileges weren't written with them in mind. It wasn't a big deal in 1919 to lynch more than 237 sharecroppers from Arkansas for trying to form a union. In 1921 it was okay to drop a bomb on "Black Wall Street" the most affluent All-Black community in America at the time located in Tulsa, Oklahoma killing more than 3,000 African-Americans and destroying more than 600 businesses. 

Keep in mind folks, that was 82 years before 9/11!! I say that because the media will try to tell you that 9/11 was the largest terror attack on US soil but it wasn't. Let's just keep the facts straight my brother. Nor was it a big deal to bomb the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama killing 4 innocent little girls attending Sunday school. I could go on for hours with examples but why? 

Was America great when it was okay to call black folks the N-word, a gay man the "F-word" or a little person the "M-word?" Was America great when every business in this country was only run by a white man. Was America great when women had no power to decide ANYTHING? Was American great when it had laws of segregation and the only people that benefited from those laws were the people that wrote them? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! 

So I'm sorry that people look at you side ways now for making racist remarks about them or someone that they love. I'm sorry that having to be politically correct is suddenly a strain on you because this country has gotten bigger and more diverse. I'm sorry that you have become part of the stone age but it's 2016 my friend. Either you're going to learn how to love ALL people or you're going to suddenly find yourself somewhere on a reservation for old racist farts that couldn't change with the times or win presidential elections. 

There is a sense of urgency TODAY to become better than we were yesterday. To embrace our differences to truly become what God intended for us to be. It's still not too late to re-write the constitution to include ALL people and not just the men that wrote it. You can stop me when I start saying things that aren't true.

And again, I don't care what you're politics are my friend. You've got to vote for the lesser of the two evils and it's obvious who puts us all at risk and divides us even further. 

P.S.: That wore me out bruh! I'll take you back to the hood on the next joint I promise. 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Said: verb - to spit 
2) My Fellow Americans: noun - playas  
3) Let me be as honest as I can: verb phrase - Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! 
4) People: noun - Dun
5) My Friend: noun - playboy 
6) Let's just keep the facts straight my brother.: verb phrase - Just keepin' it 100 bruh! 
7) You can stop me when I start saying things that aren't true.: verb phrase - Stop me when I start lyin'!  
8) Get in touch with me: Holla At Ya Boy! 

Get in touch with me!  
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Facebook: TheJayGravesReport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
Sound Cloud: TheJayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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