Fire Starters (Why neither Kobe nor Stephen A. Smith have a clue)

"I'm talkin' to be talkin' right now bruh!"
Buddha once said, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” Albert Einstein broke it down like this, “Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.” Then Winston Churchill kept it 100 by saying, “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

I’m completely blown away at the ignorance of people that are running with this Kobe/Trayvon situation that refuse to see the truth in Kobe not understanding what the Heat were actually doing. The truth here playboy is that Kobe didn’t understand that the Miami Heat were protesting the fact that George Zimmerman wasn’t INITIALLY arrested after killing the kid. That’s why folks in the black community were OUTRAGED!

It had nothing to do with the facts of the case etc. It had everything to do with seeing another young black kid being gunned down in America and nobody caring. Ole boy didn’t get arrested until after folks started protesting. That's what this whole thing is about playboy. Now did Zimmerman get away with murder? Sure he did! But that's not the issue here! Kobe said that he didn't agree with what the Heat did in protest with the hoodies. So the reality here is that Kobe can’t admit that he didn’t understand the protest in the first place. Then Stephen A. Smith jumped on Arsenio’s show to defend him instead of keepin’ it real and just saying that.

Crazy thing about it playboy, I'm a hustla so any hustla worth his weight in his hustle can see that Stephen A. traded objectivity for access to Kobe. Cuz that dun always wanna tell a boy that he just got off the phone with this cat and that cat. He's a name dropper bruh!

This isn't about black folks jumping off of the deep end for black folks. It's about holding a dun accountable for killing a boy.

I completely agree with both Stephen A. and Kobe that folks shouldn’t just jump to someone's side simply because they're black. However, this wasn’t that. This was a basketball team looking at a kid that looks like most of their children that had been gunned down and the perpetrator wasn’t even arrested. That’s an injustice even before there was a trial regardless of race.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! People kill me always saying that they hate cats like Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson because they are nothing but fire starters that run into situations because it’s a black situation. Well guess what playboy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the man that the world now loves for changing its social consciousness, was the original fire starter. People around the world just celebrated the life of Nelson Mandela and guess what playa? He was a fire starter too. Folks hated both of these cats while they were doing there thing. The very man that the world calls the "Greatest", Muhammad Ali, was hated by white folks when he was in his prime because he wasn't afraid to use his influence to right wrongs perpetrated by white America bruh!

These cats have seen the injustice of people and used their influence to bring national attention to those situations because unfortunately we’ve lived in a country that has shown itself to historically be unjust to black folks.

Duns like Jason Whitlock criticized Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson for running down to Jena, Louisiana to let the world know of the injustice toward six black teenagers that were initially charged with attempted second-degree murder for beating up a white kid for hanging a noose in the court yard at school. Nobody ever said that the kids shouldn’t be punished both black and white. You do realize that hanging a noose is a hate crime in America right? But the white kid was never charged with a crime! However, attempted second-degree murder charges were excessive for a school yard fight. The charges were later reduced because of the attention that brother Al brought to the case.

The only reason George Zimmerman ever made it to court was because of the attention that duns like the Miami Heat and other black leaders brought to the case.

It’s called using your influence for the good of the community playboy. Everybody needs a guard dog. If it hadn’t been for Martin and Nelson the world would never have paid attention to the plight of black folks in America or in South Africa. If it hadn’t been for the marches and protests during the civil right movement for black people in the 1950 and 60’s, women, gays and lesbians in this world today wouldn’t be able to have the rights they have now. The fire starters have opened the doors to justice for all walks of life regardless of race.

So before you dive on cats like the Miami Heat, Al and Jessie understand what having a voice does for the betterment of other people. And keep this real playboy, every now and then the paper boy is gonna get bit.

When boyz ran to defend Twana Brawely in 1987 and also the Duke Lacrosse scandal with Crystal Mangum in 2006; where both chicks lied and said that they were raped by white men and the joint blew up in everybody’s face the paper boy got bit.

But on some real talk, how many black men and women have been falsely accused and imprisoned for the rest of their lives in this country? How many black folks have been tarred, feather, lynched, murdered by the police and no one has ever been arrested for those slayings? Think about all of the incidents where unarmed cats have been shot 50 to 60 times by the police within the last 10 years and not one policeman has been charged in the killings?

America never would have known about these events had it not been for Brother Al etc. So if the paper boy has to get bit every twenty years or so in order for duns like the Heat, Al, Jessie, Martin and Nelson to keep shedding light on the injustice of people in this country then so be it.

Today’s pro athletes stand on the shoulders of Kareem, Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, Bill Russell and Willie Davis who stood up against social injustice even in the midst of their playing days. But duns like Jordan, Kobe and many others have just taken advantage of the ole timer’s legacy and simply gotten paid. However, they won’t ever use their influence to come alongside of the very people that have supported them throughout their careers! That’s why I’ve got TALL respect for LeBron because he encouraged his teammates at least turn on the light. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

1 comment:

  1. Good Article Jay and nice site. Keep on keepin it real. from


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