Word Problem (Why Roy Hibbert can no longer just sit in the car now that Bynum's riding)

"Oh yeah bruh, I can do this for real!"
As I stopped to get gas off of 38th and Illinois on my way to Bankers Life Fieldhouse, these cats were standing in front of the liquor store next door arguing about accountability. W. Edwards Deming, the famous statistician, said, “Hold everybody accountable? Ridiculous!” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar poured out a lil’ liquor for all the dead homies and said, “I think the NBA players have to be held accountable in a reasonable way, just like any other professionals.” Then John Stuart Mill, the English philosopher, took a squig of some of that old school Mad Dog and said, “A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to for the injury.”

On Tuesday night Andrew Bynum made his debut in a Pacers uniform and in the process held ole dull Roy Hibbert justly accountable. The Pacers got a huge spark off of the bench from the big fella to get back on track after losing four straight to beat the Boston Celtics 94-83.

Within the first four minutes of being on the floor ole boy had 5 rebounds while Roy was still trying to figure out whether he was gonna get out of the ride or not. Foolishness I say! Straight foolishness! At one point Hibbert had played 27 minutes and had only 3 rebounds while Bynum had played 11 freakin’ minutes and had 10 playboy!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Now either I’m doin’ some new math or Roy’s trippin’. I’ve been telling you all season that he’s got to show up EVERY night, not just whenever he chooses to get out of the ride.

Well let me put something on ya head, if Bynum decides to put his heart into the rest of his career and his knees can hold up it’ll be like taking candy from a baby to push that dun out of the way. Now I’m not crazy bruh, I know that it was only one night and the real question is how is that dun feeling this morning after not playing for more than 2 and ½ months? So I get it.

I know that he hasn’t played in back to back joints etc. But on some real talk, he doesn’t need to. Why? Because during the playoffs there are no back to back games. So don’t even trip about playing him in those for the rest of the season. You just need him to be ready come playoff time and as long as he’s puttin’ Roy on notice that if he doesn’t get his butt out of the ride EVERY night it’s gonna be problems, it’s cool. Just think of what the Pacers could look like with three boyz doin’ damage in the paint with Roy, Ian Mahimni and Andrew all puttin’ in work? That could be a problem for boyz.

Now that everybody has an understanding of what we’re trying to do, here’s the fourth grade word problem of the day pimpin’! Andrew finishes with 8 points and 10 rebounds in 16 minutes. Roy finishes with 6 points 9 rebounds in 32 minutes. Which dun would you go get first if you were going to a fight in the Pork N Beans Projects in Miami? I’m just sayin’! If I'm lyin' call Big Momma but if I'm keepin' it real call me Ya Boy!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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