Exempt (Why Kobe forgot that it was black folks that supported HIM during his rape trial!)

"Well alrighty then?"
Eric Fromm, the German social psychologists, once said, “Selfish persons are incapable of loving others, but they are not capable of loving themselves either. Khalil Gibran, the Lebanese poet and writer, gave it to us like this, “Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.” Richard Whatley, the 19th century English economist, poured out a little liquor for all the dead homies and said, “A man is called selfish not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his neighbor’s.”

I’ve been telling you boyz since 2003 that I couldn’t mess with Kobe because of his selfishness and now you finally understand why. Last week during an interview that will be featured in the April 4th issue of the New York Observer, this dun criticized LeBron and the Miami Heat for their support of Trayvon Martin when they posed in their hoodies and put it on Twitter.

In a nut shell ole boy said, “I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m African American. That argument doesn’t make sense to me.” He goes on to say, “You sit and listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.”

Can you believe this dun? I can because I’ve been telling you that he was a mark since he threw Shaq under the bus when he got arrested. For you cats that don’t remember let me break it down for you playboy. Kobe got arrested in Denver in 2003 on a rape charge and while the police were transporting this dun he tells the cops that he should have done what Shaq does and paid the broad off. That right there told me everything that I needed to know about a boy.

So back to the Trayvon situation. The facts are that a kid regardless of race was walking to the store and some grown “A” man walked up on him and started bothering him. And that’s the edited version bruh. The kid defended himself and put hands on him and the grown “A” man pulled out a gun and shot him to death.

Now race plays a part in the whole thing because we all know that if a white kid named Trevor were walking through neighborhood ole boy wouldn’t have approached him at all and there never would have been a fight in the first place. But that’s neither here nor there at this point.

LeBron and Co. supported Trayvon because the kid could have been one of their children and the dun that shot him wasn't even arrested initially. So if blacks hadn't supported Trayvon there never even would have been an arrest made because they let ole boy go!

Therefore, according to Kobe, by these remarks he's saying that he doesn't believe Zimmerman should never have been arrested for killing a human being. Not convicted playboy just arrested! That's why black folks were OUTRAGED! Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Kobe makes that statement because he doesn’t care about anybody but Kobe bruh!

When he got arrested, who does he think it was that supported him during that trial? Black folks! Some cats road with him just because of the history of racial injustice in the judicial system in this country. We all know that for the most part there are two justice systems in America. So boyz road with him to see which one of them was gonna show up.

The only cats that really knows what happened is ole girl and him. But when Nike, Sprite and the rest of those duns bailed on him. Who was left? Black folks! Why? Because family is gonna hold you up even when you mess up! Don't get it twisted pimp, even though boyz are holding you up doesn't mean that they always agree with the foolishness you got yourself into. But everybody needs a support system and the brotherhood gave that to him. So now he's gonna act like it's OK for boyz to support him and then be beyond supporting an unarmed kid that was murdered by a grown man with a gun.

But when a boy is selfish and is blessed enough to have the bread to get off he forgets who still had his back. Don’t trip playa, there is a long history of selfishness with this cat. Sit down and let me put it where the goats can get it for you.

We all know that he was probably behind the reason why the Lakers traded Shag to Miami while he was still in his prime. Oh yeah bruh, Shaq was still bangin' that's why he was able to go straight to South Beach and win a title immediately. Please don't give me "the D. Wade carried them" scenario because anybody that knows anything about the game understands that Shaq commanded the double team that allowed D. Wade to get loose! All the fellas in the barber shop already knows that the Lakers could have won at least three more titles with Kobe and Shaq together but ole boy wanted to be the lone gunman. So Shaq had to roll out.

I know you cats saw him run Dwight out of LA by constantly badgering the guy in the media when they were in the same locker room. How do you talk crazy about your teammate in front of him like he’s not even there? Yeah, Dwight was “Buster Brown” because all he had to do was jam Kobe up in a locker and that would have been the end of it. So Dwight was soft in that regard but he ran off the best big in the league that could have helped the Lakers win immediately. Selfish!

Then this year he’s sat on the bench and acted like the good teammate until he figured out that he wasn’t going to play. Once he finds out that he isn't going to play this season he tells a dun on his OWN team (Nick Young) on Twitter, “I don’t talk to players on teams that are 20 games under .500!” Wheredeydodatat bruh? These are his teammates regardless of whether he’s active or not. Say it with me fam, "SELFISH!"

A couple of weeks ago he starts blasting the front office about how badly they're running the team after he pillaged these cats for $30 million this year and then signed a new deal worth $48 million for the next two seasons when he hadn't even come back from the Achilles injury. Now don't get it twisted bruh, I'm not hatin' on a boy for gettin' his money because if they were stupid enough to pay him then whatever. But don't blast a boy for making dumb front office decisions after you took one of the worst decisions the front office could have ever made. Therefore, you've contributed to the delinquency of the morons running the team but when it came to you it was cool.

Now the Trayvon comments! See, that dun wants to act like he’s exempt from being black because he’s got bread. But karma has a way of reminding you that you are as black as Trayvon was. O.J. and Michael Jackson had to learn the hard way too playboy. They wanted to act like they were exempt for decades but it was the black community that held them up when they were going through their foolishness. Everybody else left those duns high and dry but the brotherhood stayed on the front lines regardless of guilt. Because family is family even when a boy is wrong. Their are a lot of Big Mommas sittin' in court with kids that messed up but they don't bail on them.

One day his daughters are gonna be teenagers pushing a Bentley through Beverly Hills that will run the risk of getting pulled over by some racist cop like every other black kid in America. Why? Because that’s the chance you've gotta take raising black children when racism is still alive and well in America. I’m not sure if he’s looked in the mirror or looked at his wife lately but neither one of them are white. So all the cop is gonna see is a black kid driving a $300K car and here we go. And please don't try to tell me that they're mixed. When that dun happens to pull them over all he's gonna see is a black kid playboy!

The risk is always there bruh. I’m not saying that it will happen but the potential of it happening is always sittin’ on your shoulder because I’ve got kids that could easily have been Trayvon or Jordan Davis, the most recent kid in Florida that was killed for playing his music too load.

To make the comments that he made only proves that he’s out of touch with reality and thinks that he’s exempt. One thing for sure and two is for certain. He REALLY does think that he’s Michael Jordan because neither one of those clowns will support anything unless it benefits them. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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