Why the Simone's and Gabby mean more to black folks than just GoldMedals! "Opportunity"

"We got this!" 
Galatians 6:7 says, "A man reaps what he sows." In other words, You're only going to get out of it what you're willing to put in to it! How can a man withdraw what he has not put in? Life can only be as good as the effort by which you put forth. Therefore, in order to be great you've got to be willin' to push past the point where even the exceptional will give up! There is no room for excuses and even the thought of them can be destructive. Wantin' to be successful and preparin' to be successful are two completely different things. 

Well playas....Simone Biles not only wanted to be successful but she made the necessary preparations to be great even before she helped the USA Gymnastics team strike GOLD earlier this week in Rio. Then she blasted boyz in the All-Around joint on Thursday. Before the duns even brought the Olympic torch out she had become the MOST decorated gymnast in USA Gymnastics history winnin' three straight World Chamionships.. For all of you simple minded individuals, that's code for "She's the best that ever did it!"

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! What boyz don't realize is that Simone's story is like so many other little black girls growin' up in the inner cities of America. She was born to drug addicted parents and was shipped from foster home to foster home until her grandparents adopted her. On that strength alone she can walk into any hood in America and speak to our children without a single child ignorin' her message.  Why? Because she's one of them!!!

Every little black girl in America and in so many other places around the world saw their reflection in her as they watched her stand on the podium to receive yet another medal. She made the home front proud on so many levels by helpin' her team win the Gold medal. I know that the entire country is proud of her because she's an American but black folks are rejoicin' because she's inspired another generation of little girls that look like her. Sure, they've seen Gabby Douglas and those that are much older saw Dominique Dawes represent years ago but gymnastics isn't the norm for black women. Hopefully, with the back to back success of seein' girls that look like them (Gabby and Simone) it will soon become the norm.  

Folks outside of the African-American community many times can't comprehend moments like this because the world has always been available to them. Well bruh, it hasn't always been available to us. Little black girls weren't always given the opportunity to compete in gymnastics.So when someone breaks through the door of opportunity and wins big then it tells the rest of us that we can do it too.

As a college student I watched Doug Williams lead the Washington Redskins to a Super Bowl victory and the Super Bowl MVP in 1988. I can remember it like it was yesterday because my boys and I ran through the dorm fired up because a black man had done what we all knew was possible. He led a team to the NFL Championship when for so long people said that a black man didn't have the capacity to lead. Whether you where a Redskin fan or not you cheered for Doug to win because it was about more than the game. It was about takin' advantage of the opportunity. 

In 2007 Tony Dungy became the first African-American head coach to win a Super Bowl with the Indianapolis Colts. I live in Indy and my wife and I were celebratin' the Super Bowl victory the entire week before the game. People would ask why we were celebratin' because there was no guarantee that the Colts would win. We were celebratin' because they were goin' to play the Chicago Bears and they were led by head coach Lovie Smith who was also African-American. I didn't care who won the game because a brother was goin' to win either way.  It was goin' to be another opportunity to tear down the limitations on what we could accomplish. Again, it has nothin' to do with the game bruh. It was about provin' our worth! 

When I was a kid growin' up in Gary, IN., which was 98% African-American. The teachers would say, "You can become anything that you want to be if you just put your mind to it." We'd look at one another and say quietly, "No we can't! We can't be the President!" Why would we ever believe that we could because there had never been someone in office that looked like us, talked like us or walked like us?

So when Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States. I saw the ole timers cryin' because they never dreamed that a black man would ever become the Commander in Chief. My mother cried like a baby because she grew up in the segregated south not bein' able to use the same restrooms, hotels and restaurants. as her white counterparts. 

Let me put it where the goats can get it. She had to eat on milk crates in the alley and order her food in the kitchen as she would ride the Greyhound bus to and from college in the 1950's when they would stop for dinner. Notice that I said COLLEGE playboy! Both of my parents were college educated when most black folks didn't have the opportunity to go to school, especially in the south. Opportunity bruh is all we've ever needed! That's all we've EVER asked for. 

Back to Obama though. Whether you agree with his policies or not is irrelevant. It was a day that my children could begin to believe that they too could become President. That was a dream that I never had.

However, because Barack has become the President I've made sure that everyday that I leave the house I represent the brotherhood well. My suit fits a little better and my tie is just a little tighter and I'm more polished than ever before because I know people are EXPECTING for me to be great now. People are payin' more attention to what W.E. B. Dubois called the "Talented Tenth" like never before so we can't disappoint them or prove the haters right.
"Oh, I got this too!!!" 

So when both Simone Biles and Gabby Douglas helped TEAM USA win the Gold in Rio we all rejoiced because our baby girls will continue to dream of becomin' whatever they decide to become because they don't see limitations on them bein' great. Even if they never accomplish what  Simone and Gabby have accomplished they can freely pursue their dreams. Thank you guys along with other greats like Venus and Serena for giving our baby girls the inspiration to be great. 

And while you're at it bruh add Simone Manuel to the list! As I was writin' this joint she popped the 100 meters freestyle Gold in swimming. Opportunity bruh! Just give us the opportunity that's all we want. Well...sistas really aren't tryin' to get their hair wet so this will be a rare occasion only because you can't pay too many sistas to get their hair wet every day. Trust me on that one but for the dun that doesn't care about the hair. She's gonna bust your butt. 

On Friday track and field gets goin' and we've always had the opportunity in that arena so just your popcorn ready playboy! 

P.S. Now I know y'all didn't think I was gonna bounce without telling you that Gabby's ole girl is from the crib! G.I. is still in the buildin'!! Natalie Hawkins thanks for raisin' a powerful young lady that we all can be proud of. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say 
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Put it where the goats can get it: verb phrase - to make it as elementary as possible. To put it at ground level so everyone can understand it. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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