Why both Peyton Manning and Kobe need to follow the rules on the Rap Game! "Mic Check"

Peyton: "Man I was gone turn it around!" Kubiak: "No you weren't bruh!" 
Douglas Engelbart, the well-known engineer and inventor, once said, "The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate." Tom Cruise asked a boy, "Have you ever gotten the feeling that you aren't completely embarrassed yet, but you glimpse tomorrow's embarrassment?" Then Walter Kirn jumped up and asked the ultimate question, "What is it in people, or just in people like me, that would rather let a lie go by, would rather wish it away or minimize it, than point it out and cause the liar embarrassment?"

Well playas...I'm glad that I'm not like that dun! I say call a boy out if he's lyin' and save him the embarrassment or simply your freakin' time listenin' to him. The Denver Broncos didn't have the guts to tell Peyton Manning to go sit his butt down when he was puttin' on his freakin' uniform Sunday and that dun eventually made a complete fool of himself! The Lakers are doin' the same thing with what used to be called the Black Mamba and it's a freakin' shame!

Peyton Manning ran out there lookin' like one of the darn three Stooges, pick one any one bruh before Gary Kubiak finally had to gonads to pull him with just over six minutes left in the third quarter. Ole boy was 5-20 for 35 yards, had thrown 4 picks, been sacked twice and he fumbled. All that dun needed was a Smart car with like 25 people in it, clown music and a water spittin' flower because he was straight out of the circus. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! At some point you gotta go sit yo "A" down! Professional sports is like the rap game bruh! It's a young man's game. At a certain age you gotta put the mic down. I don't care if you think you can still rap! Jay-Z is the only cat that's 40 plus that can still sell records. Nobody else can do that playa. LL Cool J can still rock the mic but nobody's buyin' a James Todd album bruh! Trust me on that! Boyz will go see him live because he "L" but they aren't buyin' a new "L" joint. 

Just because you can still flow doesn't mean that you can still sell records! 

So you've gotta know when to say when. Now all of a sudden Kubiak is tryin' to absorb the blame by sayin' that it's his fault that Peyton looked a mess out there because he was on the injury list this week and he shouldn't have played him. He's sayin' that ole boy had sore ribs and a foot injury etc. Bruh, EVERYBODY'S on the freakin' injury list EVERY week! Stop it! It's pro football! Everybody plays hurt but when you're old and should have retired at least two years ago you look like a complete fool when your hurt. Why? Because your body can't recover like it did when you were young enough to still play. 

So his body is tellin' him to go sit yo "A" down! The question is, what's he gonna do? Is he goin' to listen or is he goin' to keep makin' a fool of himself like the Black Garden Snake! Yeah, I said it! Kobe isn't the Mamba anymore bruh! He's a garden snake that is goin' to get ran over by one of these young boyz real soon if he doesn't get out of the way. 

He's out there dribblin' all of the air out of the freakin' ball lookin' for shots that no longer exist. Then when he takes one that dun might put it over the backboard. It's terrible and the Lakers don't have to guts to tell him to go sit down. Now what's goin' to happen is that one of these young boyz that wanna make a name for himself is goin' to posterize him, then talk trash to him and there's nothin' he can do about it but take it on the chin. 

It's like bein' the O.G. that used to run the hood. He still thinks that he can go because in his mind he's the same cat. But the young boy is ready to take over the hood and the day finally comes that he's ready to knock off the O.G. Now he's gotta do it in broad daylight in front of the ENTIRE hood so that EVERYBODY sees the transition from one G to another. Then the young boy takes the O'G.'s manhood and trips all of his power. 
"I can't keep frontin' bruh! They're figurin' me out now!

That's what's gonna happen to Kobe this year and all that woofin' he's always done is gonna go out the window. Either somebody is goin' to posterize him or whoop his butt or both. Put it like this bruh, the young dun is gonna posterize him and Kobe's goin' to take offense to it and get up talkin' crazy and then he's goin' to get his butt whooped. Why? Because he still thinks he's who he used to be. And these young boyz will only respect you to a certain limit playa. And that limit is you bein' retired and out of their way. 

It's sad to see the legends make a fool of themselves but it happens. Peyton and Kobe aren't the first and certainly won't be the last. Remember when Jordan was playin' for the Wizards and could barely get down the floor? Remember when O.J. Simpson was playin' for the 49ers or when Shaq looked a mess in a Celtics and Cavs uniform? The worse was when Jerry Rice was runnin' up and down the field in Oakland. I could go on but why? 

It's bad bruh, but when a boy has to pull you for Brock Osweiler it's time for you to strip butt naked right there on the sideline and walk out of the freakin' stadium. Don't even go to the locker room pimpin'! Just walk to your car in my Bernie Mac voice, "Bucket Naked" and go to the crib. Oh...and pick up Kobe on your way home to and don't EVER show up to mic check again. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Dun: noun - The person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.
2) Pimpin': noun - the person that I'm passionately tryin' to get my point across to. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The captions under the photos aren't real but its REAL talk! 

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