How Kobe had the nerve to give D'Angelo Russell some advice! " ABSOLUTELY"

"Your joint wasn't worse than mine bruh! It'll pass! Just be patient!" 
William Hazlitt, the english writer, once said, "A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could." Tennessee Williams, the famous playwright, broke it down like this, "The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite!" Then Hazlitt shot back with joint that shut the buildin' down when he spit, "The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy." 
Well playas...gettin' advice from a hypocrite is even worse bruh! Why? Because he's tellin' you how to get through some foolishness that he didn't even handle well. On Wednesday night these fake media-types had THEE nerve to ask Kobe Bryant of all people if he'd spoken with D'Angelo Russell about this foolishness of throwin' his boy Nick Young under the bus and backin' over him. 
So this is what that dun had to say bruh. "I had a chance to talk to him earlier today. All I can do is just do my best Yoda impersonations and give him that kind of sage advice, I guess. One day pass, this shall -- or something like that." Then ole boy had the nerve to call the situation, "unfortunate."
He goes on to  say, "It's tough! I think there's a lot to learn from that; I'm sure he is, I'm sure he'll evolve. I'm sure he'll grow, and I'm sure he'll be better from it. I don't think there's much he can do about it now; outside of the countless apologies, there's not really anything else he can do but just continue to perform, continue to earn the trust of his teammates and his peers and onward he goes."
Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Now are we really askin' a boy that did far worse if he hollered at D'Angelo? Really bruh? Kobe's got absolutely no advice to give this kid on this foolishness because he called a boy out that had ABSOLUTELY nothin' to do with his foolishness. 
Aw, so you boyz are goin' to act like you don't remember Kobe gettin' arrested on a sexual assault charge back in 2002 and tellin' the arrestin' officer that he should have done what Shaq always does by payin' the women off. Now like I said in my crazy Hot Joint yesterday entitled "MARK" what Kobe did was far worse than what D'Angelo did bruh. It ain't even close. Nick Young was ABOUT to get married! Shaq WAS ALREADY MARRIED! Nick Young wasn't sittin' on more than one hundred millions dollars! Shaq was!!! All Nick is out of is the ring and the bachelor party. Shaq was out of multi-millions. Far worse playa! ABSOLUTELY!!!

So why on earth are we askin' Kobe if he talked to him or not? Kobe never apologized for pullin' the unthinkable. Give me a freakin' break!! 

And I'm ready to block these duns on Twitter that keep sayin' that the real problem is Nick Young cheatin' on his girl and not the recording itself. This fool hits me up and says, Swaggy P remains loyal no convo to tape." 

Where do they get these cats from bruh? He must have grown up with D'Angelo in Montverde, Florida somewhere or at least with the same rules as De'Angelo. How ignorant is that statement? 

There is ABSOLUTELY no excuse for recording a person private conversation without their knowledge of it. No matter how ignorant the conversation is. Who are you? The moral police? If that man wants to have 10 girlfriends that's his freakin' business. And what woman actually thinks that she's the ONLY one that's marryin' a dun that's young, rich and famous? Stop it! You sound crazy and stop me when I start lyin'! 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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