Foul Balls (How Ciara helped to further prove that Russell Wilson can'tbe trusted)

"You ain't my kid but Ima act like it bruh!"
As I’m sittin’ in the barber shop choppin’ it up with the homies as I do on a weekly basis, these three O.G.’s start debatin’ the issue of boyz doin’ cats wrong. William Shakespeare said, “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, told the dun to pause on his fade as he shouted, “Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the wrong thing.” Then Dr. Duess shut the buildin’ down when he slammed the dominoes on the table and said, “Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.”

Well playas…it looks like ole Russell Wilson and Ciara are lookin’ at life through the wrong end of the telescope but Future and all of the real G’s out here aren’t laughin’! When the Seattle Seahawks reported to trainin’ camp a couple of days ago, ole girl had the unmitigated gall to bring her child with Future out on the practice field wearin’ her new boyfriend’s jersey number. Now both of these duns understand that they’re famous and they already know how this is gonna play out in the media.

So let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Unless that kid’s daddy is DEAD or completely DEADBEAT, Ciara is as wrong as two left shoes and Russell Wilson is a sucka for allowin’ her to even pull that stunt.

It’s cool that you’ve got a new man and he treats you right but that new man AIN’T your child’s father. So unless Future is completely out of the kid’s life you can’t do no “stuff” like that. And that’s the edited version babygirl! And excuse my grammar but this ain't a time to be grammatically correct it's a time to tell a boy when he's wrong. And usin' proper grammar just doesn't express my complete thoughts.

Let me put it where the goats can get it playboy! Like I keep tellin’ you duns, the truth is in the details. Remember last year when the rumors were swirlin’ around the Seahawks complex after Percy Harvin got traded because he was beefin’ with this cat and boyz were sayin’ that they couldn’t trust Russell Wilson? Remember when they were sayin’ that he’s too close to management? Remember when the Seahawks were on the 1 yard line in the Super Bowl and they had been ridin’ Marshawn Lynch’s back down the stretch, the same cat that management doesn’t like? Then all of a sudden with the game on the line they called a pass play? Why? So that the cat that boyz on the team have been sayin’ they couldn’t trust and that is too close to management could win the game and the MVP. However, it backfired and they lost because he forced it by throwin’ the dull pick.

Why? Because it wasn’t about the team it was about him. Why? Because he could have thrown it out of the back of the end zone and lived to see another play but instincts kicked in and he couldn’t help himself pimpin’. A leopard can't change his spots playa. It is what it is.   

Fast forward to a couple of days ago at trainin’ camp, the same thought process that made boyz say that they couldn’t trust him allows him to let HIS girl bring another man’s child out to HIS job with HIS jersey on. See all of the real fathers out here can see it homeboy. If you’ve got kids you already know that that’s a no-no! And it’s a head splittin’ no-no too! You can’t do no “stuff” like that! And again, that’s the edited version and screw my grammar.

Here's the Ciara/Russ apologist screamin' from the rooftop, "Man you trippin'! Ain't nothin' wrong with what Ciara did!" Stop it! You sound crazy even tryin' to justify it bruh. If your Ex-girlfriend showed up at her new boyfriend's job with your kid dressed up like him and then posted it to Facebook we would be bondin' you out this afternoon.  

You don’t disrespect a man by puttin’ his kid in the middle of your beef Ciara. While you’re out here playin’ house and it’s all fun and games right now this is REAL LIFE for your kid. I’m surprised that one of Russ's teammates didn’t check him for that foolishness. 

The question is, why is she at camp in the first place?

A real man would have told his girl to leave the kid at the crib or at the very least told her not to put his jersey on him because it's unnecessary. But when you’re selfish you don’t care about what you’re doin’ and how it affects other people. Not even your own child.

So these duns in Seattle can act like the rumors and foolishness comin’ out of their complex last year wasn’t true if they want to. But all of the real G’s can smell a dun that’s dirty a mile away and can see him gettin’ out of the ride down the street bruh. Russell Wilson needs his butt whooped right alongside of Sheldon Richardson for bein’ a fool hittin’ foul balls for no good reason.

Now I know that a lot of cats will say that it's cool for him to do what he's doin' because Future's got four kids by four different women etc. But unless, like I said earlier, he's DEAD or DEADBEAT both Ciara and Russ are wrong. Until that dun marries her and is willin' to take on the legal responsiblity of financially bein' daddy he needs to stay in his lane. 

As long as they're playin' house he can walk away at any time and that ain't good for the child. Don't just put your jersey on him playa, give him your last name or at least start with his momma. I'm not tellin' you what I heard playboy. I'm tellin' you what I know. 

And while I've got you watchin' Russ ole girl is the one that's really on the come up bruh. She's diggin' it to Future with a cat with a White Security clearance. And none of the duns that she's EVER been associated with could do that pimpin'. So while Russ is dead wrong for his role. Ciara is on some real foolishness they way she's runnin' game. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) O.G.’s: noun – Short for Original Gangstas, old heads in the hood that know the streets because of experience. The old cat in the joint with the most wisdom.
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about bruh.
3) Beef: noun – conflict
4) Pimpin’: noun – the person that I’m passionately tryin’ to get me point across to.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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