Makin' Moves (Why Mo'Ne Davis is way too famous to even think about playin' college sports)

"I'm just bein' me!"
Jeff Cooper, the creator of the “modern technique” of handgun shooting once said, “A smart man only believes half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half.” Albert Einstein gave it to us like this, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Then Byron Dorgan, the United States Senator, shut the lights off when he said, “Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things.”

Well playas…it’s goin’ to be imperative that Mo’Ne Davis’ family understands the difference between the two. Just a year ago she became a household name while puttin’ in work at the Little League World Series. Since then her popularity has skyrocketed. She became the first Little League Player EVER to make the cover of Sports Illustrated, her jersey is now in the Baseball Hall of Fame, she played in the Celebrity Basketball Game durin’ the NBA All-Star Weekend, ole girl has been on multiple music award shows presentin’ awards to the biggest celebrities in the world and she recently won the ESPY for the Best Breakthrough Athlete of the Year.

When the whirlwind started and she was bein’ paraded around the country and my first thought was that somebody needs to slow this bus down. Why? Because you already know that she’s receivin’ improper benefits from any and everybody and that will surely come back to bite her in the butt when she goes to college. You already know boyz are sittin’ in the cut keepin’ tab of everything she’s received over the past 12 months just in case she doesn't pick their school 4 years from now. After all, her dream is to play college basketball at UConn, not baseball.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! She’s way too big of a celebrity to go to college and be eligible to play sports now bruh. Over the past year so many opportunities have fallen her way that it’s impossible and even stupid not to take advantage of her celebrity at this point. If she still wants to go to college for the sake of studyin’ and gettin’ a degree that’s cool. But if she were my kid I would have her take advantage of EVERY opportunity that comes her way and that includes endorsement deals etc. Why? Because at the end of the day we all get up in the mornin’ to make a livin’ and she can make one without workin’ a real job at this point. Her popularity and charisma is worth now what most folks will ever make in a lifetime bruh.

Do your realize that the average salary in America is $29K! She could make that much bread in an appearance fee at this point playa! College sports? Really?

First of all playboy, she’s a beautiful young lady with tons of charisma that any and every major corporation would love to have sellin’ their products from bats, gloves, sneakers, workout gear you name it she can sell it. Gabby Douglas signed a $90 million deal with Wheaties after winnin' the Gold Medal and she isn't as popular as Mo'Ne nor as charismatic. So she can get at least half of that just off of the Little League World Series run alone! And Mo'Ne still has a future! Gabby is done bruh!  Boyz pay not off of what you've already done but off of what your potential is. Well...everybody but the darn Lakers. The only reason that you go to college is to get a job. She’s worth millions on Madison Ave. right now! College? For the sake of playin' sports? Are you crazy?!!?

Why hold out just so she can go to UConn to play basketball for free and let them make millions off of her. The rules aren’t gonna change by the time she shows up in college. Naw playa, she’s too big for the NCAA at this point. She’s already published a memoire! What kid is sellin’ a book about her life at 14? There’s also a movie in the works by the Walt Disney Company about her life. Make your money babygirl because at the end of the day the average freakin’ salary in the WNBA is 45 grand! If she balls out of control and becomes one of the highest paid players in the league like Britney Griner, she’ll only max out at 100 stacks. She can make that right now in appearance fees alone even before she enters high school in a few weeks and still play in the WNBA when she’s done, if she’s good enough and healthy. 

Why take the chance of not makin' this bread now when there is always the possibility of injuries down the line. Hold out so that the NCAA can pimp a boy or at best you play, get drafted to a league that has an average salary of $45K? Really? Make your money now and still get their money if it's there in 5 or 6 years.  

I say ball out in high school and go straight to the WNBA or go overseas and get paid. I sure wouldn’t let UConn or any other college, for that matter, take advantage of my kid that doesn’t need them to get where they’re tryin’ to go. Don’t get it twisted bruh, Mo’Ne is an honor student. So if she wants to go to school she can go but I wouldn’t let the NCAA take advantage of her celebrity while she’s on campus and she makes nothin’ off of it. Not me or mine bruh.

She can do what ole girl, Allyson Felix, did in college. She ran track professionally and went to USC at the same time. She told the college game to kick rocks at 18. She signed with Adidas right out of high school for an undisclosed amount and had them pay her tuition to USC. Straight gangsta move right there bruh!

If you’ve already got the celebrity you don’t need the college sports program to get the attention of the professional leagues for you. Don’t be a sucka if you don’t have to be. Mo’Ne could literally be worth $20 million dollars or more by the time she graduates from high school if she did it the right way. Holla at duns like Allyson Felix and keep it movin’. Why? Because in order to make the right moves you gotta holla at the duns that have already made them. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about at the time. 2) Stack: noun - one thousand dollars 
Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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