100 (What you NEED to tell your kids about Deflate Gate bruh)

"If you don't tell them I will pimpin'!"
As all of the homies are hangin’ out in front of University of Phoenix Stadium gettin’ ready for Super Bowl XLIX, I hear these cats arguin’ about honesty. James E. Faust, the religious leader, said, “Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.” Thomas Jefferson put the brew down for a minute and said, “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. “ Then the playas playa himself, William Shakespeare, spit some simple but fire game to a boy by sayin’, “No legacy is so rich as honesty.”

Well playboy…all week long people, especially mothers, have been askin’ the same question about the whole Deflate Gate situation with the New England Patriots. Every time I turn around some cat is askin’, “If the NFL just sits and does nothin’ to the Patriots, what kind of message does it send to our young people?” This is the one that completely blows my mind bruh, “What am I supposed to tell my kids if they see people like Bill Belichick and Tom Brady cheatin’ and bein’ successful?”

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Tell your kids the freakin’ truth! Tell them that folks have been cheatin’, lyin’ and stealin’ since the beginnin’ of time and becomin’ successful as a result of it. However, true success is not measured by the amount of games, championships, awards or bread you can acquire. Tell your kids what’s real! You owe them that much.

Folks have been cheatin’ in this country and winnin’ since before its independence. Don’t act like Bill Belichick and Tom Brady are the first two to profit from wrong doin’. Remember who you’re talkin’ to playboy, I’m a descendent of African slaves that helped build the foundation of this country for free. Do you know how many millionaires and billionaires there are walkin’ around today that got rich by stealin’, beatin', rapin' and tradin’ my ancestors?

There are so many major corporations that were admittedly involved in the slave trade and kept it movin’. Duns like Lehman Brothers, Aetna, JP Morgan Chase, New York Life, USA Today and Norfolk Southern just to name a few. So lookin’ at success and wealth doesn’t always keep it real with a boy.

Let me put it where the goats can get it. John F. Kennedy’s old man, Joe Kennedy, made a fortune importin’ alcohol durin’ Prohibition pimpin’! Then he used his connections to the mob to get his son elected to the highest office in the land. This isn’t my opinion playa, these are well documented facts. Do your homework! 

We celebrate a dun named Christopher Columbus every year that told boyz that he discovered a new world that already had people livin' in it! Then they took those same people, moved them to reservations and acted like they didn't.

I'm still talkin' crazy? We had a recent Vice President of this country handin' out construction contracts to rebuild Iraq to his OWN company! Wheredeydodatat? 

So if you’re goin’ to talk to your kids tell them the truth. Don’t tell them that everybody that has succeeded in this country has always done it the right way. Tell them that the love of money is the root of all evil and that it’s not always about winnin’ by any means necessary. It’s about doin’ things the right way and that the most important asset a man or woman can possess is their integrity. Tell them that!

Don’t look at a person’s material success and form the opinion that because they’ve got fame and wealth that they’ve always done it the right way. Havin’ morals are far more important than gettin’ over on people and you can become materially successful without lyin’, stealin’ and cheatin’. It just requires more work and attention to detail. And on some real talk, everybody isn’t goin’ to become rich and win all of the awards. Why? Because everybody’s potential isn’t the same.

You make the choice of what your legacy is goin’ to become because when they put you in that box you’re the only one that has to answer to the good Lord on how you lived. I can guarantee that he’s not gonna ask you how much bread you made and how many awards or Super Bowls you won. When you close your eyes it suddenly gets REAL! Tell your kids that playa! Tell them the TRUTH! Keep it 100! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: the person in question, the dude, guy, etc.
2) Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st: : I’m bein’ straight up with you bruh.
3) Let me put it where the goats can get it. : I’m goin’ to lay it all out for you. I’m puttin’ it on the ground for you. Goats eat off of the ground bruh.
4) Fire game: impressive and enlightening information
5) Pimpin': my man, my guy, whoever I'm talkin' to at the time.
Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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