Tri-Delts (The REAL reason Kobe is runnin' around cursin' boyz out)

"You ain't tell me that she looked like that dawg!"
James E. Faust, the famous religious leader, once said, “In this life, we have to make many choices. Some are very important choices. Some are not. Many of our choices are between good and evil. The choices we make, however, determine to a large extent our happiness or our unhappiness, because we have to live with the consequences of our choices.” J.K. Rowling did a little magic on a boy and said, “It is our choices…that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Then Eleanor Roosevelt sounded almost presidential when she said, “One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words, it is expressed in the choices one makes…and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.”

Well playboy…the choices that Kobe “Bean” Bryant has made over the past few years have finally come home to roost. Now he’s frustrated with the duck soup that he’s helped to prepare in LA. On Thursday ole boy returned to practice for the first time this month and got a dose of reality. After he and Nick Young traded verbal jabs back and forth, which is completely normal for boyz to do, at practice because well…that’s what boyz do. Now a lot of you cats are wonderin’ why I didn’t call that dun Swaggy P. Real cats can’t call another grown man Swaggy P bruh. That’s like calling a boy Delicious.

Then Kobe wakes up on a boy and says, "You m-----f------ are soft like Charmin in this m-----f-----. GD, is this the type of s--- that's going on in these practices? Now I see why we've lost 20 f---ing games. We're soft like Charmin. We're soft like s---."

Then he goes after Jeremy Lin darin’ him to shoot the rock, "This m-----f----- don't got s---. He ain't got s--- right now. Shoot! Shoot!" After Lin missed the shot, ole boy said, "I talked his ass right into that bulls---. I talked his ass right into that bulls---."

Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! All of my old school cats are sittin’ around the barber shop today sayin’, “Hell yeah! Kobe told them boyz what’s up! He’s one of the last of the Mohicans! He wasn’t lyin’ they are soft! He was only tryin’ to motivate 'em playa!”

You’re right playboy they are soft as baby poop! And that’s the edited version! But Kobe created this mess! When he bullied Jeanie Buss and Co. into to extendin’ his deal by two years and takin’ $48 million from a boy. When he told boyz that at 36 he was still the first option in LA. When he ran Dwight Howard out of town by insultin' the dun in the media when he was sittin' right next to him in the locker room. Who does that bruh? Talk about their teammates to the media right in front of them?

Now you can call Dwight soft all day but a grown man is gonna do one or two things out here pimpin'. He's gonna beat the brakes off of a boy or completely walk away from the situation. We already know what one of the best bigs in the game did.

When he told Nick Young last year that he doesn't talk to players on teams with sub .500 records when he was still on the freakin' team was beyond crazy! Yeah playa, when he did all of that and more he bought and paid for a bunch of young soft cats that only wanted to play with him because they had no other choice but to play with him. Think about it bruh, he’s got a bunch of cats around him that wanted his autograph when trainin' camp started. 

We aren't gonna even mention how he ran Shaq out of town with his selfishness. He could have already had 6 or even 7 championships by now if his ego hadn't gotten in the way 10 years ago. Not to mention the snitch job he did on a boy. So now whenever Kobe walks into a room boyz stop talkin'. Why? Because REAL cats can't trust him.That's why all of the REAL cats out there refused to play with him chief!

Remember how good June 2014 looked to Lakers fans three years ago. Boyz couldn't wait for free agency to open. Then the REAL superstars spoke volumes by not even lookin' at LA and then Pau shot a warnin' joint across the bow when he bounced to go to cold "A" Chicago instead of stayin' in the City of Dreams! What does that tell you bruh? So now he's stuck with the Bad New Bears!

You can’t punk (as in soft for all of my politically correct cats out here) a bunch of punks into bein’ some real G’s. When they put the roster together I told you boyz that he was playin’ with the Cosby Kids and you laughed at me. I told you boyz that they were gonna be one of the worst teams in the league for the next two or three years but you barfed at the idea. Now ole boy is at practice goin’ off and you think that that’s gonna work. You’re crazier than Kobe is.

He’s playin’ with a bunch of cats that didn’t have a choice but to play in LA this year. They aren’t the beasts that you need to win ball games with. That’s like Lewis and Gilbert gettin’ upset with Booger, Poindexter and Lamar for gettin’ shoved in the garbage by the Alpha Betas. In my Denny Green voice, “They are who we thought they were!”

Oh I’m talkin’ crazy? Here’s a sure sign that you don’t have any real G’s on that roster bruh. Competitors compete and not just on the floor. You got some old cat that’s on your team that doesn’t even practice with you every day, that walks in and starts cursin’ boyz out and nobody has the gonads to hit that dun in the throat? Real cats would have backed him up real quick. Why? Because competitors compete! 

Nobody cares that he’s a 5 time NBA champion bruh. Those championships don’t help them win games today because they don’t have the roster, ownership nor the coachin’ staff to repeat those types of results. So those rings mean absolutely nothin’ to a boy today gettin' cursed out.

It’s called a team sport for a reason pimpin’! That means that you need the other cats on the team to be able to win. However, when you create a situation where nobody of value wants to play with yo "A" you can’t trip when you show up to practice and the Tri-Delts (Revenge of the Nerds) are dribblin’ balls around.

He never thought that by the end of his career he’d be linin’ up next to a cat that's tellin' boyz to call him Swaggy P and tryin’ to get more out of a dun named Jeremy that went to Harvard. That’s why he’s mad bruh! Later with that "He's tryin’ to motivate these boyz." He’s upset that he’s in the goofy mo-bile, the doors are locked and he can’t get out. He finally woke up and saw the broad that he brought home last night and she looks nothin’ like he thought she looked when he was spittin’ game to her. That’s what happens when you get high off of your own supply. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!


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