Propofol Pimpin' (The REAL reason Adrian Peterson has lost his freakin' mind out here bruh)

"Yeah that's it! Ima run in the Olympics!"
Christian Nestell Bovee, the 19th century writer, once said, “No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.” Richard Dawkins, the famous ethologist, biologist and writer, gave it to us like this, “A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence.” Then Carl Sagan, the famous astronomer and astrophysicist, put it where the goats could get it with, “It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”

Well playboy…somebody needs to tap Adrian Peterson on the freakin’ shoulder and wake that dun up because he’s dreamin’, babblin’ and essentially walkin’ around this piece incoherent. On Friday the arbitrator, Harold Henderson, upheld his suspension by the NFL that would last until April of 2015. For all of you simple minded individuals that means that he can’t be reinstated until that date. Got it? Now don’t interrupt me again.

All of a sudden this cat starts talkin’ like he’s been inhalin’ laughin’ gas or sniffin’ Propofol or somethin’ bruh! He immediately starts talkin’ about thinkin’ of retirin' and then he throws his head into the entire bucket of Propofol when he says, “Why not pursue my Olympic dream!”

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Has the NFL been shady in the way that they’ve been handlin’ the disciplinary issues with these boyz? Absolutely! Have they been makin’ this stuff up as they go? You darn right they have! And that’s the edited version. However, to dive off of the freakin’ roof and start talkin’ about retirin’ and goin’ to the Olympics is nuts. Now if a boy doesn’t re-sign you and nobody touches you then you gotta find somethin’ else to do. But don’t pull a Michael Jordan on a boy and make a complete fool of yourself bruh.

What Olympics is this dun talkin’ about? The Special Olympics? Because I know he ain’t talkin’ about the REAL Olympics! He’s talkin’ about competin’ in the 100 and 200 meters. Really? He ran a wind assisted 10.26 in a district meet in high school and then got second in the state meet with a wind assisted 10.33! Again, really? His personal best in the 200 accordin’ to him was a 21.23! And I haven't even mentioned he's about to turn 30! Stop it!

The dun that finished 7th in the 2012 London Olympics in the 100 meters ran a 9.98 and the cat that got 8th in the 200 ran a 20.69. So again, what Olympics are you talkin’ about runnin’ in bruh? Think about how many cats there are in the WORLD between AD's times and the dun that got 7th and 8th place in the Olympics. One of us is smokin' bruh and I've got asthma. 

That’s like me tellin’ a boy that I’m gonna compete in NASCAR this spring because I drive every day. Go sit yo “A” down somewhere talkin’ crazy. This is what these cats do for a livin' bruh! You're fast for a football player but you ain't no sprinter! Olympic sprinter at that! Tape your mouth shut with that foolishness.  

I know that the NFL is trippin’ but you started this foolishness when you tried to be Hulk Hogan on your kid. It’s jacked up that you gotta sit playa but it is what it is. You tried to punk the league last month and it back fired on you and now you’re mad.

Accordin’ to Peterson the executive vice president of the league, Troy Vincent, told him in a face-to-face meetin’ that he would get a two-game suspension, along with time served, if he attended a meetin’ in New York in November with ole Roger. AD eventually decided to stand the commissioner up and there it is bruh. You can’t punk a boy that's decidin' your fate and then expect for him to work with you. Where you from? Unfortunately, he’s the freakin’ Wizard of Oz on this. At least at that time he was. Now they’ve got a new program in place that takes all of the power out of Goddell's hands.

I don’t know why AD’s trippin’ because they paid that dun $8 million this year accordin’ to his records to do nothin’! Wheredeydodatat? Yeah, they’re runnin’ game tryin’ to satisfy public opinion and the sponsors etc. So you just gotta sit in the cut and wait until April 15th playa. Since you don’t own the league and you’re just an employee, you gotta deal with what comes down the pike like everybody else in the workin’ world.

The only difference between you and me is that you’re rich. You’re still nothin’ more than an employee! Just be happy with the $8 million they threw at you this year because it’s some duns out here gettin’ abused on the job for $7 an hour. But please put the Propofol down bruh and stop talkin’ crazy out here about runnin’ in the Olympics. You do realize that a boy can hold you on a 72-hour joint for mental evaluation for that? I'm just sayin' and stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Tewitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

For all of you simple minded individuals Adrian Peterson is not on Propofol. Just jokes bruh!

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