It's Goin' Down (The Parliament Funkadelic is out)

One down several more to go playboy!
General George S. Patton was rolling dice in the barber shop when he said, “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” Martin Luther King Jr. jumped out of the big body Chevy, turned the music down and said, “Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.” Then William Shakespeare took of squig of that old school Mad Dog 20/20 and said, “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

I’ve been telling you boyz for weeks now that in November College Football gets crazy! Why? Because it always does! All of these dull media cats out here keep trying to sell you on the chaos that will ensue at the end of the season when 5 teams pull into the gate undefeated. Here’s the problem playboy, it NEVER happens! Well, not with legitimate major conference teams that should be playing for the title.

If you paid attention to My College Football Weekly Preview this week I told you that upsets were on the horizon and that the Parliament Funkadelic (Oregon Ducks) was going down at Stanford. What happened pimpin’? The Parliament Funkadelic went down hard by the dun in the tree costume 26-20!

Am I a freakin’ wizard? Not at all! I’ve just been around this game my entire life that’s all. If you’ve been around college football for more than 3 years you already know that boyz are gonna fall late in the season but these media cats are banking on you not thinking for yourself. So they sit up and bash the BCS because it took their COMPLETE power away from them to VOTE on who they want to win the title.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! When the BCS was first instituted these cats were hot because it changed their level of control in this thing. Then a couple of years into the joint somebody with actually a brain said let’s add to the computers strength of schedule, margin of victory to determine who plays.

That made all of the sense in the world because duns like Boise State and the BYU’s of the world playing soft schedules had no shot at getting in. Remember in 1984 when BYU won the national title after beating a 6-5 Michigan team in the freakin’ Holiday Bowl? That’s when they had complete control. The BCS finally took that foolishness away.

Keep in mind playboy that there are 120 teams in the FBS and there are probably 5 different levels of play. So it’s impossible to have a legitimate playoff that includes EVERYBODY. So the only way you’ll get one is by boyz voting!

The computers made it easy at the time because it took personal bias out of the equation. Then in 2003 Oklahoma was beating the brakes off of boyz and playing the toughest schedule in the country at the time according to the computers. Then they got beat by Kansas State in the Big 12 title game but still made it to the national championship to play LSU. Why? Because the computers weren’t thinking, they were spitting the unbiased truth on strength of schedule and margin of victory.

Then the dull Associated Press at that point pulled out of the BCS and named USC the national champion even though LSU won the freakin’ game! I know because I was there playboy! Then the powers that be took strength or schedule and margin of victory out of the equation and that’s why Alabama keeps winning the national title. Even with a loss last year they got in with a weak schedule. Why? Because the helmet says SEC. Not SEC West and the cupcakes that they played all season. If strength of schedule were still a dominant factor in the equation we wouldn’t be talking about them because their schedule has been dull for the past two years.

The SEC is smart though! While everybody else is jockeying for position and trying not to fall victim to an upset late in the season these duns in the SEC are playing cupcakes because they know that the media is gonna vote them in regardless because of reputation. Alabama is playing Chattanooga week 13 bruh not week 1! LSU played Furman last week to prepare for Alabama. Florida is playing Georgia Southern on November 23rd! Ole dull Georgia is playing Appalachian State this week! Why? Because strength of schedule doesn’t count like it did before. But ole dull Paul Finebaum will tell you that Ohio State’s schedule is too weak to even be considered even if they run the table and these boyz haven’t lost a game in darn near two years.

If Urban Myer were coaching against the same dull strength of schedule and he was in the SEC West like Alabama is playing in right now they’d be the No.1 team in the country without question. But because people don’t think for themselves and these media cats can tell them whatever they want to and folks will believe it.

They’ve got everybody thinking that the 4 team playoff coming in 2014 will be the best thing since sliced bread and the freakin’ Soul Glo jheri curl on Sexual Chocolate. What they didn’t tell you is that the process is still gonna be subjective with some cats sitting in a room VOTING on who gets in! Get this; most of the people on the panel are affiliated with conferences and schools directly. So what’s gonna stop a boy from the Big Ten from voting for Ohio State on GP? What’s gonna stop a booster from filling a boyz pocket for their vote! Is that better? I doubt it! But let these clown media cats tell it, it is.

All I’ve got to say is sit in the cut the next few weeks and watch boyz fall. Nobody is talking about the major hurdle that the Iron Bowl presents for Alabama because Auburn is looming in the background with 1 loss. Ohio State still has to play in the Big Ten title game against the No.1 defense in the country in Michigan State and Baylor still has 3 legit games left to play (Texas Tech, Oklahoma State and Texas)! While Florida State will meet whoever is still left standing in Cali pimpin’! In their Ice Cube voice, “Westside!!!!” Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption is REAL today and its REAL talk!

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