Dead Skunks (The REAL reason Jonathon Martin had no boyz on the team)

"Ima tell my momma on him! Watch!"
Bryant H. McGill, the speaker and author in the field of self-development, shouted, “Within the hearts of men, loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than success.” Samuel Goldwyn, the famous film producer, stood up and flicked his cigarette over his should and said, “I’ll take fifty percent efficiency to get one hundred percent loyalty.” Then George C. Marshall, the former Chief of Staff of the Army and former Secretary of State, drove his whip right into the barbershop with this joint, “I can’t expect loyalty from the army if I do not give it.”

One thing is for sure and two is for certain playboy, everybody’s got an opinion on this Incognito/Martin situation! The problem is, very few duns have insight on what’s REAL! I’ve been sitting back listening to everybody chop it up from the talking heads on radio and TV to just the regular duns on the street.

Here’s the problem, nobody’s pointing to the obvious! Is Richie Incognito a complete idiot? Sure he is! Was he waaaay out of line for the racist voicemail that he left on ole boy’s phone? Absolutely! Should every brother on that team have whopped his butt for those comments alone? You darn right? Should somebody, anybody have come to Jonathon Martin’s defense at the minimum over the past several days? Absolutely!

However, nobody has! Why? Because like George C. Marshall said, “Don’t expect loyalty from the army if you do not give it.” Wasn’t this the same dun that didn’t show up to mini-camp because he was stressed and unhappy? Not because he wanted more bread etc. He was unhappy! Who does that bruh? Some cat that’s soft that nobody wants on the team that's who.

Like I said in the Hot Joint entitled "Pullin' Cards" just a few days ago, Martin didn’t have any boys on that team and in my opinion was 75% responsible for all of this foolishness. You have the power to back a boy up off of you at any time. Read that joint if you don’t understand how because I broke it down.

There is a dead skunk on the line but nobody wants to spit it out! So in my Huggy Lowdown voice, “Waaaait for it!” Ole boy was a loner that wasn’t embraced by the team. Why? Waaait for it playboy because it's coming. I don’t need to talk to anybody in that freakin’ locker room to know that either because the locker room is no different than the streets.

We’ve all grown up with Richie Incognito’s that bothered the soft kid on the block or at school. He’s the jerk that boyz can’t stand. However, if he’s not bothering them or any of their family or friends they don’t have a reason to pull his card. Boyz just sit in the cut with the “Wish Factor” and wait.

For all of you duns that don’t know what the “Wish Factor” is let me break it down for you. The “Wish Factor” is when a cat says to himself that “I wish a boy would….!” Then you fill in the blank! Whatever fills in the blank gives you the permission to beat the brakes off of him. You can’t just jump on a boy without reason because then you look like you picked the fight.

If Jonathon Martin had been close to ANYBODY in that locker room there would have been a war in there. Like I said a minute ago, the locker room is no different than the streets. It’s divided up into sets and factions. Offense vs. Defense, DB’s, WR’s & RB’s, down lineman etc. Then the kickers are pushed over into the corner somewhere treated like the step kids on Christmas. The lockers are even divided up by position too.

So why is it that in a locker room of sets and factions does Martin have no protection? Because of the dead skunk on the line bruh! He’s soft!! You can’t be labeled as soft in a locker room full of overly aggressive men! It’s not like the rest of the world where there are varying degrees of estrogen and testosterone floating around. The testosterone level in the building is on full blast by design. That is the only reason that you even watch the sport on TV. So don’t try to make real world sense out of the thinking of the gladiators that you pay to see.

It’s like paying to see Maximus fight to the death and then being upset that he farts, scratches, spits and curses at the table when you're having dinner with him. He is who he is! He’s wired differently than the rest of us. So therefore, he’s gonna think and operate differently.

Don’t get upset with me for giving you the truth! The NFL is the NFL because of the gladiators that play the game. Unfortunately, they have testosterone levels that you don’t run into on a regular job. So the last thing you can be in a professional sports locker room, especially in an NFL joint, is soft!

It’s not the DNA of the duns that play the game! Does that make it right? Not for the real world! Does it make it right for the NFL? Absolutely! Because you wouldn’t pay good money to see a team full of Jonathon Martin’s play anywhere. Chew on this playa, some cat was bothering him and he quit his job or in my momma’s voice, “his J.O.B.”, that was paying him $390,000 this year. How soft can you be to let a boy run you off of your freakin' job? Soft enough to check into a hospital because some guy was bothering you? Are you kidding me?

On GP, should someone on that team just walk up to Richie Incognito and fire on him for his voicemail comments alone? Absolutely, because you can’t just let a boy think that that was permissible to say under any circumstances. Even though you agree that Martin should have handled it himself even if you didn’t want him on the team in the first place.

Lastly, what kind of brothers would say that Incognito is an honorary brother and give him permission to be reckless by using the N-word? Getting an honorary doctorate doesn't come with all of the privileges that a boy that actually went to school to earn it gets. You can't apply for a job with that joint. So how does Incognito avoid getting tore out the frame when the team is 70% black? Is the skunk that dead? Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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