Heart vs. Heartless (Heat 104 Spurs 114)

"I got this playboy and it ain't nothing you can do about it!"
Winston Churchill said, “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” Miyamoto Musashi, the famous Japanese swordsman, was fired up when he said, “Study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit of the warrior. Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.” Then the ancient Chinese military general, Sun Tzu, shut the building down with, “All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.”
In Game 4 Eric Spoelstra started the marksman Mike Miller to give his team an advantage and it worked. In Game 5 Greg Popovich pulled the ultimate chess move and started Manu Ginobili, who hasn’t started all season and he delivered. Ole boy came through like ole pimp, playa Uncle Leroy with the green suit and gators to match used to do at family functions. He came bearing gifts playboy! Ginobili put up 24 points and threw 10 dimes in route to a 114-104 victory to take a 3-2 lead in the NBA Finals.
Not only did Ginobili jump out of the closet with the chopper, all of his homeboys did to. The entire starting 5 for San Antonio were in double figures! High double figures too! Danny Green was pealing caps with 24 points as he went 6-of-10 from downtown destroying the NBA Finals 3-point record with 25 during this series. Tony Parker unloaded 26 on a bum hamstring, Tim Duncan did what he does and dropped off 17 and 12. While dusty fro Kawhi gave them 16 as his bangs continued to grow right before our eyes.
Sure, the Heat showed up to work on the offensive end of the floor with Lebron and D. Wade’s 25 apiece, Ole Ray Ray found 21 under the mattress and Bosh figured out a way to secure 16 points and grab 6 rebounds in the process. Will somebody please explain to me how Mike Miller only takes 1 shot attempt in 25 minutes? He’s been on fire from 3-point land during these Finals and he only takes 1 freakin’ shot! Wheredeydodatat? That means that he only took only one more shot than I did bruh!
 However, the Heat as a unit they were terrible on the defensive end. The Spurs took way too many wide open shots bruh! Both Ginobili and Green were shooting from spots on the floor where there was an echo when they landed. Nobody was around them at all!  As a matter of fact, the echoes were having conversations with each other.
Like I tell my son all of the time, losing a ball game because the other team is better or just played better is one thing but losing because of lack of effort is unacceptable. The Heat lost that game because they played once again with no sense of urgency. Scoring points only helps you if you keep the other team from scoring more points than you. Who cares if you put up 104 on the road in a hostile environment if the duns you’re playing against scores 114!
 If the Heat loses this series and ultimately this NBA Championship it won’t be because of a lack of talent. It will be because of a lack of effort playa. Will the real LeBron James please stand up? If you are the best player in the world playboy, act like it and stop hiding from the moment! I can get any dun in the NBA to give me 25 points. The great ones give you what you need to win when you NEED it homeboy. Do you think Jordan, Kobe, Wilt, Bill or Magic would have just put up 25 in that moment and played laxidasical defense? Not a chance playa!

The only time these duns play like the house is on fire is after they lose a game. They’ll beat the brakes off of San Antonio on Tuesday night in Game 6. So if you’ve got something important to do don’t even worry about watching that joint. Tune in on Thursday for Game 7 and you should be good.
Yeah, both Pop and Spo have been doing a hellava job of coaching in this series but at the end of the day it comes down to effort and the Heat haven’t played like it’s of any importance. All of those duns need to go see the Wizard because they’ve got no heart. I’ve never heard anybody say, “The talent of a champion!” They only say, “The HEART of a champion!” and right now the Spurs are playing with all of the heart bruh. Legacies will be defined, shattered or extended on Tuesday night playboy! I’ll be watching if you’ve got something else to do! Just hit me up on Twitter and I’ll keep you updated.  
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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