Childish Things (Chad Johnson Released)

"Man I don't wanna go by Big Momma's crib but I know she's standing in the door waiting!"
The French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre, once said, “Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.” His homeboy and fellow philosopher, Albert Camus, said it this way, “Alas, after a certain age every man is responsible for his face.” Then Theodore Roosevelt hit boyz in the head with, “If you kick the person responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.”
On Monday Chad Johnson was released from the Broward County Jail after serving 7 days of his 30 day sentence for simply acting a fool in court. Y'all already know Big Momma has been cursing for a week too. When she found out he was getting released she stood out on her porch with that old raggedy house coat on, those same slippers she's been wearing since the Civil Rights Movement, smoking a cigar and swinging her belt just waiting on that dun to pull up. Before she started swinging she cursed him up one wall and slid down the other then it was on and poppin'.

It doesn't matter how old you are. If you embarrass Big Momma she's comin' to get ya! In my Don Cornelius voice, "You can bet ya bottom dollar on that!"

He finally had sense enough to apologize to Judge Kathleen McHugh for disrespecting her court room by slapping his attorney on the butt after his plea agreement was accepted on the probation violation. I know he was trippin' when she rescinded that joint and locked his butt up. You know how you start thinking to yourself, "Man I wish I could press the rewind button on that joint." That was Chad!!
On some real talk, if the jails weren’t so over-crowded she should have let ole boy sit the entire 30 days. Some cats just don’t get it bruh and Chad’s one of them! I tell boyz all of the time that there are 6 words that can change your life, your relationships and your career for the positive, immediately. They are “Do What You’re Supposed To Do!” It’s just that simple playboy!  
Even the bible tells us that you need to chill out with all of that foolishness after a certain age. The Apostle Paul broke it down in 1 Corinthians 13:11 like this, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I was led as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man I put childish things away.” If that ain’t real talk playa, I don’t know what is?
Over the past week I've heard a lot of cats saying that the judge overreacted and it wasn’t necessary to throw ole boy in jail just for that. See those are the cats that are still walking around trying to figure out what they’re going to do with their lives. They’re what the old timers used to call, “Fully Grown Men” that just don’t get it.

Disrespecting ole girl’s court room was like coming into her house and kicking over her dinner table and taking a leak on it.  If she allows Chad to do it then think about what a real criminal is going to do when he finds out she let a boy get away with clowning her. She suddenly becomes a joke and her court room as well.
A grown man would have already known what the consequences were to acting to a fool in court. The world has a way of making you get it even when you don’t wanna get it! See the spiel doesn’t change bruh. You can either get it from your parents, coaches, teachers, the judge or the C.O. Either way you’re gonna  get it playa. So why wait until the judge or C.O has to say it when you could have gotten it from your parents or coaches for free and saved yourself the foolishness of having to go to jail just to get it. I preachin’ but y’all ain’t listenin’!
It took 7 days in the joint for Chad to say, “No one has been able to do it, not even my parents. I thank her. Everything she did was justified.” See when a boy starts talking like that he’s been recovered because he realized that he wasn’t about that life in the first place. It’s one thing to want to act a fool all of the time than to want to sit down with REAL fools all of the time. You’ll catch that dome splitter later playboy! 
See some cats don’t care “nothing” about going to jail. I could have used proper grammar and “anything” but it doesn’t do it justice. Boyz that care NOTHING about going to jail, care nothing about you. So when you have to sit up with them all day that changes the perspective on why you’re sitting in there with them in the first place. See Chad was sitting there saying, “I’m in here for what?”

After he’s sees a boy get the breaks beat off of him for eyeballin’ or for just not being affiliated, it ain’t funny no more. All of the gigglin' and playin' stops once they close that door behind him because some cat is looking to slap him on his back side for real. Stop me when I start lyin'!  Hopefully this dun will finally listen to Paul and put childish things away.
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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