Gettin' Paid!

"Just make sure you got my money bruh!"
Now that the Super Bowl stage has been set we can take a deep breath and relax for a moment. Let's take a look at the top salaries in the NFL. The following is a list of the 6 top NFL player salaries for the year 2009:

1. Julius Peppers $16.68M
2. Carson Palmer $16.16M
3. Eli Manning $15.28M
4. Nnamdi Asomugha $15.15M
5. Ben Roethlisburger $14.66M
6. Payton Manning $14M

These guys are getting paid a lot of money. Did you know that the CBA(Collective Bargaining Agreement) sets the minimum rookie salary at $310,000. Even the 53rd man on the roster is getting some great coin! It must be great to be a professional athlete. I know that many of you are saying that these guys don't deserve that type of money for playing a stupid game. I would strongly disagree with you and here's why.

If it were just a game I would agree that those salaries are a bit excessive. However, the NFL is a billion dollar industry that is player driven. The league couldn't function without the players. So therefore, they need to be paid some of that money. Think about the amount of money the league makes in television contracts, jersey sales and other apparel, video game licensing and not to mention ticket sales alone. The league is selling the likeness of the players and making a fortune.

We haven't even thought about how a team can impact a city's local economy. When a team is winning like the Colts are in Indianapolis a city can make upwards of $180 million annually from restaurants, hotels etc.

I live in Indy and I can't leave my house without seeing a Payton Manning jersey. It's ridiculous that people will spend that type of money on jersey's. The entire family will have on this guys number 18. I'm cool with kids wearing jersey's but I see more grown men in them than I care to. I've already explained my view on grown men wearing jersey's in my article "Grown Men Shouldn't Wear Jersey's Ever!".

My point is that the players have to be compensated at this level if the league and the owners are making this type of revenue. Believe me, they wouldn't be paying guys like Julius Peppers $16 million if they weren't bring it in. So the next time you get upset because a guy signs a six year $78 million deal with $50 million guaranteed like Sam Bradford just did, don't! Put yourself in his shoes and think about how upset you would be if they didn't pay you and people were buying video games, jersey's and tickets to see you play.

EA Sports, the maker of the NFL Madden Football game has sold more than 85 million copies of that game since 1988. They have made more than $3 billion off of that game alone and you're telling me that the players shouldn't get paid? Are you kidding me? I would be on fire if I were in the league and every kid that I knew of was me in a video game. I believe that these guys deserve every bit of the money they get. It's called supply and demand and we do live in America! What's your opinion?

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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