The Projects (Why Ronda Rousey is makin' a complete fool of herselftryin' to fight Floyd)

Estrogen vs Testosterone "Really bruh?"
Chanakya, the ancient Indian philosopher, once said, “Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person.” Marjane Satrapi, the Iranian-born French novelist, gave it to us like this, “The real war is not between the West and the East. The real war is between intelligent and stupid people.” Then Bertrand Russell, the French philosopher, shut the buildin’ down when he spit some serious fire with, “The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.”

Well playas…ole Bertrand hit the nail square on the jaw like a Jets quarterback because the stupid in the world of sports journalism are cocksure hollerin’ about Ronda Rousey fightin’ Floyd “Money” Mayweather! But the sad part about it is that all of the intelligent folks are silent as if to say that they aren’t sure if this is foolishness or not. Well let me help you out playboy, Rhonda Rousey is makin’ a complete FOOL of herself even actin’ like she can fight a man let alone the best fighter in the freakin’ world! Stop it! You sound crazy! And I’m not talkin’ about any man bruh! I’m talkin’ about a boy that’s in just as good of shape, if not better, than she is.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! UFC isn’t even a REAL sport first of all pimpin’! It’s a darn street fight! And that’s the edited version! For all of you young duns that are into this foolishness that grew up in suburban and rural America they’ve been doin’ that since the beginnin’ of the time in the ghetto. They call it squabbin’, fightin’, gettin’ it in, throwin’ hands etc. and there are no rules.

Some fool just took what boyz have been doin’ in the ghetto and startin’ chargin’ you fools for it. The only difference between a street fight and UFC is that the duns participatin’ in it are in world class shape. They’ve got REAL athletes doin’ it. But don’t get it twisted playa, it’s a street fight all the same. That’s why you don’t see very many brothers flockin’ to the fights. We’ve been watchin’ that foolishness since we were allowed to sit on the porch. My kid loves it but he’s from the suburbs.

So let’s get back to Ronda Rousey talkin’ crazy to Floyd because she’s won 12 funky fights! This man is the best technician we’ve EVER seen in the sport of boxin’ and he’s won 48 straight over an almost 19 year period. Stop it! You sound crazy!

How bout you win 48 straight and then think about startin’ to talk crazy but immediately talk yourself out it! Do you know how stupid you look to intelligent people out here girl? Those of us that understand that there are things called Testosterone vs. Estrogen. Now for all of the clowns out there that don’t know the difference that’s your homework assignment. Because I’m not gonna waste time explainin’ something to you that should be obvious.

Then there is the pink elephant in the room of boyz tryin’ to promote a fight of a black man fightin’ a white woman in America! How ignorant is that on so many levels? Floyd would be labeled a monster as soon as he threw the first punch bruh. Stop it! You sound crazy!

Rousey is hollerin’ that she wants to fight a boy with no rules! Where is this chick from bruh? Where I’m from no rules is no rules! You win 12 funky fights and now you’re bad? I’ll take her up to the G and run her over to Delaney or Dorie Miller Projects and bet on Boonquisha, Travasha , LaQuita or the first chick standin’ outside with a head rag on to run her butt out of the joint bleedin’ in a matter of minutes.

When you say no rules it means NO rules playa. She’ll get in there and start tryin’ to box, kick and wrestle a boy and the ghetto chick will simply grab her by the hair and control every aspect of her life for the next 5 minutes. After she gets tired of draggin’ that broad up and down the street she’ll pull out the razor blade and smooth cut her across the face as a souvenir of gettin’ whooped in the projects in the G. Then she’ll learn how to stay in her place.

That’s cool that you’re the best in your world. Just stay in it. When you start talkin’ crazy to boyz outside of it you simply look like a fool and if you’re not careful somebody will quickly put you back in it. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) Spit: verb – to say
2) Fire: noun- important information
3) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.
4) G: noun – Gary, In. home of the original hustlas and gangstas playa. Where duns like Michael, Jermaine, Tito, Jackie, Marlon, Randy, LaToya and Janet Jackson, George Taliaferro (1st black player ever drafted into the NFL), Fred "The Hammer" Williamson (NFL player/Actor), Deniece Williams (singer), Glenn "Big Dawg" Robinson, Alex Karras (NFL/Actor), LaTroy Hawkins (MLB), Lloyd Mc McClendon (MLB), William Marshall (Actor Blacula), Avery Brooks (Actor/Hawk), Sharmell Sullivan (WWE) and JayGravesReport (#thebestdressedmaninmedia) are from. I Couldn't name everybody playa because we'll be here all day. Just understand that we get it in from the G!   

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

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