Eatin' & Fartin' (Why Floyd Mayweather is gettin' paid and these fake media-types are starvin')

"Yeah I know these boyz hate me but what you want me to do?"
Buddha once said, “Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.” Theodore Roosevelt gave it to us like this, “Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures.” Marilyn Monroe spit some serious fire when she said, “Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn’t that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.”

Well playas…it’s crazy to me how so many of these fake media-types have all of a sudden decided that they hate Floyd Mayweather this week and not over the past 14 years. The best pound for pound fighter in the world is gettin’ it in this weekend in Vegas and it seems that every sports writer workin’ is now all of a sudden concerned about his arrest record.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Everybody and their baby momma’s momma are standin’ up on the roof top screamin’ and askin’ the stupid question, “Does Floyd Mayweather deserve our dollars? Should he be allowed to fight because of all of his domestic violence arrests in his past?” And the answer is a resoundin’ YES bruh!!! I’m payin’ to see a fight and he’s the best FIGHTER in the world! He hasn’t legally been banned from boxing and he’s fightin’ on Saturday night! So yes!! He's gettin' my bread!

What I wanna know from all of these geniuses that are climbin’ out of their holes is where you have been for 14 years! Floyd’s first arrest on a domestic violence charge was in 2001 playa. He’s had more than 21 fights since then. If you were so concerned about his behavior why has it taken you 14 years and 21 fights later to open your freakin’ mouth? I’ll tell you why pimpin’, because you don’t care about this foolishness! You just needed somethin’ to write about and you saw some other clown writin’ it so you decided to bite because you weren’t creative enough to have your own perspective. Boy I’ll tell you, jealousy and envy is a beast!

This is what’s crazy to me bruh, Floyd has been trained since he was like 8 years old to do nothin’ but fight. That’s all he knows playa. He makes a livin’ fightin’ people. Bein’ aggressive is unfortunately an asset to him. So why are people upset that in real life this fool is aggressive and fights people when he gets upset? Fightin’ in natural for duns like him. This cat makes more than a $100 million dollars a year fightin’ people and you’re blown away that he can’t turn it off when he’s at home? Unfortunately, he’s a FIGHTER!!!

It’s like trainin’ a Pit Bull to fight since he was a puppy and then gettin’ upset with it when somebody steps on his tail and he mauls a boy. It’s a freakin’ machine trained to destroy. Unfortunately, that’s what Floyd is and if the police hasn’t locked him up for bein’ a fool and he’s gonna fight in Vegas on Saturday then I’m watchin’!

Where else am I gonna see the best fighter in the world fight? You sound ignorant tellin’ folks to boycott the fight. If he’s been arrested and been to jail for domestic violence and the legal system has no problem with him workin’ this weekend then you sound stupid tellin’ boyz not to watch it.

Just go ahead and say that I don’t like Floyd because he’s makin’ too much bread. Just say I don’t like the fact that a dun that can’t even read can make more than a $100 million in one night and I’m pissed off about it. Go ahead and say that I’ve done all of the right things, been to school, graduated from college, gone to work every day and this stinkin’ newspaper is only payin’ me $45K for the year and this dun is gonna make $100 million this weekend. Say it bruh!! Don’t hide behind the domestic violence charges. Keep it 100!!!

There were a number of clowns in the media that were upset that Stephen A. Smith just recently spent 7 hours with ole boy hangin’ out in Vegas at his crib and didn’t ask him about the domestic violence foolishness. That’s why he was able to spend 7 hours with him you idiot! I don’t know what they’re teachin’ in these schools of journalism bruh but whoever is writin’ the freakin’ curriculum needs to be fired.

I’ve been in sales for more than 25 years and have been one of the best in the world I might add! Rule No.1 in askin’ questions. Never ask a question that has no answer to it. If you don’t ask the right questions, you don’t eat! It’s that serious out here playa. So why on earth would Stephen A. ask a boy about something that he’s not goin’ to answer?

Then I hear these clown media-types sayin’ that he should ask it anyway just to jam him up. “You’ve got to ask the hard questions even if he's not goin' to answer them!” Well you idiot, as soon as you ask that question he’s gonna send you out of the door and the interview is over. So what did your dumb butt really accomplish? And that’s the edited version!

So know you can go back to ESPN or wherever you work and tell your boss that you asked the question, got kicked out and didn’t accomplish a thing. Therefore, you didn’t eat! Now do we go to work to eat or do we go to work for the sake of goin’ to work? Because the idiot that asks dumb questions is goin’ to work to go to work. If you’ve accomplished NOTHING by sittin’ down talkin’ to a boy you’re the dun that came home empty handed after the hunt. Stephen A. is sittin’ at the table with his family eatin’ and fartin’ bruh!

Jealousy and envy will always keep you from accomplishin’ you’re goals. Stop worryin’ about what another dun is doin’ and get yours. Floyd is the best in the world at what he does. He’s made more bread than any other athlete in the world in 2015 and when you get an interview with him you're willin' to ask him a question that has no answer. Listen you me you idiot! When you ask a question that a person WILL NOT answer it essentially has no answer!

If you were more concerned about bein’ the best journalist in the world you would ask questions that would extend the interview not shut it down. When you shut it down you suddenly stop eatin’! 

It's like a boy takin' you buffalo huntin'. You're so excited to just shoot the freakin' gun that you simply run out into the middle of the field and start shootin'. Now all of the buffalo have run off and nobody eats. Who’s the idiot, you or Floyd? Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) Spit fire: verb – to say something of importance
2) Pimpin’: noun – the person that I’m passionately tryin’ to get me point across to.
3) Bite: verb – to take someone else’s idea and run with it.
4) Keep it 100: noun – to tell the truth, all of it. All 100 percent of it.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!       

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