Do Yo Thang! (Stevens to Celtics)

"They gone give me what?"
Ben Franklin said, “To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.” Ralph Waldo Emerson got up and said, “The world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting to be struck.” Then Robert H. Schuller, the retired televangelist,  shut the building down with, “High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams comes true.
After six years at Butler Brad Stevens is leaving for greener pastures playboy literally! The Boston Celtics have made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse; head coach of the most historic franchise in the history of the NBA! Before we even talk turkey on this one bruh, a 36 year old cat that loves to coach the game of basketball is offered an opportunity to lead the Boston Celtics? Are you kidding me? Who wouldn’t take that job? That’s a coach’s dream bruh!  
The Celtics have won more NBA titles than any other franchise in the history of the league at 17. You can’t be mad at this young coach for wanting to jump into the water on that one playa. Now let’s talk turkey! They offered him a 6 year deal worth $22 million! That’s $3.6 million per pimpin’! That’s more than 3 times what he was making at Butler. It’s a no brainer.
Here’s my roof top screamer again, “Brad Stevens has no loyalty man! He just left those kids high and dry for some money! What kind of crap is that?” It’s called taking advantage of an opportunity you freakin’ idiot! And there is no such thing as loyalty in business and professional sports! If Brad Stevens had started losing at Butler they would have ran his butt out of town real quick.
Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! He did them a huge favor by staying this long. When a boy takes a mid-major program to back-to-back national championship games in 2010 and ’11 and sticks around he was as loyal or as crazy as you can get. I wouldn’t have been mad at him for bouncing after the 2010 season playboy. Do realize how many schools offered this dun a job and for major bread? He had every right to leave for a big pay day then but he stuck around.
Here is this fool again screamin’ from the roof, “How many college coaches succeed in the pros anyway? He’s gonna fail miserably and come crawling back to the college game just wait and see.” See, this is the definition of a hater right here bruh!

Boyz that sit around with absolutely nothing on their resume’ talking about people that are willing to take chances to increase their ability to be even better in their careers are suckas! How is Brad gonna ever find out if he can coach in the NBA if he doesn’t try? I hate jealous underachieving cats that sit on the sideline with their mouths open. In my Lil’ Kim voice, “All that “crap” you kick, playa hatin’ from the sideline, get your own “stuff”, why you ridin’ mine?”
Let’s say that Brad fails in the NBA, he can always go back to the college game and be successful just like ole Rick Pitino. He went to Boston, nose-dived and went to Louisville and hasn’t looked back. How’s that working out for him playboy? It is what it is.
 The fact that this cat is only 36 years old and is coaching in the NBA is unbelievable. Give the man props for waiting on the right opportunity to bounce because he could have stayed at Butler where he was king until he retired. However, overachievers are always looking to better themselves and their situation. Congrats to Brad Stevens!  All of the real playas out here support you 100%. In my Big Momma voice, “Do yo thang baby!”
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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