Showin' Out (Why Goodell was doin' WAY TOO MUCH with the new NFL Domestic Violence Policy

"Yeah I was doin' too much but I can't take it back now."
You already know how the barber shop gets down on a Friday night playboy. I walked in on boyz arguin’ about doin’ way too much. Eleanor Roosevelt stood up and said, “We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.” Charlie Chapman was gettin’ a shave and shouted, “We think too much and feel too little.” Then Og Mandino, the famous author, that was playin’ dominoes in the back spit this, “Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new.”

Ole Roger Goodell should have taken Og’s advice before he jumped out of the plane at 35,000 feet without a parachute because that dun was doin’ way too much with the NFL's new domestic violence policy. Now this cat didn’t do enough when Ray Rice chopped off his feet by only givin’ him a two game suspension. Then when women’s groups all over the country dove on him for seemin’ to not care he goes overboard with his response. 

Before, the league had absolutely no written policy on domestic violence which was insane and now they’ve put one in place without even thinkin’ it through. The new joint is a six game suspension for the first time offender and then a life-time ban for the second offense. On the surface that sounds fair and reasonable right?  Surely, you would be nuts to argue with that…right?

Well…let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If every situation of domestic violence were the same I would 100 percent agree with the terms of the punishment. If every cat caught up in a domestic violence situation was “Ike Turner” then not only would I agree with the punishment but he needs to be hung up by his toes butt naked and beaten with a splintered paddle everyday for the rest of his life. Now for all of you simple minded individuals that don’t know who Ike was. He was Tina Turner’s first husband that just beat the crap out of her just because. That type of cat is the scum of the earth.

But in the world that I live in “Just because abuse” scenario simply isn’t always the case. Not every time the police are called to a boy’s house he’s been the aggressor. What happens in those situations where a boy is protectin’ himself nobody wants to hear it and he gets charged anyway. So even if his lady jumps on him he's gettin' punished with either six games or a life-time ban for protectin' himself. That's crazy bruh.  

I grew up in the hood around very aggressive people and they all weren’t dudes either. So I know for a fact that there are women out that will jump on a boy in a New York minute or will go at him with a weapon just because she’s pissed off at him.

Oh I’m talkin’ crazy? We don’t always have to go to the hood to see it either bruh. Tiger Woods’ wife at the time got so fired up at him that she attacked him with a golf club, chased him out of the crib and put a hole in the back of his Cadillac. Now what if Tiger had gotten trapped in one of the rooms in that house and she’s swingin’ that club? At what point does he have a right to defend himself? To at least knock her down with force to get the club out of her hand? And if he does protect himself he's goin' to jail.

So let’s say ole Tiger wasn’t a golfer and he was a corner back in the freakin’ NFL and this is the second time that his wife snapped because he was cheatin’. If he defends himself he’s banned from the league for life. Not because he was Ike Turner but because he married a chick that gets out of hand when she's mad. And don’t give me the “He shouldn’t have been cheatin’” line either. Because if she didn’t want him cheatin’ on her she could leave. It ain’t always on the man to walk away.  

Goodell wanted to satisfy public opinion so much that he not only jumped out of the plane without a parachute but he put on a 3,000 pound back pack so that he’d hit the ground at break neck speed. He even added to the joint that if a kid has been in trouble in high school or college then the first offense isn’t really the first offense. That six games could be even more.

Again, that sounds great if this cat is Ike Turner. However, every situation isn’t the same. Now for all of the aggressive chicks like Tiger’s ex-wife you’ve put a cannon in their hands. “You can’t touch me fool! I’ll get you kicked out of the league! Just try me!” If you grew up in the hood you already know that chick. So now what? If you’ve got that type of woman at the crib you’re movin’ out today bruh. You know who your lady is right off of the rip.

Again, Ike Turner should be banned after the first offense. Any man that beats on women is a sucka and there is no place in society for them. But you better be careful tryin’ to group every cat into the same category just because the police gets called.

Here’s some clown that only sees the world through the naïve lens of his upbringin’ that can’t imagine that what I’m sayin’ is actually true. “Jay you sound like a fool. There aren’t women out there that would use this policy against their own boyfriends or husbands. What type of woman would do that?”

The same type of woman that would pull a “It’s a thin line between love and hate” move on a boy. I know chicks that have beaten themselves in the face, bruised their arms up and called the police on a boy because she was angry with him. Where do you think they got that scene in the movie from? Oh am I lyin’? It happens all of the time bruh. Now if a broad is datin’ a cat and she wants to control him why not pull a gank move? Especially if he’s on the edge with one incident under his belt that dates back to high school.

I’m still talkin’ crazy about what type of woman would do that? The same type of woman that will let a boy fall asleep after makin’ love to him and takes the condom and a turkey baster and tries to get pregnant. The same type of woman that will allow a man to raise a child for 18 years knowin’ that it’s not his but he’s had no reason to question her.  

See I know that it’s some foul chicks out here that will do anything to get bread from a boy and if they can threaten to call the police on a cat or else he’s gotta pay out the nose, then they will.

I get that Goodell was tryin’ to please the world because he screwed up with the Ray Rice joint but he went overboard tryin’ to fix the NFL’s image. That rule is in place for the Ike Turner's of the world not the Tiger Woods' of the world. Hey and you can disagree with me all day playa but I live in the world of what is, not the world of what should be pimpin’! Don’t look at me crazy either. I’m not the only sports writer out here that feels this way about it but I’m the only one bold enough to keep it real with you and say it. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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