Junior Mafia (Why the Kentucky freshmen are READY to rock the Mic with Biggie)

"We rockin' the crowd right now bruh!"
Ole dull Donald Trump once said, “I wasn’t satisfied just to earn a good living. I was looking to make a statement.” Ezra Pound, the famous poet, gave it to us like this, “Any general statement is like a check drawn on a bank. Its value depends on what is there to meet it.” Then Edward Teller, the famous physicist, said, “A fact is a simple statement that everyone believes. It is innocent, unless found guilty. A hypothesis is a novel suggestion that no one wants to believe. It is guilty, until found effective.”

Well the five freshmen from Kentucky have been guilty all season and on Saturday night they were found effective! The young boyz beat Wisconsin 74-73 to advance to the national championship game on Monday night leaving all haters and doubters sucking their thumbs in disbelieve.

We haven’t seen five freshmen play for a national title since the Fab Five did it in ’92 playboy! If these duns pull it off why in the world would they stay in school listening to clowns on TV tell them that they aren’t ready to go the NBA?

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The NCAA Tournament is their job interview bruh and these boyz are killin’ every question, showing proof of accomplishment and are coming in highly recommended.

GM’s and scouts are salivating and have already told a boy that he’s got the job if he wants it and he’s supposed to listen to some fool on TV that left school early too tell him that they're not ready? You sound like a complete fool!

Like I said in my Hot Joint a couple of weeks ago entitled “Top 10 Nonsense” if the job is offered these young boyz gotta take it. Why? Because there are no guarantees in life and if you’re bangin’ right now, take the money! Ask Mitch McGary if it made sense to stay a Michigan this year? That dun had back surgery and there are no guarantees that he’ll ever catch lightening in a bottle again.

Nobody even knew his name before the tournament started last year and in six games he became the 8th player on everybody’s mock draft board and he decided to stay in school. Well guess what playa? Had he been drafted No.8 he would have been paid $2.1M in year one of the guarantee, $2.2M in year two and $2.3M in year three of the team option according to the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). But he decided listen to some undercover hater working a regular job. Yeah that makes sense.

School has been here for two thousand years playboy and it’ll be here for another two thousand but these young cat’s ability and opportunity to play this game will only be here for a short period of time.

Even if the Wildcats don’t win the national title on Monday they’ve done enough to get a job offer in the NBA and that’s the only freakin’ reason they went to college in the first place. The only reason a boy should stay is if he’s not going to be a first round pick because there isn’t any guaranteed bread in the second round. But if he’s a first round pick, which all of these cats should be, then adios amigos!

Here’s the clown that believes everybody in the world needs to have a degree screamin’ from the roof top. “Jay you sound crazy! They need to stay in school and get an education. I think that everybody would be better off with a degree! You sound stupid telling these kids to leave school.”

Do I really playa? If everybody in the world had a degree from a 4 year institution we wouldn’t be communicating via the World Wide Web right now pimp. If everybody had a degree we wouldn’t be using these things called cell phones or Facebook. If boyz had listened to you we wouldn’t be living in houses and working in office buildings because there would be no construction workers, plumbers, electricians, artists, landscapers or glass makers. There would be no mass production of products because the folks working in the mills and factories wouldn’t be there.

We’d all be walking around this piece with our hair looking a hot mess because there would be no barbers and beauticians. We wouldn’t have anything to entertain us because there would be no actors or actresses in Hollywood. As a matter of fact, there would be no Hollywood playboy. They would be no music on the radio if everybody had to go to college bruh! There would be no Beyonce', Lil Wayne, Drake, Jay-Z, Lady GaGa, or Michael "freakin' Jackson!

And if everybody had a college degree the pay scale wouldn't change. The same duns that are making minimum wage now would still be making minimum wage and the cats getting all of the bread now would still be getting it. You sound foolish!

So before you throw everybody in a freakin’ classroom and hold them hostage. Understand that everybody has been blessed with a gift that they’ve got to use before it’s taken away from them. Some of us have to have a college degree in order to use that gift and some of us don’t. And the freshmen at Kentucky fall into the category of those that don’t!

When the NBA’s CBA is offering boyz a two year guaranteed salary that ranges from $4M a year for the 1st pick all the way to $850K per year for the 30th pick with a third year team option of slightly more than the first two. You’ve got to be crazy to tell a boy not to take that job. Most people in the world with a degree will never make $1M over the course of their careers bruh and you’re gonna tell a boy not to take it! It took me darn near 17 years to make a $1M with a degree because when you first get out of school you gotta start at the bottom!

Please don’t try to sell me the “If you stay in school you’ll be better at handling money and that’s why these duns keep going broke” line.” Why? Because I know a gang of boyz with Masters Degrees with bad credit living paycheck to paycheck. I know boyz with degrees right now that if they lost their jobs today would be homeless in less than 30 days. So don’t sell that foolishness to me.

I guess you already know who I’m ridin’ with on Monday? The Junior Mafia playboy and turn up that “Get Money” all the way to the national title and then on to the draft! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

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