Feinin' (Why Frank Vogel seems to be straight up delusional at the wrong time)

"We're playin' great basketball right now playboy!"
Bodhidharma, the 5th/6th century Buddhist monk that became the first Chinese patriarch, once said, “The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger and delusion.” Richard Dawkins, the English biologist, gave it to us like this, “A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence.” Then Carl Sagan, the astronomer, kept it real by saying, “It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”

Well somebody needs to hang Frank Vogel out of a window like Big Red did ole boy in the Five Heartbeats because that dun is straight up delusional right now. Just hang him out there for a few minutes to clear his head. After losing in Toronto 102-94 and dropping 6 of the last 8 games, Vogel tells the media that 5 of those losses came against playoff teams. What? Like that makes it OK!

The Pacers up until a week ago were the top seed in the East. Now this dun is cool with losing because they’re playoffs teams? He sounds like he’s coaching the Milwaukee Bucks or something. The wheels are falling off of the Mystery Machine because the dun driving the bus is all in the gravel killin’ the guard rails and swearing he’s in the middle of the street!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It’s like being a drug addict or an alcoholic bruh, you gotta first admit that there’s a problem in order to fix it. If after every game this dun keeps psyching himself out and telling boyz that everything is cool then they’ll be riding on the rims with no front end going into the playoffs.

At some point somebody’s gotta kick Roy in his butt and yank him out of the ride bruh. You can’t keep pulling up with the fellas and refusing to participate in the festivities. How does a man that is 7’2” 290 lbs. play 32 minutes and finish with 2 rebounds? That’s a freakin’ oxymoron! It’s impossible is what it is bruh! It’s not like he’s Dirk and playing out on the perimeter. He’s standing right underneath the freakin’ basket 98 percent of the time bruh. And that’s the edited version! But he’s the same dun trying to call boyz out for being selfish.

Maybe he selfishly doesn’t want to get his hands dirty by touching the ball or just maybe he’s allergic to it. Either way, it’s a joke. No way can you as a coach look at a boy that’s that tall and condone this foolishness. It’s a freakin’ problem!

At some point ole Frank’s gotta memorize the Serenity Prayer and get knee deep into the 12 step program and quit playing around. Because right now he’s running around breakin’ into Big Mommas house stealing TV’s and VCR’s and boyz don’t even use VCR’s anymore. This dun’s losing weight, has the shakes and scratching like he’s Ray Charles but doesn’t want to get any help. He borrowed a boy’s car last week to go to the hospital for open heart surgery and sold it five minutes later in Haughville.

You know how a fein will tell you anything to get you to sympathize with them? “My momma is dying and I need $20 to cure her of this life threatening disease and this cat on the corner of 16th and College is the only one with the antidote.” or “My baby hasn’t eaten in 3 years and I need $20 to buy her a Happy Meal and the real life Pharrell is gonna be singing in the bag.” That’s Frank right now bruh! “It’s all good playboy! We’re playin’ great basketball right now. We’re playin’ the right way but we’re losing our shirts and pubic hair. But as long as we’re playin’ the right way everything’s cool. It doesn’t matter that we’re getting’ carjacked every night and boyz are turning on each other in the locker room. It's cool!”

The only good thing about the loss in Toronto is that Miami seems to be allergic to the top seed too. They went dull at the crib against the Timberwolves. Now I always say that if you’re gonna lose in double overtime, lose the freakin’ game with the ball in LeBron’s hands. Rio missed a free throw with 3.9 seconds left in regulation and then in the first overtime with 1.9 seconds left. That dun should have never been on the free throw line in the first place. If the Philistine had just gone up with it instead of passing it away they may not have even gone into overtime in the first place. Then he did it again at the end of the first overtime.

He and Frank must be on the same stuff but it’s having an opposite effect on them. One of them doesn’t want boyz to know that he’s the man and the other wants to tell boyz that everything’s cool. At some point they both are gonna have to admit that it’s on them if they’re gonna meet in the Eastern Conference Finals. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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