Gangsta Boogie (The REAL reason the Eagles were justified in firingDeSean Jackson)

"I ain't no gangsta I'm just throwing up their set on Instagram!"

George Washington once said, “If freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep together to the slaughter.” Edward Abby, the famous author, gave it to us like this, “One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain’t nothin’ can beat teamwork.” Then Honore de Balzac, the French novelist and playwright, got real on a boy when she said, “Nature makes only dumb animals. We owe the fools to society.”

Only a complete fool will put his career and bread on the line for some cats that ain’t trying to do anything. Well that’s exactly what DeSean Jackson did by trying to be a gangsta or at least trying to wear the gangstas uniform. The Eagles let that dun go on Friday because of his gang affiliation to the Crips.

Everybody in the ghetto seems to be upset that the Eagles let ole boy go. I was in the barber shop yesterday and boyz were hollerin’ “Riley Cooper said this and that and he still got a job but they let DeSean go.” Listen playboy, Ima tell you like the old timers have been telling us since we got off of the plantations. You can’t do what they do. You’re always gonna be held to a higher standard. It is what it is!

What Riley said has nothing to do with what DeSean was doing. Don’t be stupid your whole life pimpin’! And don’t get it twisted, what he said was ignorant but let’s keep it in perspective. Don’t jump out of the window and make dumb comparisons because the brother got fired and the white kid didn't.

DeSean was hangin’ out with two known Crips that were involved in a 14 year old kid’s murder that happened in 2010. One of the cats has been convicted and is now serving a 15 year to life sentence. DeSean was even on Instagram posing in Crip colors and throwing up the set with ole boy. Now he wasn’t involved in the murder nor was he even around when it took place. Let's be clear on that. The other cat was eventually acquitted and when he got out of the county ole boy was on Instagram with DeSean still in his LA County Jail T-shirt.

Then there was another gang related murder in 2012 where a party took place in a building that was owned or leased by someone in Jackson’s family. That's way too close playboy!!! Because we all know who really owned the joint.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I’m from the ghetto and grew up in gang territory playa. “GD Folks”, “One Way” and "Vice Lord" all filtered into my high school. So I knew all of the gangstas and being a ball playa you had to politic with all of them to stay neutral. So I already know what time it is.

So I get it bruh, these cats probably grew up with ole boy but here’s the problem pimpin’! DeSean works for a $9 billion corporation (NFL) that isn’t trying allow the shield to be drug through the mud with some cat runnin’ with known gangstas. The Eagles ain’t crazy, they can see the writing on the wall and they don’t want the foolishness that the Patriots had to deal with, with Aaron Hernandez if something were to happen and DeSean is remotely involved.

What these young cats in the barber shop don’t understand is that things pop off without warning and if you’re hangin’ out with some cats that don’t give a #$%! You and easily get caught up.

Now this dun was only two years into a five-year, $48 million deal! What boyz don’t realize is that NFL contracts aren’t like NBA joints. They aren’t guaranteed! So if you get fired they don’t have to pay you a dime. Ole boy was due to make $10.5 million in 2014 and they still owed him $30.5 over the remainder of the contract. Now he gets nothing!

Gilbert Arenas is making $17 million this year and he ain’t even in the freakin’ league. Why? Because his bread was guaranteed even after he got fired! So this fool that wanted to keep it real with the homies in the hood just flushed his bread down the toilet.

As soon as the Eagles let him go six teams contacted him about a job. So duns in the ghetto are saying, “It don’t matter Jay, ole boy is gonna be working next week! So the Eagles were the suckas!” Naw playboy DeSean was the sucka because those duns that are hollerin’ at him right now are hollerin’ at him on the cheap.

Nobody’s gonna pay him what the Eagles had already promised him because of his situation and his tendency to be a fool. What these cats have to realize is that they work for a legitimate corporation. They don’t work for some street gangstas selling records like these rappers do.

"I still ain't no gangsta, but Ima throw it up with some REAL gangstas!
It’s OK with Snoop’s employer for him to get on national television and throw up his set. Why? Because the dun that owns the label is affiliated too (Suge, Death Row, was a Blood). He actually sold more records the more reckless he was but DeSean can’t get on TV and throw up the Crip joint like he did against the Redskins one Sunday and think that nobody knows what that is. Maybe the freakin’ network and team officials didn’t know at the time but the duns that work in law enforcement were bound to call the team and tell them just like they did.

Then you got boyz close to him saying that he isn’t a gangsta and that after his old man passed away he started hangin’ out with some shady characters. Look here playa, you can tell that foolishness to some cat that grew up in suburban America but the REAL cats out here know better. You don’t all of a sudden start runnin’ with gangstas at 28 years bruh! He’s been runnin’ with these cats his whole life because they grew up together. How do I know? Because I grew up in the hood!!!

These cats sound as stupid as boyz were sounding when Pac died and all of a sudden people close to him were saying, “Pac wasn’t no gangsta!” You right, he wasn’t a gangsta! But he got involved with some gangstas and things popped off that he couldn’t control. Therefore, Pac not actually being a gangsta was irrelevant.

So for all of you duns out there that wanna ride with DeSean being a fool and keeping his job let me put something on ya head. The REAL world ain’t the ghetto bruh! Once you get out of the hood and start makin’ moves you gotta tell the duns that you used to run with, “Either you gotta step yo game up or I gotta let you go playboy. Cuz I can’t blow my opportunity out here messin’ wit you. It’s real out here and this bread ain’t easy to make when it’s legal.” Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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