Bracket Lyin'! (How boyz will lie to you in a minute about picking theupsets)

"Dude you gotta get a hair cut tonight bruh!"
As I I’m sitting in the sports bar watching this Madness unfold these cats sitting next to me start arguing about boyz lyin’! John Ruskin, the 19th century English art critic, said, “The essence of lying is in deception, not in words.” William Shakespeare threw his wings down and said, “Lord, Lord, how subject we old men are to this vice of lying.” Then Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, stood up on the table and shouted, “The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.”

Ole Friedrich obviously never filled out a bracket playboy because these duns are running around here lyin’ just to be lyin’ today. They call it March Madness for a reason pimpin’ and Thursday was in full effect. Boyz were gettin’ knocked off and duns were lyin’ about picking the upsets.

I can’t tell you how many cats told me last night that they picked Dayton over Ohio State. Don’t repeat that bruh because you look like a fool telling that lie. The only duns that picked Dayton over Ohio State were die hard Dayton fans and the only humans beings that are die hard Dayton fans are clowns that went to Dayton. And they picked them out of loyalty alone. Give me a break.

Then I had cats running through the joint talking about how they got the Harvard over Cincinnati joint right. Now Harvard was the 12th seed pulling in with a bunch of white boy geniuses from suburban America and Cincinnati was the 5th seed with Pookie and Ray Ray nem from Every Hood, USA and you picked the Ivy League to win the hoop game? C’mon bruh! The students at Harvard didn't even pick them to win.

It's not like we're talkin' about some white cats like Steve Nash, Larry Bird, Jerry West or even Rex Chapman! We're talkin about the Revenge of the Nerds bruh! They lost to Poindexter, Harold and Booger!

See Pookie and Ray Ray nem looked at the bracket, saw Harvard and checked out. They showed up thinkin’, we’re bout to carjack these fools for their Polo’s and Breitlings and keep it movin’. Well the geniuses pulled the gun first and got out of there with some Jordan’s and jewelry of their own playboy.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If we’re gonna be cool then stop all of the foolish lyin’ right now so we can enjoy the freakin’ tournament.

Now if you run in and tell me that you picked North Dakota State to beat Oklahoma I would believe you. Why? Because even though OU was the fifth seed they were bipolar all season. Up and down like a yo-yo bruh. One minute they looked like they were the real deal that could win the Big 12 and the next they looked like they belonged in the Missouri Valley. Sure, they were 23-10 but they were all over the place this year. So the duns from North Dakota caught them slippin’ at the light and got ‘em.

Now will somebody wrestle the North Dakota point guard to the floor and cut his freakin' hair bruh? I know Big Momma was cussin', not cursing playboy, but cussin' when he stepped on the floor. "I told that boy to cut his hair before he left campus. Now he on national TV lookin' a hot mess and you know all them #$%@&! at church gone have something to say. Wait 'til I get him on the phone tonight!"

Big Momma I told you not to send him to North Dakota unless he could cut it himself. It ain't but 4 black people in the entire state that aren't students and those that are athletes playboy! So do you mean to tell me that nobody cuts hair?

While you’re playin’ Louisville almost got clipped by some cats from Manhattan. Ole Rick Pitino was woofin’ that they passed the eye test to be a No. 1 seed because they were rollin’ going into the tournament and almost took it on the chin day one by some commuter campus cats.

Stop talking playboy and play the freakin’ game. Who cares what seed you are?! You gotta play the boyz in front of you and win at this point. Telling me that you pass the eye test for a 1 seed and then gettin’ caught up in an alley by Manhattan means that you better have your head on a swivel going forward.

March Madness is in full effect and that was just the first full day playa! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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