The Masked Man

"He had me fooled the whole time!"
Albert Einstein once said, “If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.” Buddha said, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” Then Oscar Wilde got up and shut the building down with, “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”

If that is the case somebody better put a mask on New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft the next time they interview that dun. Last week after finally getting back from vacation he sat down with a select group of Boston media and told boyz that he felt like he and his whole organization had been duped by Aaron Hernandez. C’mon playboy! In my G.I. vernacular, “Tell that to somebody who you know, don’t know, cuz I know! In other words, find you another sucka buying what you're selling pimp!

How can a boy dupe you if you’ve already done extensive research on him before the draft and the only reason that he was a fourth round pick was because of his off-the-field issues at Florida. Also, you're gonna sit here and tell me that you didn't know that ole boy was involved in a shooting in Miami back in February? He's your player and the NFL has a radar on every cat in the league. If they fart too loud you'll find out about it. So don't try to play dumb like you had no idea you had a fool on your hands pimpin'! You just thought that it would blow over and it didn't because this fool got involved somehow in a murder.

 Just keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st and say, “We took a chance on a dun and it didn’t work out.” We all know that you’re in the business of winning and sometimes you take chances on cats that don’t work but don’t sit up and tell boyz that you didn’t know this cat was a fool because you did. Now on one would have ever imagined that he'd dive off of the deep end on you though.

On Thursday Patriots corner back Alfonzo Dennard was arrested and accused of drunk driving in Nebraska. OK, that happens all around the league and in society. I'm not saying that it's right but it happens. However, this clown was just arrested 15 months ago in Lincoln for assault outside of a bar in April of 2012 just 7 days before the Patriots drafted him after plummeting to the 7th round because of that incident. He still hasn’t served a 30 day jail sentence for it and he was sentenced to two years probation in which he’s still on. Now is Kraft gonna tell boyz that he was duped by this cat too or is he gonna be a G, put on the mask and just tell the truth this time?

It’s OK to be straight up with boyz, put on a wide brim gangsta with some gators or crocodiles on his feet, cross his legs and say, “Look here patna, I’m tryna win games out here and sometimes we miss on duns. It’s part of the business playboy. I figured we’d bring Tim Tebow in to help us in our locker room especially with Hernandez and we moved a little too late. So I hope that by the time camp starts we don’t have any more problems out of these cats and that’s just some real talk. I’ll get at y’all later tho.”

If he just says that, just like that, boyz would respect him in the morning. However, when you try to act like the Patriots are on some type of different standard than the rest of the league you look stupid because young rich cats with too much time on their hands will, like Big Momma would always say, “Make you close your mouth.” Now correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this dun the owner of the Patriots when they got caught spying on boyz? I'm just sayin' playboy!

Don’t ever go on record as saying what your kid won’t do because at some point that dun is gonna embarrass you. Trust me! That’s what boyz are doing to Robert Kraft right now and he doesn’t know how to handle it. Listen up playboy! Just keep a mask in your pocket from here on out and whenever you get a tough question just pull that joint out, put it on and you’ll be just fine playa!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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