Talkin' Crazy (LeBron to Cleveland?)

Kyrie: "Does the sun come out down there?" LeBron: "Oh yeah!" Kyrie: "Really! What it look like dawg?"
The famous psychiatrist Thomas Szasz once said, "The stupid neither forgive nor forget, the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget." The old timers would just say, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Now the gangstas from around the way just kept it 100 by saying, "You got one time to play with me out here in these streets and I'm comin' to get you and I know where ya momma live."

Speaking of boyz talkin' crazy, being naïve and using no wisdom at all. Why is Chris Broussard of ESPN running around spreading the rumor that LeBron would be considering going back to Cleveland in 2014? Now on some real talk, other than going back to visit his old neighborhood in nearby Akron everything this cat is saying is pure foolishness bruh! Some of these analysts/writers out here are so engulfed in sports that they forget that it's real life outside the lines playboy! For that reason alone that's why Ya Boy has to be the rational mind out here!

Yes! The Cavs are trying to clear cap space to get LeBron to come back in 2014 because he has an opt out clause in his contract. So since Broussard has nothing to talk about right now, he's living in fantasy land so that he can remain relevant for a few more weeks until boyz get tied up with college football and the NFL and they won't care about what he has to say until at least January.

Listen up playboy, that all sounds like a great story but it's stupid and down right ignorant. Not only are the Cavs the worse freaking team in the league, they're still the same broad that completely TRIPPED on him when he broke up with her the first time playa. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! They're the chick that he broke up with that lost her freaking mind. When he told her that he was moving to South Beach to date a better looking girl she burned his condo, threw all of his clothes out in the front yard and set them on fire. She then opened the garage and keyed all of his rides, slashed the tires, dumped manure on the seats and stomped his cat to death. Not only that, her old man got online and wrote a letter to everybody that he knows and completely blasted him and his character. Going on to tell boyz not to mess with LeBron ever again!

Now on some real talk, he has to deal with her because he grew up with the broad and has a baby by her. So he can't just completely avoid her. He still has to swing through the crib from time to time to see her etc. but he ain't trying to get back with her like that because she's crazy and she's also let herself go! It was already too much work to take her from being the ugly chick nobody was checkin' for to being one of the baddest in the game. When he first got with her she thought that they were called "Scrimps!" He took her from the projects to the penthouse now she's had to move back in with her momma in the projects and now she's just letting boyz run through her all over again! 

In the mean time in between time, he's in Miami with a bad bad on his arm right now. What was the point of going to South Beach to get with a dime that was exclusive if he was gonna go back to the dumpy built crazy chick living in the hood with halitosis? Not only is the girl in Miami treating  him like a King but she's setting it out too. He's been to 3 NBA Finals in a row and won back-to-back championships! Ain't that only reason he hooked up with the broad in the first place? Not only that, she's gonno to pay him $20.6 million in '14-'15 and just over $22.1 million in '15-'16 just to hang out with her AND she's got a gang of bad friends for his partners/teammates and potential free agents to come down there and kick it with too. 

If he goes to Cleveland the girl up there has a group of ugly friends that boyz already know are just as crazy as she is. That's why nobody would come hang out with him when he was up there in the first place. So why in the world would he go back to the same foolishness? He got exactly what he went to Miami for! Like I said last year homeboy, Kyrie Irving is living out of a suitcase in an empty apartment right now because he ain't trying to stay in Cleveland any longer than he has too either! It's one the worse franchises in the league and he'll have way too many options to choose from when he eventually becomes an unrestricted free agent.  

"Yeah come on back playa!"
 He's only there because he was the 1st pick in the draft just like LeBron was and he only stayed as long as he did because he was from there playboy. Uncle Drew is from New Jersey and he's trying to get out of dodge as soon as he can because none of his boyz wanna come out there to hang out with him either.

 Please stop listening to these cats that only know sports and absolutely nothing about REAL life! What's crazy to me is that if they knew anything about sports they wouldn't be having dumb conversations about a boy leaving the best team in the league to go to the worse team in the league. Wheredeydodatat?

Would you get back with your crazy ex-girlfriend in "nothing to do Cleveland" if you had a bad one on South Beach and you were winning? On some real talk, you don't even have to be winning! It's a no brainer bruh. Could you imagine how many REAL cats, including myself, that would back up off of LeBron if he got back with that chick after all she put him through?

He doesn't owe that broad a red cent. He took her from being worth slightly less than $250 million when he first got with her to being worth more than $450 million when he left and he brought more than $150 million annually into the freaking city. He doesn't even need to look in her direction if he doesn't want to because she got way more out of the relationship than he did!

Understand this playboy, LeBron's entire legacy is tied to him winning championships at this point. So why would it make sense for him to win 2 and possibly 3 titles by 2014, fold up the tent and go to the crib? It makes no sense bruh!

Chris, stop leading all of these dull sports fans, that can't think for themselves, around with this foolishness. Especially when LeBron hasn't told you a thing about going back to Cleveland. Stop me when I start lyin' playboy! 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Jay Graves 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instragram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn't real but its REAL life.

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