Inventory (Zimmerman Acquitted)

"We still ridin' with you playboy!" R.I.P Treyvon!

Charles Dickens once wrote, “In the little world in which children have their existence, whosoever brings them up, there is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt, as injustice.” Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” Then Martin Luther King Jr. stood up and shouted, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

We live in a country where a boy can be sentenced to two years in prison for killing dogs and a cat can kill a 17 year old black man in cold blood and just walk away. Am I surprised that George Zimmerman was acquitted of 2nd degree murder for the killing of Trayvon Martin? Not at all! Because I’ve lived long enough in this country to understand that the rules are completely different for us than they are for everybody else and that my life doesn’t have the perceived value as others in this country.

I’ve seen enough to know that the value of a black man’s life in America still isn’t as valuable as a white man’s. In the 1550’s and 1560’s we were first brought to this country as slaves to a place called Spanish Florida. It wasn’t until 1607 that we were brought to the British American colonies to a place called Virginia. At that moment we became the property of other human beings and we were valued as livestock and in many cases we weren’t even the most valuable of the animals that were inventoried.

A boy named Emmett Till was brutally murdered in Mississippi in 1955 for allegedly whistling at a white woman and no one was arrested, charged or convicted for his death. Then 3 black girls were murdered at Sunday school when a bomb was planted in the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham in 1963 and no one was arrested or charged at the time. I could tell you of all of the murdered black children all over this country that are of no importance to mainstream America but it wouldn’t matter.

Columbine and Sandy Hook happens every day in the ghetto but they happen in the streets instead of in the schools. They don't make Good Morning America or CNN pimpin'! They get swept under a floor board somewhere. Do you realize that more than 440 school age kids were shot in Chicago alone in 2012 and 60 of them died? The crazy thing about it, nobody blinked an eye. Why? Because of that inventory I spoke of earlier playboy.

When I was watching the Zimmerman acquittal play out on live TV with my 16 year old son and 10 year old daughter. I thought of Emmett Till, those 3 little girls at church praising the Lord, the millions of kids that have been murdered over the years that nobody seemed to care about and those slaves being sold on the auction block in Spanish Florida. I thought of all of them when my baby girl simply said, “I’m mad daddy.” What could I say but, “That’s just how it is Babygirl and it ain’t nothing we can do about it but to keep praying.”

I was happy to see many of our famous pro athletes at least voice an opinion about the situation. The most thought provoking joint came from Cincinnati Bengals linebacker James Harrison in a tweet, “Think I’ll go pick a fight and get my ass kicked then pull my gun and kill somebody and see if I can get away with it.” However, some of the Tweets were ignorant like the joints that came from the Giants receiver Victor Cruz and Falcons wide out Roddy White which I care not to put on my Hot Joint because it’ll only cool it off.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It’s a sad day for parents all over America and not just black parents. It’s a shame that we live in a country where we care more about our dogs than we do about our little black children's lives. We live in a place where a boy can accidentally shoot himself in his OWN leg and go to jail but can kill a black child and walk free.

See the naïve will scream that this case has nothing to do with race. However, is doesn't matter what color the person was that killed Treyvon. He could have been purple for all I care playboy. The fact of the matter is that in this country the life of a young black child is still inventory to most people. When they are still looked upon as livestock that can be replaced it has everything to do with race playa. Don't try to argue otherwise.

I'm cool with you just saying, "I really don't care because I don't have a dog in the fight" than you trying to tell me that it has nothing to do with race because you're insulting my intelligence when you do. Parents hold your children close and pray that God gives them grace and mercy every time they leave the crib. My prayers are with the Martin family today and I'll continue to stand with you because this could have easily been my child.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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