Stupid Friends

"Look at us! We're just as stupid as our boy!"

Bertrand Russell once said, “The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. Ben Franklin said, “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” Ralph Waldo Emerson made sure boyz heard him when he said, “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.”

The Pouncey twins, Mike and Maurkice of the Dolphins and Steelers respectively, were photographed wearing ball caps that read “Free Hernandez” over the weekend. The picture that surfaced on the internet via Instagram does not appear to be digitally altered. So that means that they both were the blessing of stupid friends that Ralph Waldo was talking about.

Sure, I realize that Hernandez played with them at the University of Florida and that they were even with ole boy the night two cats were shot and Hernandez was questioned about it in 2007. I get that they’ve got tall history together. For those reasons alone you’ve got to be smart enough to pull a Snoop Dogg on a boy and back up off of him and sit yo cup down playboy. In 2007 they were all freshmen so they barely knew this dun. There was no history at that point and no one would have blamed them for backing away from that dun .

It’s not like this cat was Nelson Mandela or somebody that has been falsely accused of a crime that they didn’t commit. Sure, he hasn’t gone to trial yet and in this country you’re supposedly innocent until proven guilty, right? However, all of the evidence points right to this fool and you’re not some kid in the ghetto anymore wearing a stupid t-shirt in support of the neighborhood kingpin that got locked up. You’re a pro football player that makes millions of dollars and your old friend got “himself” into trouble. He’s like hot grease at this point! You can’t touch him.

So the Pouncey’s just brought their boy’s trouble over to their table. Not the murder rap but all of the negative attention right before they go to camp. You better believe that both the Steelers (Maurkice) and the Dolphins (Mike) will read them the riot act today for being stupid. Once you become a grown man you’ve got to think before you do things bruh.

Now at no point did anybody in the crew say, “Man that’s a stupid idea bruh! We can’t wear those hats. That’ll just bring all kinds of negative attention to not only us but to our family too and Big Momma don’t play that.” You mean nobody in the room said, “Yeah and our teams will really jam us up for it too.”

When I speak to high school students about what it takes to become successful one of things I always tell them is, “You always need to hang out with people that are smarter than you. If you’re in a group and you’re always the only one with the answers. Then you’re in the wrong group.” The Pouncey’s are just as dumb as Hernandez that’s why they’re boyz.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! In 2007 when ole boy was questioned about the shooting at the Venue nightclub while they were at Florida they should have backed up off of him then playa. Here’s my favorite idiot screamin’ from the roof tops again! “Man that’s weak Jay! How are you gonna say that they should have backed off of their boy after the shooting and he was only questioned about it. He wasn’t even a suspect. The police just wanted to holler at him. What kind of friend are you?”

Listen up playboy, the streets know everything and in that case the locker room takes the streets place. Everybody in that locker room knew who shot that gun whether the police found out the truth or not. Why? Because boyz can’t keep secrets around boyz. I’ve spent my entire childhood and early college years in locker rooms and whatever happened the night before, good or bad, made it back to the locker room guaranteed.

"But hold up Jay you can't expect them to just turn their backs on their boy!" Not at all playboy but you can't put food on your plate that you ain't eating either. By putting the stupid hat on they opened themselves up to a bunch of ignorant time wasting questions from the media at the start of camp that they don't need. If that's your boy go visit him in lock up & give him a hug and a pound. Why bring unnecessary attention to yourself because your boy got into trouble? Wheredeydodatat? Apparently in the wonderful world of Pouncey!

However, if ole boy had a history of being a fool and shooting boyz at 18 they should have "Snooped" him a long time ago! So if they made a decision to keep hangin’ out with this dun then that's their fault. A cat can be your teammate and you not mess with him like that pimpin’! There is no rule that says that you have to like every dun on the team. So if Hernandez was a fool in 2007 you’ve had plenty of time to get him out of your system and you sure as heck wouldn't be obligated to wear a freakin' hat with his name on it now. 

Your boy is in jail charged with murder! Not shop lifting playa! This isn't a game! Somebody's loved one is dead as a result of some foolishness and all you can think to do is to put on a stupid hat calling for the freedom of the dun accused of the murder? Really? Wheredeydodatat?

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instragram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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