Social Cowards

"Now you know they're about to eat you alive on Twitter? You know that right?"
The famous German writer and poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749-1832) once wrote, “The coward threatens when he is safe.” The Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso(43BC- AD17/18) known to the English speaking world simply as Ovid, gave it to us like this, “To wish for death is a coward’s part.” Boyz in the world of hip hop in the mid ‘90’s called those same coward’s, “studio gangsta’s” and Tupac was probably the most famous.

On Sunday Washington Redskins wide receiver Joshua Morgan let his emotions get the best of him when he got up and threw the football at the most aggravating defensive back in the NFL, Cortland Finnegan, during the closing moments of the game. I know y'all remember when Andre Johnson put a two piece and a biscuit on his plate a couple of seasons ago. So as a result, Morgan was hit with a 15 yard personal foul that essentially moved the Redskins out of field range. Since losing the ball game by 3 points fans have unloaded on his Twitter page this week.

He has received multiple death threats from all of these Twitter gangster’s that wouldn’t say a word to him if they ran into him at the mall. Boyz are real tough when they’re sitting in front of their computers at the crib. I’m just a regular cat and I get clowns cursing me out for saying something bad about their team in my Hot Joints. It always blows me away how folks can be a gangster when they know they’ll never have to man up on the threat.

When I was in college every now and then white kids would ride pass and holler the “N” word out of the car window as my boyz and I would be walking to class and just keep going. You just don’t know how much we wished that their cars would stall at the light. I remember some guys hollering it out of their dorm room window one day and we counted the windows up and over and knocked on their door. When they opened that joint you would have sworn that they saw a ghost or Big Foot or a big foot ghost. Talk about suddenly having amnesia! "Who me? I didn't...." Hilarious!  

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! How in the world can you be so wrapped up into a team that you have the audacity to threaten a man’s life because they lost? There are two things in this world that have caused men to be irrational since the beginning of time. They are sports and women.

I hope that the FBI can trace those tweets back to the clowns that sent them and charge them with a crime. At the very least allow Morgan and his boys to count the windows up and over and knock on their doors on live TV. Now that would be funny!

Look people, this is strictly entertainment! Don’t set your life to a freaking football game that human beings are playing. Just like you make mistakes on your job these players will make them on their jobs too. What if somebody threatened your life every time you forgot to put the fries in the bag bruh? Cut these boyz some slack and just sit down and enjoy the game for what it is. Win or lose you still have to go to work on Monday and provide for your family and stop trying to be a computer thug before somebody knocks on your door.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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