Why the Brock Turner sentencing tells us that RACISM is alive and well! "Conscious"

"I'm smilin' because it's easy to do in my world bruh!" 
Abraham Joshua Heschel, the well-known Jewish philosopher, once said, "Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason." Alex Haley, the author of the best-seller Roots, gave it to us like this, "Racism is taught in our society, it is not automatic. It is learned behavior toward persons with dissimilar physical characteristics." Then Rosa Parks put it where the goats could get it when she spit, "Racism is taught in our society, it is not automatic. It is learned behavior toward persons with dissimilar physical characteristics." 

Well playas...for all of the suckas that want to walk around this country and act like racism isn't alive just look at the news everyday. As a matter of fact, just wake up in the mornin' and be conscious. Just this week Brock Turner, an All-American swimmer at Stanford University of sentenced to a mere six months in prison after bein' convicted of raping an unconscious woman on campus. However, just a couple of months ago Corey Batey, a football player at Vanderbilt University, was convicted of that very same crime and was sentenced to 15 to 25 years in prison!! 

Now let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Because we live in America you can guess blind folded which one of these kids is white and which one is black! Now don't get it twisted playboy, both of these pieces of trash should be spendin' their lives in prison. No one has the right to take advantage of a woman's most precious asset, her body. So don't think that I'm defendin' the brother on this foolishness! His butt deserves EVERY freakin' year he got! And that's the edited version.  

If the law states that a boy should get 15-25 years for rape then he bought it bruh! But to give a dun 6 months for violatin' a woman is a slap in the face not only to the victim but to society in general. 

Here's the crazy part bruh, ole boy is eligible for parole in 3 months!!! This dun is goin' to be out of jail by Labor Day and the brother will spend the most part of his life in a state prison!! 

I forgot to mention that the white kid isn't even goin' to spend his sentence in the state prison. They're goin' to allow him to do his time in the local jail because the freakin' judge, who was a swimmer at Stanford as well, said that prison would have a negative impact on him. Well you idiot, that's what prison is supposed to do. It's supposed to deter a dun from ever wantin' to return. 

Racism is alive and well in THESE United States for all of the suckas that wanna act like it isn't, just wake up in the mornin' and breathe. George Zimmerman shot a black kid to death in Florida for walkin' down the street minding  his own business and he gets off without spendin' a day in jail. Then he has the nerve and the demand to be able to sell the gun to the highest bidder just recently. 

A black woman, Marissa  Alexander of Jacksonville, Florida, the same state that allowed Zimmerman to go free because of the "Stand Your Ground" law, was convicted of aggravated assault and sentenced to 20 years for firin' a warnin' shot while bein' attacked by her husband. No one was injured and she was still sentenced to 20 years!! 

Would you like for me to go on bruh? Police can pull boyz over and shoot unarmed black folks to death without the hint of bein' convicted of committin' a crime. They can choke a man to death on the street on camera and not be disciplined for it. I could name hundreds of over cases by why? 

We can see an overt racist win the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016 and listen to people all over this country defend him if you're conscious! If you really decide to wake up in the mornin' you'll know that racism tried to change clothes and look different in this country for about 25 years but now it has put it's 1960's outfit back on and it's proud to where it. 

Here's what completely blows my mind bruh, the very same folks that would agree that it's justifiable to sentence Brock Turner to only 6 months, allow George Zimmerman to go free for murder, kill unarmed blacks, send Marissa Alexander to prison for 20 years for a warnin' shot and attempt to elect Donald Trump president will read this Hot Joint and walk away callin'  me a racist for statin' the facts and bein' conscious. It's sad that we still have to have these dumb conversations in America! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Put it where the goats could get it: verb phrase- to make it as simple as possible to understand. To make it elementary. To put it on the ground 
2) Spit: verb - to say
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc.  

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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