How Kevin Love walked off a little too easy in the Ship bruh! "ATuesday Night"

"Do I tell these boyz or no?" 
Thomas Edison once said, "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Chris Burke, the famous actor, gave it to us like this, "I have a motto on my bedroom wall: 'Obstacles are what you see when you take your eye off the goal.' Giving up is not my style. I just want to do something that's worthwhile." Then the big ole playa himself, Joe Biden, shut the buildin' down when he spit, "Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable." 

Well playas...the Cleveland Cavaliers are so OVERWHELMED by the depth of Golden State that these boyz have literally givin' up! You could see it all over their faces and in their body language as they got the brakes, doors, transmission and wheels beaten off of them on Sunday night in Oakland 110-77. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The one thing that I love about the NBA Playoffs is that the BEST T.E.A.M. always wins the title. It's not like the NCAA Tournament or the College Football Playoff where a boy can just get hot for 3 hours and shock the world. Naw playa, in the NBA you've got to beat the same cat 4 times!! The BEST T.E.A.M. ALWAYS wins! 

Golden State is runnin' circles around the Cavs and boyz are submittin' to the depth. In Game 1 the W's bench outscored Cleveland's 45-10 without the Splash Brothers even goin' off! In Game 2 duns like Draymond and Barbosa came out of the ride like some soldiers to pick up the slack with Steph in foul trouble. Soldiers I say!!! SOLDIERS!!  

Not only does Golden State have the best shootin' backcourt in the history of the game. They've got a team full of G's that show up EVERY night to fight a boy for their sneakers and jewelry. However, the Cavs through two games have shown us that they are as soft as drugstore cotton candy and against this barrage of sharp shooters there's nothin' they can do. So unfortunately, they've thrown their hand up. 

None of these fake media-types are gonna say it but I will pimpin'! Kevin Love further proves my point on the Cavs just givin' up after two freakin' games. I know that boyz are real sensitive about concussions these days. I get it bruh! However, a REAL G would have had to be drug off of the court durin' the Finals!! He wouldn't have just walked off on his own. I know that it's not the right thing to do but he's not the trainer or doctor so his mind doesn't think safety first. His mind thinks winnin' and competing first. That's why they have trainers and doctors in place. But they can only diagnose what a boy tells them and durin' the Finals down 1-0 on the road I'm not tellin' them a darn thing. Unfortunately, that's how a competitor thinks. Don't take my word for it playa. Go ask a highly successful one if you think I'm lyin' to you.  

When Love was initially checked out when ole boy blasted him in the back of the head he wasn't showin' signs of bein' concussed yet. Later on after the half he started to get dizzy and walked off of the court. I'm just keepin' it real bruh! Most cats would have been out there dizzy without tellin' the trainers a darn thing. And that's the edited version. It's the FINALS bruh!!! 

Would it have been the right thing to do? ABSOLUTELY not! Was Kevin Love obligated to tell the trainers that he wasn't feelin' well? You darn right he was! On a Tuesday night in February or on a Thursday night in March! But in the Finals with a boy already down 1-0 and strugglin' in Game 2 on the road? Boyz would have had to find out that I was concussed after that joint was over and we're headed to the crib all knotted up at 1 apiece! I'm just sayin'! 

Do you know how many cats play and have played with concussions or other severe injuries durin' championship games etc. Oh I'm talkin' crazy? Boyz haven't played in championships  injured! Well let's start with Isaiah Thomas playin' on a SEVERELY sprained ankle and scorin' 25pts in a quarter!! JORDAN and the flu game, Willis Reed, Chris Bosh riskin' his life to compete, Rondo playin' with a dislocated elbow! And don't get me started on athletes in other sports! Andrew Luck played with several broken ribs and a ruptured spleen in the REGULAR season bruh! Stop it!! 

 I'm not sayin' that it's right but it happens. I don't live in the world of what should be bruh. I live in the world of what is. Just understand that if you play through the concussion you can't come back 20 years from now and sue the league because you were tryin' to win a championship. As long as we have that understandin' everything is cool. But no way does a real live cat sit down in that situation. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2)  Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Pimpin': noun - the person that I'm passionately tryin' to get my point across to
4) Ship: noun - the championship

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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