How the Curry's can't handle the pressure that the James' have mastered! "Rigged"

"It's not as easy as it looks baby girl!" 
Brian Tracy, the motivational instructor, once said, "Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." Thomas Jefferson gave it to us like this, "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." Then John C. Maxwell, the well-known author and speaker, put it where the goats could get it when he spit, "People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude." 

Well playas...EVERYBODY and their baby's momma's momma, Ms. Jackson, felt Steph Curry's attitude durin' a Game 6 beatin' when he received his sixth personal foul. Ole boy got so fired up and flustered that he threw his mouth piece, hit a fan and got ejected. Then to make matters worse, his wife jumped out of the birthday cake actin' like my granny would always say, "A Fair Fool!" After the game she went to Twitter and  actually tweeted this foolishness:  

"I've lost all respect sorry this is absolutely rigged for money... Or ratings in not sure which. I won't be silent . Just saw it live sry."

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Steph Curry is finally  gettin' exposed out here and he's losin' control! I've been sayin' all Finals long that the dun is pullin' the same stunt he pulled last year in the Finals. No Show bruh!!! He didn't show up last year and he's hidin' in the ride with ole "Skittles and Lemonheads" this year. 

Kyrie is havin' his way with this cat and LeBron let him know with the signature rejection that he didn't grow up in the ghetto and there's something special about growin' up with boyz talkin' crazy to you in the heat of the moment. Now I will say that LeBron was a sucka earlier on in this series when Draymond called him a B**** but I guess he's gotten over that now. I wasn't mad at him because he's all in Draymond's head now as well. 

Now it's Steph's turn to have a boy in his face talkin' side ways and he's not handlin' it very well. If you're really the MVP you would be doin' work! If you were really the best player in the league you'd be doin' work! Not hidin' in the back seat waitin' for the fight to end. Y'all can stop me when I start lyin' bruh but since I'm not, Ima keep goin'. 

Now let's address this foolishness that Steph's wife put out there. Ole girl wants to scream that the joint is rigged because they got the breaks beat off of them 2 games in a row. However, NOBODY includin' her and these fake media-types said a mumblin' word when they were down 3-1 to OKC and Draymond kicked Steven Adams in the family jewels and didn't get ejected. 

The NBA did Golden State a solid by not suspendin' that dun! I broke it all down in the Hot Joint 2 weeks ago entitled "Grace!"   If they would have actually followed the rules of the game Golden State would be at the crib already and OKC would be playin' Cleveland if you wanna keep it real. Now that Golden State is on the verge of pullin' off the biggest collapse in NBA history you wanna scream rigged? C'mon baby girl! You can't have it both ways. You can't be cool with the hook up and then scream when they make you pay to get in this week. 

Did the NBA not make Golden State play defense in Games 5 and 6? Did the NBA glue your husband to the floor so Kryie could blow by him all night? He was Uncle Drewin' that dun! Did the NBA keep the entire Warriors' roster from stoppin' LeBron? Did the NBA hold them hostage in the first quarter of Game 6 and put a lid on the rim holdin' them to 11 freakin' points? I don't think so baby girl they just didn't show up. 
"We got this down to a science bruh!"

You've got the better team and you're wettin' the bed at this point playa! If you keep this up you'll become the laughin' stock of All-Time NBA history! You know that right? You go 73-9 and lose the NBA championship after goin' up 3-1 in the series? I'm just sayin' playboy, it doesn't look good and the terrible attitude's gotta go. 

When the jumper is wet Steph's out there hollerin' "I'm back," shimmying and Crip Walkin' and carryin' on (and mind you he ain't no gangsta) and when he's gettin' the business brought to him he's throwin' his mouth piece at duns in the front row and his wife is throwin' a fit on Twitter! If that were LeBron and Savannah out there actin' a fool boyz would be killin' 'um. So all you can really say is that the Curry's are shook by the pressure that the James' have always been able to master. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Put it where the goats can get it: verb phrase - to make it as elementary as possible. To break it down to it's simplest form. To put it on the ground so that the goats can eat it bruh. 
2) Spit: verb - to say 
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
4) Ms. Jackson: noun - song by rap group OutKast
5) Skittles and Lemonheads: noun - Roy Hibbert because all he did in Indy was sit in the back seat of the ride eatin' Skittles and Lemondheads while the rest of the team was scrappin' in the middle of the street. 

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