Why these kid's ole trifling daddies were no shows at the College Football Awards! "ESSENCE"

"Well he's not talkin' about my old man bruh!
My daddy was there and always has been!" 
Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States, once said, "Frequently the more trifling the subject, the more animated and protracted the discussion." Philip Stanhope, the 4th Earl of Chesterfield, gave it to us like this, "A weak mind is like a microscope, which magnifies trifling things, but cannot receive great ones." Then Francois de La Rochefoucauld, the 17th century French author of maxims and memoirs, broke it down so that it would forever be broken when he spit, "They that apply themselves to trifling matters commonly become incapable of great ones." 

Well playas…when boyz apply themselves to bein’ triflin’ dads they become incapable of becomin’ great ones. I tried everything in my power not to write this joint to blast these ole sorry cats that have kids that wanna act like the kids have the ability to raise themselves. However,  the more I watched the College Football Awards Show on ESPN Thursday night the angrier I got! Darn near every brother that won a freakin' award got up and thanked their mother because she was the only one there. 

All I heard was “I wanna thank God and my momma” all night long with no mention of a daddy anywhere in the freakin’ buildin’. If I can remember correctly the only dun that had both parents in the buildin’ was Joshua Garnett from Stanford that won the Outland Trophy for best interior lineman that wants to be a surgeon. The rest of those cats showed up with Big Momma only. If anybody else's old man was there that dun was in the toilet when his son won his award. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If your kid is at the College Football Awards Show that means that he's one the BEST players in the country and he's about to go to the NFL. So if you weren't there for that it means that you WEREN'T INVITED playa! By the time your kid is ballin' like that you've been tryin' to get back into good graces with he and his momma for some time now and they've COMPLETELY kicked you to the curve. 

He doesn't need you now and he's ALL in for his momma at this point! Why? Because she’s the one that took care of him when you were playin’ games. But what I wanna know is how did you get to a point where you're not welcomed TODAY bruh? And don't give me that "His momma was trippin'" foolishness! Because if you’re handlin’ your business, a woman doesn't have the power to keep you from seein’ your freakin’ child!!! Stop it! You sound crazy!!

I hear duns all of the time screamin’ that some chick won’t let them see their OWN kid. Do you know how difficult it is to raise a darn child bruh? I’m not tellin’ you what I heard! I’m tellin’ you what I know! I’ve raised one (a boy) and he’s in college now and I’ve got another one in seventh grade! It's a whole lot of work financially, physically and mentally and It ain’t a woman alive that would volunteer to raise a dun all by herself. Do you know how difficult it is to keep a boy out of trouble? Excuse my grammar but ain't nobody signin' up to do that alone playa.  

Yeah, she’ll volunteer if you’re on some BS and always playin’ games! Why? Because it ain’t worth the hassle of dealin’ with yo triflin’ butt and havin' to raise the darn kid too! And that’s the edited version!

Okay, lets say that you happened to hook up with the craziest broad breathin' and she's tryin' to keep you from bein' in your kid's life. Let's just say you hit the lottery and pulled that chick out of the hat. That's what they make lawyers and court rooms for bruh! If you don't have the bread then you need to step your game up and get the bread! Or maybe, just maybe you need to quit spendin' your bread on other things like trips, women, foolishness etc. Boyz kill me complainin' that their baby's momma is trippin' but won't make the sacrifice to see their own child. This dun's ridin' around in a brand new whip, new clothes, can travel to every Essence Fest or Tom Joyner Family Reunion etc. But can't afford a lawyer! Oh I'm tellin' the truth playa. 

No way should a kid be one of the best in the world at what he does and his daddy not be there. Well...unless he’s sick or dead! And even in those cases a boy should be sendin’ a shout out to him for bein' there up until he got sick or died. When darn near EVERY kid that gets up and says that I wanna thank God and my momma and never mentions a daddy his daddy was on some BS and needs his butt whooped! But big shout to all the daddys out there that are doin’ what God has ordained them to do and that’s to raise their freakin’ kids!!! Stop me when I start lyin’! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question,dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and it’s non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!  

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